Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Why Suffer?

Suffering. Such a horrific word. Our human tendency is to avoid agony at all costs.  Suffering appears differently to each person in their unique situation . . . exhaustion from lack of sleep when a new baby arrives; an abusive marriage; dealing with a cancer diagnosis; losing a loved one; or despair in loneliness.  The list goes on and on.  So why would anyone want to experience it with humility and a sense of joy as Jesus asks in the Volumes? Last night as I was reading Volume One aloud with Jay (the wonderful man I am dating and a newbie to the Volumes!), Anne mentions her suffering . . . and fighting the urge to complain about it. Jay stopped me mid-sentence and said he was still thinking about suffering in human terms.  He didn't see it as something he wanted to be joyful about just yet.  My response?  Oh, you will once we get through the Volumes!  

We have two choices in life. One is to complain, worry, become anxious or angry. The second option is to offer our suffering for the sake of others salvation.  But what about me, right?  I deserve to have my suffering subside.  My anguish, my hurt, my loneliness, my pain. I want to feel better.  Well, my friends, if we wallow in our pitiful state, how can we ever live Jesus? How will we ever lead those in darkness to His Light?  Suffering in humility for the sake of others is one of the most unselfish acts I know of.  Can you think of Someone who did this with unconditional love for all of God's children?  It's the least we can do for Him.  

In todays first reading (Jer 14:17-22), it seems God, during our suffering, is ignoring or has abandoned us.  What we don't see is His use of our suffering for eventual good:  

Why have you struck us a blow that cannot be healed? We wait for peace, to no avail; for a time of healing, but terror comes instead. We recognize, O LORD, our wickedness, the guilt of our fathers; that we have sinned against you. For your name's sake spurn us not, disgrace not the throne of your glory; remember your covenant with us, and break it not. Among the nations' idols is there any that gives rain? Or can the mere heavens send showers? Is it not you alone, O LORD, our God, to whom we look? You alone have done all these things.
In Volume One, Anne describes the importance of suffering for others:

“But our suffering is buying precious graces, graces that can be used for suffering souls, sinning souls, hardened souls, dying souls, souls in error, in ignorance, souls being victimized, abused. Souls on the brink of hell can be brought back with our sufferings. We’re trading them in for graces. The Blessed Mother, the Mediatrix of All Grace, takes our little offerings and uses them to buy mercy for souls, despite the horrendous behavior of us in this modern world. Let me put it this way. There is an alcoholic. He is steeped in sin, both with regard to this addiction and in general. Recovering alcoholics will tell you they got a tap on the shoulder at some point and their life changed. They were given the eyes to see their addiction, their selfishness, their sinfulness. They then got sober and became some of the greatest servants of Christ. Truly motivated now, these humble souls commit themselves to helping others to see. Where did the grace come from, to get them the tap on the shoulder? From our suffering, united to the Passion of Jesus. Think of Saul, getting bounced from his horse. Think of your own conversion. Did you ever sin? Were you, for a time, in the state of mortal sin? I was. Someone suffered for me, and the Blessed Mother came and collected me.”

Lay apostles, it takes practice. Start with something small and offer it up.  Stub your toe on the corner of the bed in the morning?  Don't start screaming waking up the entire household, offer it up.  A job fell through you were counting on? Persevere another day and offer it up. The more we practice, the greater the number of souls being saved.  

Thank you, Lord, for teaching me, through Scripture and the Volumes, the value of suffering. I will accept anything you send my way.

God bless,

Monday, July 30, 2012

A Call For Testimonies

Exciting things are happening in my neck of the woods!  Work has begun on a book of testimonies for Young Adults, ages 18 to 28.  Testimonies from attendees at the School of Holiness in Ireland this past month are starting to arrive in my inbox.  The first one I received is from a young man in Egypt.  Beautiful testimony from a beautiful soul.  I have also received a few testimonies from young women in the Steubenville area.  Their words give me hope in a new generation of warriors for Christ. So, if you are a young adult moved by the Volumes, Monthly Messages, or any of the books written by Anne a lay apostle, please email your testimony to dfot.testimony2012@comcast.net. Or, if you have questions prior to writing your testimonies, send inquiry to the above email and I will respond ASAP.  Every testimony has the ability to touch lives.  Please don't think yours isn't important or worthy of printing.  It is!  And, the Gospel (Matthew 13:31-35) today demonstrates how even the smallest of seeds yield great fruit in the Kingdom of God:
Jesus proposed a parable to the crowds. "The Kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed that a person took and sowed in a field. It is the smallest of all the seeds, yet when full-grown it is the largest of plants. It becomes a large bush, and the 'birds of the sky come and dwell in its branches.'"
In Anne a lay apostles book Serving in Clarity, she describes the importance of listening to and learning from the testimonies of others:

