Friday, March 9, 2012

Stumbling blocks

Jealousy and pride can wreak havoc in a soul.  We've all experienced those wretched words, haven't we?  Both focus attention on how we appear to others.  Jealousy can always be lurking about in our minds . . . someone will always have more money, better relationships, or a bigger house than me.  Pride is actually opposite of jealousy . . . I have more money, better relationships, or a bigger house than you.   Why are we never satisfied with what we have, thankful for the blessings all around us?  Jealousy and pride are stumbling blocks on our way to holiness.

In today's Gospel (Mt 21: 33-43, 45-46), Jesus tells the chief priests and elders the parable of the landowner who leases his land to tenants in his absence.  When it was harvest time, he sent his servants to collect the produce.  The greedy tenants killed the servants.  The landowner sent more servants, many more than the first who went.  Again, the tenants killed all the servants.  Then, the landowner sent his son, who he believed the tenants would respect.  They saw the son and knew he was the heir to all the land, and without hesitating, killed him.  Jesus then asks the chief priests and elders what the landowner should do.  They all said to put the wretched men to a wretched death and find new tenants.  But Jesus said to them:

“Did you never read in the Scriptures:

The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; by the Lord has this been done, and it is wonderful in our eyes?

Therefore, I say to you, the Kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people that will produce its fruit." When the chief priests and the Pharisees heard his parable, they knew that he was speaking about them. And although they were attempting to arrest him, they feared the crowds, for they regarded him as a prophet."

This apostolate has brought me closer to Christ than ever before. Being closer to Him comes with its trials and tribulations, but I have emerged a better, more tolerant person.  In Volume Three, the Blessed Mother shows us what a person following her Son looks like.  This is what I strive for on a daily basis:

“Think about most of the souls you know. How many can you say have a lively connection to Jesus Christ? You will know them because they stand out. Why do they stand out? Because they are joyful. They smile. They love others with simplicity and easiness. They worry for each other and tolerate and understand the faults of others. They seek to help others whenever they can. They are not ruled by addictions and jealousies. They do not acquire goods for the sake of acquiring goods. They speak the truth. They accept responsibility for their actions. And they like and respect children. How many souls of this description did you identify, dear one? I leave you with that thought and ask you to understand that this description should fit everyone.”

Today, let's focus on what is good about us as individuals.  Pick one thing you do well, whether it be caregiving, almsgiving, tolerance, etc.  It doesn't matter what you focus on. But whatever you choose, thank Jesus for His strength in advancing you toward holiness.  It all starts with making one decision for Him.  Then watch out for all the graces He will flow in your direction!

Thank you, Lord, for teaching me how to move closer to You and further away from the human tendency toward jealousy and pride. I want the lively connection to You as spoken so beautifully by Your mother.

God bless,

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