Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Obedience . . . it's a conscious choice

Living your faith on a daily basis and to the fullest extent requires perseverance despite any obstacle.  Just when I think I've got it right, the enemy sneaks in a curve ball.  Just when I think I am failing miserably, miracles occur and prayers are answered. Obedience to the laws of our faith may seem unattainable.  It requires giving up sinful behavior to follow Christ. I hear and read people saying the Catholic Church has "too many rules." Or, "it doesn't want anyone to have a good time." Well, I was one of those people in my younger days.  And guess what? Not following the rules and having a good time did NOT make me feel better about myself.  It didn't give me confidence and peace and calm.  It made me feel used, overwhelmed, angry, cheated, and unloved.  The rare moments I was "having a good time" evaporated so quickly, it left me unsatisfied.  After my divorce, I decided to become the woman I should have been when I was 18 by living my Catholic faith and making choices for Christ, not myself.  And, it is not easy! But, I have never been more happy, peaceful, calm, loved, or confident. I just wish it wouldn't have taken so long to get here. My school of hard knocks is finally paying off.  Invaluable lessons have been passed on to my children, and soon my grandchildren.

Today's reading (Deuteronomy 4:9) reiterates the importance of paying it forward:

"However, take care and be earnestly on your guard not to forget the things which your own eyes have seen, nor let them slip from your memory as long as you live, but teach them to your children and to your children's children."

If you have children, no matter what age, are you teaching them about the virtues of good Christian men and women?  Or are you selfishly letting them discover everything on their own because "they won't listen to you anyway?"  Please, parents, godparents, foster parents, adoptive parents . . . Christians, remember how most of us became Christians. From our parents, grandparents, teachers, priests, or loved ones generation after generation.  Or, maybe you came to your faith through hitting rock bottom and Jesus was there to save you. You are IMPORTANT to history. As in the reading today, don't let valuable Christian principles slip from your memory.  Live them and pay it forward to anyone and everyone around you.  You never know who is listening.

In the February 2007 Monthly Message, Jesus shows us the only way to obedience is through trusting Him:

“ . . . Do you want to learn more about how much I love you? Practice obedience in small things. I do not expect you to become perfect at once. Do not expect this of yourself. Be gentle with yourself. I love you so much that I do not want you to judge yourself harshly. In the same way, I will never be harsh with you. I will never be hard or cold. You are cherished, my beloved one. I am your Jesus, always here for you. Take My hand and I will lead you closer to obedience each day.”

Today, choose to be obedient in some area of your life.  Maybe it's praying before a meal; praying the Rosary; complimenting a stranger; smiling more; putting down that candy bar and making a healthier choice; what ever it is, DO SOMETHING!  Like Jesus says, He does not expect us to be perfect all at once! Baby steps, right?

Thank you, Lord, for knowing I am fallible and that it will probably take the rest of my life to be in complete obedience to You.  I promise to give it my all!

God bless,

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