"A fellow apostle pointed out that much of our reality is invisible. As an example, he said, 'Have you ever seen Australia?' 'No,' I replied. 'I have never seen Australia.' 'Do you believe it exists?' 'Yes,' I said. 'I believe Australia exists.' 'Are you reasonably certain Australia exists?' 'Yes.' 'You believe Australia exists, in part, because you are relying on the testimony of those who have been there. Others have told you Australia exists. You have read about Australia, seen pictures of it perhaps, and your belief in its existence is reasonable given the evidence.' This spoke powerfully to me. I realized that if asked, I could give a certain amount of testimony about Australia despite never having been there. I believe there are kangaroos there, different seasons, crocodiles, vast expanses of unsettled land, and a good number of people with Irish ancestry. Additionally, I am aware of the Aborigine people native to that land. I understand, based on what I have seen of the Australians I have met personally, that there is a great sturdiness and resilience in the Australian people. Clearly I am not an expert on Australia. As I said, I have never been there. That fact will be evident to any Australian reading this. My limited knowledge of Australia comes in part from the testimony and information given to me by other people. So it is with heaven. So it is with Jesus and with God’s truth. A good part of the truth, the Invisible Reality that we rely on and believe in, has come to us from others in the Body of Christ, the community of believers. We accept the testimony of others because in our souls, we recognize the truth. This is discernment. In the same way, with the help of the Holy Spirit, we are led to recognize what is false."

To our Young Adult Lay Apostles, I ask you to prayerfully consider submitting how Jesus Christ the Returning King has changed your life. Here are the criteria for writing testimonies:

Testimonies should be no more than 1,000 words (give or take a few words!). Please follow the format below when writing your testimony:

1. What was life like before being introduced to Jesus Christ the Returning King?

2. What affected you in the apostolate? Was it a Monthly Message? The Volumes? One of Anne’s books (Climbing the Mountain, The Mist of Mercy, Serving in Clarity, Lessons in Love, Whispers from the Cross)? Please be specific about what you read. A quote from the specific writing would be great. If using a quote, please list where you found it including page number (ex. Volume Nine, Jesus, page 7).

3. What impact or difference has this mission made in your life? How is your faith different after becoming a lay apostle?

We would like to have all testimonies submitted no later than September 1, 2012. If your testimony is chosen to be in the book, you will receive a consent form allowing us to edit (if needed) and publish your testimony. If you would like to be anonymous, please indicate this when submitting your testimony. Otherwise, your first name, last initial, and state and/or country will be listed. Again, all testimonies should be submitted via email to dfot.testimony2012@comcast.net.

I am so excited and blessed to be a part of this growing mission!  Lay apostles, we need to ban together drawing the youth of our society toward the path to heaven. If you know of a young adult touched by the mission, please forward this request to them. Young people are our future.  It's the future my grandsons will be living in and I want it to be a place where all serve and live Jesus.  Stand up and be a part of this renewal.  Jesus is ready to shower you with graces to persevere!

Thank you, Lord, for our young lay apostles.  Please let them realize they are our future, and with You, can change the world.

God bless,

Friday, July 27, 2012

Plant The Seeds

Social events are my forte.  I love meeting new people and learning about their lives.  I especially love when they ask me about my career.  A perfect opportunity arises to introduce Direction for Our Times and life as a lay apostle. Some listen, smile and move on.  Some are intrigued and ask questions.  Some are ready to change their lives and ask how to get ahold of the Volumes.  Every one of these encounters allow me to plant the seeds for Jesus Christ the Returning King.  But I have to tell you, I am overwhelmed with the love of Christ when I meet someone who is familiar with Anne a lay apostle, has a Volume or one of the books, and just hasn't started reading yet for one reason or another.  I pray the joy He has given me through the Volumes exudes out of every pore, every word I speak.  Sometimes I wish I had a video to show who I was five years ago, even two years ago, compared to now.  I am evolving on a daily basis. I am grateful for every day He gives me to speak of His love through the Volumes. Although I may never see the fruits of the seeds I have planted, I know when the time is right and the soil is rich, He will be there to nurture an open heart.

In todays Gospel (Matthew 13:18-23), Jesus helps us to understand the concept of planting the seeds:

Jesus said to his disciples: "Hear the parable of the sower. The seed sown on the path is the one who hears the word of the Kingdom without understanding it, and the Evil One comes and steals away what was sown in his heart. The seed sown on rocky ground is the one who hears the word and receives it at once with joy. But he has no root and lasts only for a time. When some tribulation or persecution comes because of the word, he immediately falls away. The seed sown among thorns is the one who hears the word, but then worldly anxiety and the lure of riches choke the word and it bears no fruit. But the seed sown on rich soil is the one who hears the word and understands it, who indeed bears fruit and yields a hundred or sixty or thirtyfold."
In Volume Ten, Jesus teaches us to be patient with those who reject Him.  And, to leave the sowing up to Him:

