Monday, July 2, 2012

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

How I act and treat others is a direct reflection of me . . . who I am.  When I care about someone, I care with all my heart.  What I say, I mean.  I use the phrase in the title of this blog post often.  Internally more than verbally.  But, I have been known to say it out loud when my heart has been wounded unexpectedly.  Mixed signals from a loved one causes so much confusion in my brain, I question the love spoken in words. It's very easy to say "I love you" and proceed into negative behavior displaying just the opposite.  This is a concept I struggle to understand.  But when you meet or know someone whose words correlate with their actions, it is nothing other than the love Jesus Christ wants His children to experience.  To feel His presence in a smile from my grandson; a kiss or a hug from a friend; even my grandpuppies excitedly racing to me when my daughter comes over to workout . . . pure heaven on earth. True love is mutual and requires one very important factor for a successful connection . . . God. He is the priority in any relationship. Love God, and all the rest falls into place. 

Todays Gospel (Matthew 8:18-22) shows us nothing else is more important than following Christ first: 

When Jesus saw a crowd around him, he gave orders to cross to the other shore. A scribe approached and said to him, "Teacher, I will follow you wherever you go." Jesus answered him, "Foxes have dens and birds of the sky have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to rest his head." Another of his disciples said to him, "Lord, let me go first and bury my father." But Jesus answered him, "Follow me, and let the dead bury their dead."
Not burying your father sounded a little harsh to me when I read the Gospel this morning.  But as I contemplated what message Jesus is trying to get across, it dawned on me.  He is first, no matter what. I can testify putting Him first has produced great fruits!
In the Monthly Message of February 2011, Jesus reinforces that loving, through Him, will renew the world: 
“In every moment there is grace available for you and for others through you. The more grace I flow through you, the more the world is blessed and the more you are sanctified. Move toward Me, closer and closer in your hearts and in your actions and, truly, the world will find the love it craves. Look at how God’s children drink in kindness, as though they were parched for want of it. Yes, you are sacrificing in order to answer My call but the plan is working and the world is being renewed through the efforts of all men of good will. Rejoice then, despite your cross. We are advancing the one righteous cause, that is, the cause of love.”

Lay apostles, let your actions speak louder than words. If you truly love someone, show them.  Don't say you do and then act otherwise.  For if Christ remains in the center of a relationship, how can you see the other person as anything other than a child of God?
Thank you, Lord, for sending so much love into my life. I am not worthy, but so incredibly grateful!
God bless,

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