Tuesday, July 24, 2012

One Big Family

I have a very dear friend who grew up Catholic and through marriage, became Mormon. A few years ago he flew into Florida for my daughter's wedding, gracing us with his presence in our home for the weekend.  This was about a month before Heavenly Healing was published.  As we were discussing the testimonies in my book and this apostolate in general, he stopped me mid-sentence.  He said, "I love my faith but I just can't imagine you won't be going to heaven, Bonnie." I wasn't sure what he meant and he explained.  As a Christian and a Catholic, I believe we all find our way to Christ through different avenues, hopefully ending up at the pearly gates of heaven together.  We need to remember God loves all His children, despite the path chosen. He has great hope for us all.  We must strive to love as He loves, brushing away the differences.   
In todays Gospel (Matthew 12:46-50) Jesus assures all who do the will of His Father belong in His family:
While Jesus was speaking to the crowds, his mother and his brothers appeared outside, wishing to speak with him. Someone told him, "Your mother and your brothers are standing outside, asking to speak with you." But he said in reply to the one who told him, "Who is my mother? Who are my brothers?" And stretching out his hand toward his disciples, he said, "Here are my mother and my brothers. For whoever does the will of my heavenly Father is my brother, and sister, and mother."
In Volume Three, God the Father asks us to serve all in His family:
“My servants must be prepared to serve in whatever place I call them. They must serve whatever people I require them to serve. My servants may be called at any time to do whatever the Kingdom requires. This is the way it is in a family. You are in My family. As members of the heavenly family, you are to be interested in the welfare of the other members, your brothers and sisters. Children of the Light, consider each and every soul on this earth your brother and sister. Your concern should be how to bring each soul on earth home to heaven with you. “This is far too big, Father,” you say. Well, dear little one, that is My goal. And because it is My goal, it must be your goal. A good child, an obedient child, always looks out for the interests of his Father. And that is what My servants must do. Now instead of finding this a frightening, overwhelming task, I want you to say, ‘This task will be an easy thing, because My Father will do all of the work. All I need do is rise each day with a spirit of willingness. If I do that, My Father, along with His Son, and the Holy Spirit, and all of the inhabitants of heaven, will work through me in a miraculous way and souls will be saved.’”

Lay apostles, stay focused on serving your brothers and sisters in Christ.  The key point here is love and serve each other without judgement.  Leave the differences for Christ to worry about. After all, we are one big family and will be called home some day.  And I plan on seeing my Mormon friend when I arrive!

Thank you, Lord, for such diversity in my life.  Continue to remind me all Your children are my brothers and sisters. 

God bless,

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