“From now on, I will think of you as My apostles. As I prepared My original apostles to begin My beautiful Church on earth, I now commission you to reclaim My beautiful Church. You have such great heavenly assistance. When I speak of My Church, I am speaking of the body of the Church, comprised of its people. You are to call them back to the safety of the family of God. I send you out as I sent out the first group. You are to speak freely of Me. If a soul rejects Me, hold no malice for that soul. Simply pray for them and move along, seeking out another. Often you are like a farmer sowing seeds. I, Myself, must reap the harvest. This should not concern you because to insist on reaping what you have sown in this instance is not appropriate. Sometimes God is needed to ignite the divine. Use My words, dear little apostles. Spread them everywhere. Keep your words limited and allow Me to claim the soul. You will soften the soul by loving the person.”

Lay apostles, Jesus and Our Lady have equipped us, through the Bible, the Volumes, Fatima, Medjugorje, and numerous other avenues, to set out into the world and bring lost souls back to Him. Bring His Light to those in darkness. Today, how can you advance His Kingdom a little further?  How about reading or forwarding the last monthly to someone you have lost touch with?  Maybe take 10 minutes this weekend to read a Heaven Speaks booklet you haven't read yet?  Whatever you choose, be bold for Him and plant the seed.

Thank you, Lord, for teaching me it is You who moves a soul toward heaven taking that responsibility away from me.  I can now exhale!

God bless,

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Special Message From Anne a Lay Apostle

My usual format of writing a blog post will be altered today.  I want to start with the Gospel (Matthew 13:10-17) reading:

"But blessed are your eyes, because they see, and your ears, because they hear. Amen, I say to you, many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it."
Lay apostles, we have been so blessed our Lord showered us with the graces of this apostolate.  And, for the suffering and sacrifice Anne a lay apostle has gladly offered to record the messages from all of heaven.  The Monthly Messages are finished after August.  Now it's time to delve deeper into everything Jesus has provided for our salvation.  It's all there, in writing.  I, for one, love reading and rereading the Monthly Messages.  I feel so blessed and invigorated we are starting over in September with the first September (2005) message when this all began. Life is grand, isn't it?

Message from Anne:

July 24, 2012

Dear friends and fellow apostles,

It is with great rejoicing that I write to you today. I am writing to tell you that the last monthly message will be given in August 2012. This is good news because it means that Jesus has given us all that we will need for our prayer groups.

"...on either side of the river was the tree of life, bearing twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit every month; and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations." (Rev 22:2)

We may be tempted to feel a loss because we certainly anticipated these words with longing each month. But that would be short-sighted. Instead we should rest in the privilege that has been ours in receiving these words which will direct and console apostles for many years to come.

Additionally, if you are like me, you will acknowledge that each message is deserving of a great deal of contemplation. Sometimes I felt that I did not give enough consideration to the message of the month. This is human nature, though, and the grace that is present is fresh each time we rest in the words. We will begin in September with the first September message we received and start what will be a seven year rotation of messages for reading and contemplation each month. We at DFOT will send them out as usual.

We will all be reading the same message together around the world monthly. This is the Lord's wish and we will be faithful to all that He asks of us. We will be a united apostolate of love, made up of people serving God in every vocation and in every language. Truly, only God could unite us as we have been united.

Dear apostles, there is so much to be done to secure renewal with Jesus. We at DFOT have tried our best to be faithful to the call God has given us. Without your support this would have been impossible. Now we embark together upon a new time, very likely a busier time. We have so much to do to reach God's children with the words and graces we have been given. I believe that these last years were the prelude to the mission and I believe the mission really begins now.

As part of our apostolate's obligation, we have been entrusted with three charisms. One is compassionate listening. The second is both learning and teaching the Catechism of the Catholic Church. The third is promoting unity within the Church. It is an exciting thing to anticipate how we will advance into these goals so let us each begin contemplating how we can further God's wishes in these matters.

My friends, we have always been calm and grateful about the gift that God was giving us in these words. Just as we accepted the first message, let us accept the last, with thanksgiving. I must tell you that I was not surprised that the messages were finishing. There is nothing wrong. The completion of these monthly messages is the same as one of the Volumes being completed. Nothing is ending. A task is simply finished and now we must begin both using them at a more advanced level and spreading them even further. We have the tools for an extraordinary blessing for people's faith lives. Remember the hope and consolation that we were each given by Christ in these words. Truly, so many are thirsting for such comfort. Personally, I feel grateful to be a Catholic at this time and blessed to be a part of God's renewal.

I anticipate that there may be questions around this and I want to assure everyone that I am delighted to answer any that I can. Please write the office or call and we will take your questions and answer them with another letter. Additionally, I will be speaking at St. Anne's Church in Bailieborough on the first Thursday of September, God willing, and will talk about our future as an apostolate.

