Monday, March 26, 2012

Faithful Listening

Engrossed in conversations igniting passion within me can overwhelm others.  The Italian in me shines through on topics bearing any semblance to my experiences.  I just get so excited to share I don't take time to listen as much as I should.  The same principle applies in faith.  If our minds and prayers are busy asking God for what we want, how can we hear Him tell us what we need?  It takes great listening skills to hear God's plan for us.  And, once we've realized His plan, will we accept His guidance? Or, will we question it?

Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord.  The Gospel (Luke 1:26-38) today reflects on a young girl visited by an angel of God informing her, a virgin, she has been chosen to carry our Savior.  You can imagine her confusion!  But our Blessed Mother didn't bombard the angel with a bunch of questions about how God's plan will affect her life.  After listening carefully to the angel, this is her response:

Mary said, "Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word."

This, lay apostles, is faithful listening.  Taking what God gives you and making the best of it, no complaints.  Anything that happens to you in your life is for some greater plan we can't see at the moment.  Some times there are great injustices hard to swallow and to which no good could possibly come, right?  But if we do our absolute best and understand God is in control of our lives, any outcome is His and we must accept it, no matter how difficult or unfair it seems. I know this sounds impossible to do when bad things happen.  Please trust me when I say the more I listen to Him, the easier it is to bear hardships and surprises.  Just as Mary did.

Our Blessed Mother, in Volume One, emphasizes the importance of listening to Her Son:

"You see that Jesus is leaving nothing to chance. He wishes to guide His children in an unusual way during this time. All has been foreseen, dear children. I want you to say “no” to anxiety and distress. My children can rest peacefully in my arms these days, as Jesus fulfills His plan for the salvation of the world. How happy you will be to have participated. Jesus is granting you great graces by asking for your help. I know you will not disappoint Him. All you need to do to serve Him is be at peace and listen to His voice in prayer. Be still, little ones, and know that He is God. All else, all details, will flow naturally from that one directive. Do you hear the voice of your mother, little one? I am appealing to your heart and beg you to trust me and live my words. These are serious times, but I am with you and will quiet all of your fears. Be at peace now, and spend your time with Jesus in your heart."

Today, think about a hardship you endured in the past.  What lessons did you learn?  Was it more compassion for those in similar situations?  Was it increased knowledge for determining good over evil?  Don't think about the negative impact difficulties create, think about the good derived from them.

Thank you, Lord, for teaching me to listen more intently to Your messages through Sacred Scripture, the Gospels, and the Volumes. Your patience sustains me!

God bless,

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