Friday, July 13, 2012

A Matter of Respect

Have you ever felt you were sailing along on the path to Christ when all of the sudden, something derails you?  Albeit short-lived, it still throws you for a loop.  When this does happen to me, I realize I still have a lot of work to do on myself.  A situation arose recently where I was asked for feedback and my response was kindly honest, sugar-coating the best I could.  My honesty wasn't received very well, and the passive-aggressive behavior began. Not a good thing for me. I felt as if dealing with my mother (she had bipolar disorder) on a day where she was manic and depressed, up and down like a roller coaster.  After some emails back and forth, the lack of respect became evident.  The old Bonnie reappeared. The sugar-coating came off and I was brutally honest. I had no intention of offending, and being the bigger person (at the insistence of my daughter), I apologized.  But instead of a return apology, more anger spouted causing me to almost "go there." A place I haven't been in a while. Respect is something I hold in high regard.  After some venting to my daughter, you will be happy to know I calmed down and responded as Christ would have wanted.  

Todays Responsorial Psalm (Chapter 51) is "My mouth will declare Your praise." Boy, I wish I would have read this yesterday . . .

Have mercy on me, O God, in your goodness; in the greatness of your compassion wipe out my offense. Thoroughly wash me from my guilt and of my sin cleanse me.
In the January 2007 Monthly Message, Jesus reminds us why we should be kind at all times:

“Treat each person with dignity and respect because if people see that you are good, they will understand that I am good. Be at peace. I am with you in everything and your service delights Me.”

Lay apostles, when you begin to feel anger, remember why it should be tamed.  Even those we vent to are seeing anger and not Christ.  Live by example at all times.  Well, at least try to!  God knows we are only human and will stumble once in a while.  Let's pray for each other to show Christ's love in difficult situations. The easy way out is anger. Work hard on love.

Thank you, Lord, for teaching me to suppress tendencies toward anger and replace them with love for You.  

God bless,

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