Also, I am being strenuously urged to communicate to you that we are experiencing our annual financial crisis. Please consider contacting the office and helping us here. We really need help fundraising and we are forming a team for this purpose.

With love from your sister,
Anne, a lay apostle

Thank you, Lord, for Anne, the DFOT staff, and all lay apostles around the world.  They all continue to enrich my life with their love and prayers.  And, thank You for 7 years of Monthly Messages!  I look forward to starting over in September!

God bless,

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Walk It Off

I abhor being in a funk.  It doesn't happen very often, but it almost got the best of me last night.  It all started in a poorly lit dressing room.  Dress hunting for an event I'm attending turned very quickly from joy to feeling I will never go shopping again (just kidding . . . I am a girl!). I picked out some great dresses in my favorite store to try on. Then tragedy struck . . . the lighting combined with glancing at my 50 year old body in that lighting hit me like a ton of bricks.  Every single flaw was highlighted times ten! I kept telling myself to look away, consoling with thoughts of amping up my workouts.  But my mood had already tanked.  Despite most of the dresses fitting, nothing felt good on.  My stress level continued to increase after looking at my watch.  The stores would be closing in an hour.  I raced to the next store, praying I would find something . . . anything.  Again, horrible lighting.  This was becoming torturous. I tried one last store.  The lighting was softer, but no luck.  I was in a full blown funk now.  It took the patient and loving words of the man I'm dating to bring me back from my disheartened state.  And the funk was gone.   Isn't the walk of a Christian like that?  We so easily succumb to difficulties and crosses. But we have to remember the healing words of Jesus are ever present, ready to help us persevere.
Todays first reading (2 Cor 4:7-15) shows us the walk of a Christian is not an effortless journey, but sustains us in the trenches: 
We are afflicted in every way, but not constrained; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed; always carrying about in the body the dying of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in our body. For we who live are constantly being given up to death for the sake of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may be manifested in our mortal flesh.
In the Monthly Message of January 2012, Jesus gives us reassurance:
“Allow Me please, to continue, and allow Me please, to sustain you personally. It is not My plan that you become dispirited and hopeless. It is My plan that if you suffer, you suffer peacefully, confident about My presence in your cross. I want you to work calmly, confident of My effectiveness in your work. You must be brave enough to love completely, confident of the benefit the world feels because of your decision to serve Me in whatever place you have found yourself on each day. Rejoice, dear apostles. Look forward with Me to greater holiness. I will protect My plan for you, but you must make a decision to accept heaven’s peace.”

And, in Anne a lay apostle's book Serving in Clarity, Jesus establishes what brings Him joy:

“I know what consoles you and gives you comfort. In the same way, you understand what consoles Me, what lifts Me and gives Me comfort. Shall I remind you? Love. Love gives Me solace in a time when there is great hatred. I look to you and I see suffering, yes, pain, of course, but also love. I see that you suffer for Me and this sustains Me. I see your sacrifices and I see your wounds, and yet you continue to serve your King. You do not melt away into the world as others have. You do not allow your heart to be hardened as some do. You work constantly to allow Me access as the Divine Healer. I require constant access to your little heart, it is true, but you give that to Me through your time in prayer and your willingness to be honest in assessing your actions and motives.”

Lay apostles, when you find yourself feeling anxious, hopeless, depressed or in a temporary funk, grab a Volume  (or click on any of the links to the right) and open to a random page.  Jesus will provide the comfort you need in that moment with words to sustain you.  

Thank you, Lord, for pulling me out of my funk very quickly last night.  I'm sorry something so trivial got the best of me.  The evil one was working overtime.  Thank you for the assistance to walk it off!

God bless,

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

One Big Family

I have a very dear friend who grew up Catholic and through marriage, became Mormon. A few years ago he flew into Florida for my daughter's wedding, gracing us with his presence in our home for the weekend.  This was about a month before Heavenly Healing was published.  As we were discussing the testimonies in my book and this apostolate in general, he stopped me mid-sentence.  He said, "I love my faith but I just can't imagine you won't be going to heaven, Bonnie." I wasn't sure what he meant and he explained.  As a Christian and a Catholic, I believe we all find our way to Christ through different avenues, hopefully ending up at the pearly gates of heaven together.  We need to remember God loves all His children, despite the path chosen. He has great hope for us all.  We must strive to love as He loves, brushing away the differences.   
In todays Gospel (Matthew 12:46-50) Jesus assures all who do the will of His Father belong in His family:
While Jesus was speaking to the crowds, his mother and his brothers appeared outside, wishing to speak with him. Someone told him, "Your mother and your brothers are standing outside, asking to speak with you." But he said in reply to the one who told him, "Who is my mother? Who are my brothers?" And stretching out his hand toward his disciples, he said, "Here are my mother and my brothers. For whoever does the will of my heavenly Father is my brother, and sister, and mother."
In Volume Three, God the Father asks us to serve all in His family:
“My servants must be prepared to serve in whatever place I call them. They must serve whatever people I require them to serve. My servants may be called at any time to do whatever the Kingdom requires. This is the way it is in a family. You are in My family. As members of the heavenly family, you are to be interested in the welfare of the other members, your brothers and sisters. Children of the Light, consider each and every soul on this earth your brother and sister. Your concern should be how to bring each soul on earth home to heaven with you. “This is far too big, Father,” you say. Well, dear little one, that is My goal. And because it is My goal, it must be your goal. A good child, an obedient child, always looks out for the interests of his Father. And that is what My servants must do. Now instead of finding this a frightening, overwhelming task, I want you to say, ‘This task will be an easy thing, because My Father will do all of the work. All I need do is rise each day with a spirit of willingness. If I do that, My Father, along with His Son, and the Holy Spirit, and all of the inhabitants of heaven, will work through me in a miraculous way and souls will be saved.’”

Lay apostles, stay focused on serving your brothers and sisters in Christ.  The key point here is love and serve each other without judgement.  Leave the differences for Christ to worry about. After all, we are one big family and will be called home some day.  And I plan on seeing my Mormon friend when I arrive!

Thank you, Lord, for such diversity in my life.  Continue to remind me all Your children are my brothers and sisters. 

God bless,

Monday, July 23, 2012

No Signs, Just Believe

Trespassers. When I see one, I wonder why they feel entitled to intrude on or care less about another's property.  I've been pretty lenient with the kids in my neighborhood walking through my back yard to get to the manmade lake in the development adjacent to my house.  A few months ago I began noticing a large gap amongst the trees and plants develop toward the back of the yard.  I didn't think much about it assuming the hole was created by the guys who came to tame my yard. One day I was sitting on the patio with my daughter and her husband enjoying a cool breeze on a Florida afternoon when we began to hear young giggling voices approaching.  There were about five pre-teen girls from the neighborhood casually walking through my backyard, heading close to this "gap." They didn't see us on the porch until I said hi to them.  They stopped dead in their tracks.  I asked if they had created the pathway in the trees and the oldest of the bunch said no. The next words out of her mouth placed the potential blame on a wild pig for the five foot hole.  Hmmm.  So I asked them to not come through my back yard anymore or go near the hole as I wouldn't want them to get hurt by a wild pig.  After several more signs of them accessing the passageway, I went straight to Home Depot and bought this sign:

Well, my sign worked as far as I know (in addition to barricading the hole with dwarf palms and fallen palm fronds!).  It took posting a sign to stop the trespassing when my original request should have sufficed. No signs, just believe. 
Todays Gospel (Matthew 12:38-42) reminds me when I stop looking for signs and focus on the here and now, I am giving Jesus the time He needs to answer my questions:
Some of the scribes and Pharisees said to Jesus, "Teacher, we wish to see a sign from you." He said to them in reply, "An evil and unfaithful generation seeks a sign, but no sign will be given it except the sign of Jonah the prophet. Just as Jonah was in the belly of the whale three days and three nights, so will the Son of Man be in the heart of the earth three days and three nights.
In the July 2007 Monthly Message, Jesus clearly defines how we are to view a world rejecting God and all that is decent: 
“The signs of My presence are all around you, even though you struggle. Believe this. If you look at a person who has rejected Me, you will see signs of that rejection. If you look at a world that has rejected Me, you will also see signs. My beloved ones, when you see signs that God has been rejected, you must remain peaceful. I, Jesus, have told you that change is necessary. I, Jesus, have told you that I desire change. I do not abandon you and I do not abandon the world. I have many friends in this world and you are among them. You trust Me, I know. I will honor the trust you have placed in Me. I will bring all things to the good, both in your life and in the world.”

Lay apostles, instead of asking Jesus for a sign, move confidently through your day knowing He is by your side at all times.  Just because you ask for something, doesn't mean you are ready to receive it. He knows you best, so trust His judgement.

Thank you, Lord, for showing me I don't need signs to believe in You.  

God bless,

Friday, July 20, 2012

Stop Complaining, Start Doing

Teenage girls.  Boy oh boy did my three drive me nuts every once in a while.  Getting them to set the table for dinner, let alone clear the table or do the dishes was torture.  So I created a list rotating between the three tasks.  But when the "clearer" didn't do her job quick enough, the dishwasher wandered off, usually gabbing on the phone with girlfriends.  Then came the complaining from the setter.  She did her job on time so why were the other two able to slack off?  I would then proceed to one of the bedrooms blaring some hip hop song and calmly remind the clearer to get moving so the dishwasher could do her job.  Then by the third reminder, I wasn't so calm.  As soon as a certain tone would come out of my mouth, I'd get the dirty look and the "ok, mom!" irritated growl.  It is a miracle teenage girls, my teenage girls, turned into amazing young women!  I love you my beautiful angels! ;-)

In todays Gospel (Matthew 12:1-8), the Pharisees just couldn't stop complaining:

Jesus was going through a field of grain on the sabbath. His disciples were hungry and began to pick the heads of grain and eat them. When the Pharisees saw this, they said to him, "See, your disciples are doing what is unlawful to do on the sabbath." He said to the them, "Have you not read what David did when he and his companions were hungry, how he went into the house of God and ate the bread of offering, which neither he nor his companions but only the priests could lawfully eat? Or have you not read in the law that on the sabbath the priests serving in the temple violate the sabbath and are innocent? I say to you, something greater than the temple is here. If you knew what this meant, I desire mercy, not sacrifice, you would not have condemned these innocent men. For the Son of Man is Lord of the sabbath."

In Volume One, Jesus asks us to put duty over feelings:

“I want My children to have spiritual discipline. This means you practice your faith regardless of how you feel. There is far too much time spent on feelings today. Duty is more important. My children of the world think that their duties should be suspended if their feelings change. This is not the case, My children. On the contrary, you must complete your duties despite feelings of fatigue, boredom, and restlessness. The enemy uses these feelings to persuade people that they should not serve their loved ones. The world encourages this and does not hold people responsible when they shirk their duties or become lax or lazy. Indeed, even in work My children complain and think they should be given liberty. They begrudge doing their duty in every area of their lives. Only in their personal entertainment do they stop complaining, and that is being taken to excess. Children, this is not the way I intended for you to live. Your duty is holy and in it you will find your path to holiness. When you are unsure about what I want you to do at a given moment, look for your duty. Does it lie with your children, your job, your family, your home, your work? Everyone has a duty and in it you will find the path to your salvation. I want you to have discipline now. Decide, through prayer and conversation with Me, what spiritual practices you need to adopt. Then you must be disciplined about these practices.”

Lay apostles, simple tasks such as washing the dishes or mowing the yard are not exactly entertainment (although I do love to mow my daughter and her husband's yard for the workout!).  But we must strive to complete our tasks on time with love and with no complaints.  Each of us has a duty in life.  Figure out what yours are and ask Christ for a heaping dose of motivation to accomplish them.

Thank you, Lord, for helping me survive teenage girls without pulling out all my hair!  Please help my daughters to respond with love when their children reach that wonderful time in their lives when shirking duties is an every day occurrence. 

God bless,

Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Easy Button

Sometimes life can be very difficult.  Emotions run amok as we struggle to find balance in our new surroundings; our new life. Relationships develop with others commiserating the same defeat. There is nothing more comforting than knowing you aren't the only one experiencing such heartache and pain.  While going through a rough time before my divorce, a woman I had met while writing Heavenly Healing was in a marriage very similar to mine.  We bonded immediately and I felt I had met someone who completely understood me like no one else.  I loved every minute with her.  She felt the same way.  But when I had made the decision to get divorced, things changed between us.  I was no longer grumbling about my frustrations. I was trying to move forward and begin the healing process. And she was still in an unhappy marriage. All of the sudden, there wasn't much to talk about.  We played a role in each others life at a time when we needed to feel better about ourselves. Connected to another human being who understood.  But this doesn't fill the void. The lesson I have learned from this relationship is to listen more, vent less, and leave the complaining for Jesus' ears only. Life is so much easier when I speak to Him in prayer, work through the problems with His love and guidance, and try my best to follow His advice in the Bible and the Volumes. 

Now, almost two years later, I have discovered the "easy" button. It is Jesus Christ.  He asks us to go to Him for everything, and boy do I dump on Him when problems arise!  

The Gospel today (Matthew 11:28-30) has a message which I take seriously now:
Jesus said: "Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for yourselves. For my yoke is easy, and my burden light."
In Volume Two, Jesus illustrates exactly why we must stop the pattern of complaining to others and bring all our heartache, pain, and frustrations to Him:

"Often you rail against your circumstances but do not come to Me to object. Of what use is complaining to others? They cannot lift your cross or even ease your burdens. Talk to Me and listen to others. In that way you will not fall into sins of the tongue, which do great damage in this world. I am here, waiting to listen to your every complaint. Every sorrow you suffer finds a warm, comfortable place in My heart and, truly, when you share sorrow with Me it is diminished. I want to give you eyes of heaven. I want you to see your life, this world, and its people, with these heavenly eyes so that you will begin to respond like Me, your Jesus, who loves you so dearly. My child, I am offering this new vision to you. Will you accept this wonderful gift from Me? Truly, you will be astonished at how this viewpoint will change your life. Most of what disturbed you in the past will simply fade away, out of your line of vision, because it will hold such little importance for you. Do you want this? I am so hopeful that you will say 'yes.'"

Lay apostles, have you been complaining to someone today?   Taken out your frustrations on another?  I catch myself repeating old habits once in a while.  Ask yourself this question when you are venting your dissatisfaction: am I shining His Light or shedding more darkness? You be the judge.  

Thank you, Lord, for being my "easy" button when it comes to complaining.  Help me to focus on being the example You need me to be and not what makes me temporarily feel better. 

God bless,

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

To Be Childlike

A full bright moon on a clear starry night still enchants me.  Yellow flowers of any type fill me with joy.  Kissing my grandson’s precious little head as I rock him to sleep is a little piece of heaven on earth.  I love singing my favorite songs cranked up as loud as I can tolerate (not quite the volume I blared when I was 18!).  Yes, I can be childlike finding beauty, wonder and excitement all around me.  Doesn't God ask this of us?  To enjoy and love all He has created? But some confuse childlike with childish.  The Merriam-Webster dictionary definition of childlike is as follows: resembling, suggesting, or appropriate to a child or childhood; especially: marked by innocence, trust, and ingenuousness (childlike delight). And the definition of childish: marked by or suggestive of immaturity and lack of poise (a childish spiteful remark). Two very different definitions. One bringing you closer to God while the other pulls you further away.

In todays Gospel (Matthew 11:25-27), Jesus informs us of the benefits of childlike behavior:

At that time Jesus exclaimed: “I give praise to you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, for although you have hidden these things from the wise and the learned you have revealed them to the childlike. Yes, Father, such has been your gracious will.  All things have been handed over to me by my Father.  No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and anyone to whom the Son wishes to reveal him.”

In Volume Four, Jesus the King clearly paints a picture of what childlike behavior looks like:

“In this time of change, you must walk in the light with determination. Children do not often fear because they rely on their parents for everything. When they face a problem, they run to their parents and place the problem with their parents, running off again to continue with their childlike pursuits. Take heed, dear ones. This is what we ask of you at this time. And we ask this for your own peace. This is the way to proceed during this time of change and transition. Soon, it will come naturally to you and you will have no need to remind yourself each day. I have asked My children to practice their faith and by that I mean continued acts of trust when trust would seem difficult and there is a temptation toward fear and distress. You must say, “I have given this to my Father in heaven. God wants to protect me so I will take full advantage of my Parentage and allow Him to do so. In this way, I am mentally liberated and can do the work my Father wills for me in freedom. My concentration should be on each task that is placed in front of me, never worrying about the past, never worrying about the future.”

Lay apostles, if you have lost all innocence and struggle understanding how to become childlike in the eyes of God, go outside tonight and marvel at the moon, a sunset, a smile from a loved one, anything.  Thank Him for the beauty He surrounds us with on earth.  Thank Him for His protection, His mercy and great love of all creation. Make it a daily habit.  All of the sudden you will begin fearing less and praying more.  And marveling at the sunshine a yellow flower can create on a cloudy day . . . 

Thank you, Lord, for teaching me how to be childlike again.  You have surrounded me with so much love and beauty!

God bless,

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

A Turning Point

Old habits die hard, don't they?  At what point do we discard toxic thoughts and behaviors in order to move on and live a life for and with Christ? Throughout childhood, the little tape recorder in our brain archives events and behaviors which set the tone for relationships in our future.  For example, in my young life, stability didn't exist.  Either my mother was hospitalized for mental breakdowns or my father was threatening to leave her.  This instability created a young woman with very little trust of people, especially men.  Disabling mistrust was the result of feeling abandoned. How do we erase destructive messages replaying over and over in our head with each relationship we encounter?  Through Christ.  Plain and simple.  I am proud to say about 95% of the senseless ideation rummaging around in my brain has subsided!  I have to give credit where credit is due. Jesus has set me free.  This apostolate (Direction for Our Times) is how He did it. I am a stronger, more confident and trusting Bonnie than I've ever been.  I am on the road to recovery, a turning point I never dreamed possible.

Todays Gospel (Is 7: 1-9) quote is short but impactful:

Unless your faith is firm you shall not be firm!

In Volume Two, the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, Jesus sets us straight about holding on to old habits:

“My child, with such gratitude I view your efforts. I am here, waiting in the tabernacle to thank you and encourage you. You are trying to serve Me in your life and it is not always easy to do this. Until a complete union or surrender occurs, you continue to wrestle with the pull of the world and worldly attractions and distractions. This creates conflict in you because I am calling you in another direction. This conflict makes you feel discouraged, dear one, but you should not allow this feeling. There is not growth without some bit of discomfort. So, when you feel unsettled and you long for old habits, remember that you used those habits to console yourself in emptiness. I am now filling that emptiness for you so you do not need to rely on these things anymore. Worldly habits or addictions did not make you happy, My little soul. You felt unrest and bitterness without Me. Now, with Me, you are beginning to experience true peace, the peace which comes from heaven. This is a sign that your soul is directing the movement and action of your body, which is how man is intended to live.”

Lay apostles, it is flat out challenging to change learned behavior.  But isn't it time? Take a moment to listen to those old tapes and begin erasing mistrust, hate, envy, grudges, and every other behavior keeping you from fully living Jesus.  Let your turning point begin today.

Thank you, Lord, for assisting me in erasing bad habits ingrained since childhood. I am finally free.

God bless,

Monday, July 16, 2012

A Simple Concept

Love. Kindness. Understanding. Three words which seem so easy and yet so hard to achieve during tumultuous times.  Think about how we could change the world if we battled spiritual warfare with love.  Offered kindness where cruelty prevails.  Provided understanding where intolerance destroys. Believe it or not, this is feasible when equipped with powerful armor supplied in the Bible. The concept really is quite simple.  Todays first reading (Is 1:10-17) gives us clear direction:
Wash yourselves clean! Put away your misdeeds from before my eyes; cease doing evil; learn to do good. Make justice your aim: redress the wronged, hear the orphan's plea, defend the widow.
In Volume Nine (Angels), Jesus provides the weapons needed to engage in spiritual warfare:

“My children, I want you to be aware of every weapon in this spiritual battle. Seek Me first, and understand that I am God, all powerful and the Creator of All. You are part of a heavenly family and must remember that you have the whole of that family to help you. You understand that Our mother, Mary, is powerful. She is your first line of defense against evil and deception. You should pray the rosary every day. You have the sacraments. Holy souls or souls working for Me, and this I hope is each one of you, should attend Mass as often as possible. You should seek reconciliation with Me in the Sacrament of Penance. Also, Adoration of your Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament will give you an unlimited flow of graces which will grant you peace and guidance. You have the saints in heaven. They wish to help you. Ask them each day for their intercession. Study their lives and you will understand why they are such effective helpers. They walked your walks already. You have Me, in the silence of your heart. Spend time there each day. My children, another weapon you have at your disposal is angels. Angels are heavenly servants who do not experience humanity. They are pure goodness and heaven is filled with them. You will enjoy their company immensely when you come home to Me. These beautiful beings are active in your world now and have always been. In these days, given the necessity of great heavenly help and intervention, I have given the angels, along with the saints, permission to be even more apparent. They will surround you if you ask them. Ask Me for angels to assist and protect you and you shall have them.”

Lay apostles, the evil one constantly lurks about waiting for us to stumble hoping we choose hate over love.  Strap on your suit of armor and head out to battle.  Arm yourself with Scripture, the Volumes and heaping dose of courage. Every one of us is capable of choosing good over evil; calm over stormy.  Just as a warrior enters into battle prepared and knowing his enemy, know yours. Rely on God the Father, Jesus, Mary, and all of heaven to provide the heavenly shield you need to live Jesus.

Thank you, Lord, for giving me the words and directions I need to combat spiritual warfare.  The answer is so simple, yet requires the courage of a great warrior.  Please help me to continue building my spiritual muscles on a daily basis!

God bless,

Friday, July 13, 2012

A Matter of Respect

Have you ever felt you were sailing along on the path to Christ when all of the sudden, something derails you?  Albeit short-lived, it still throws you for a loop.  When this does happen to me, I realize I still have a lot of work to do on myself.  A situation arose recently where I was asked for feedback and my response was kindly honest, sugar-coating the best I could.  My honesty wasn't received very well, and the passive-aggressive behavior began. Not a good thing for me. I felt as if dealing with my mother (she had bipolar disorder) on a day where she was manic and depressed, up and down like a roller coaster.  After some emails back and forth, the lack of respect became evident.  The old Bonnie reappeared. The sugar-coating came off and I was brutally honest. I had no intention of offending, and being the bigger person (at the insistence of my daughter), I apologized.  But instead of a return apology, more anger spouted causing me to almost "go there." A place I haven't been in a while. Respect is something I hold in high regard.  After some venting to my daughter, you will be happy to know I calmed down and responded as Christ would have wanted.  

Todays Responsorial Psalm (Chapter 51) is "My mouth will declare Your praise." Boy, I wish I would have read this yesterday . . .

Have mercy on me, O God, in your goodness; in the greatness of your compassion wipe out my offense. Thoroughly wash me from my guilt and of my sin cleanse me.
In the January 2007 Monthly Message, Jesus reminds us why we should be kind at all times:

“Treat each person with dignity and respect because if people see that you are good, they will understand that I am good. Be at peace. I am with you in everything and your service delights Me.”

Lay apostles, when you begin to feel anger, remember why it should be tamed.  Even those we vent to are seeing anger and not Christ.  Live by example at all times.  Well, at least try to!  God knows we are only human and will stumble once in a while.  Let's pray for each other to show Christ's love in difficult situations. The easy way out is anger. Work hard on love.

Thank you, Lord, for teaching me to suppress tendencies toward anger and replace them with love for You.  

God bless,