Monday, May 21, 2012

Promises Are Promises

Promises in the Bible were taken very seriously by my mother.  Especially this one (from James1:27): Religion that is pure and undefiled before God and the Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their affliction and to keep oneself unstained by the world.  Mom always took refuge in that verse as she and her brothers were orphaned by their mother at a very young age.  And, a year after their mother disappeared, they were taken away from their father and actually put in an orphanage.  You can imagine the comfort this verse provided through the years after such a traumatic childhood.  Today's responsorial psalm (Psalm 68:6 Father of the fatherless, defender of widows . . .) brought back memories of Mom quoting this verse quite often.  And, made me smile remembering what she said after my father passed away. She had no doubt she was going straight to heaven because of her suffering as a child.  But when Dad died, well, she was now an orphan and a widow.  Doubly protected.  After all, promises are promises, right?  Despite her lifelong fight with mental illness, her faith reigned supreme to the end. 

The Gospel today (John 16:29-33) shows Jesus speaking to His disciples of promises:

The disciples said to Jesus, "Now you are talking plainly, and not in any figure of speech. Now we realize that you know everything and that you do not need to have anyone question you. Because of this we believe that you came from God." Jesus answered them, "Do you believe now? Behold, the hour is coming and has arrived when each of you will be scattered to his own home and you will leave me alone. But I am not alone, because the Father is with me. I have told you this so that you might have peace in me. In the world you will have trouble, but take courage, I have conquered the world."

Lay apostles, Jesus tells us to take courage.  So why wouldn't we?  We say we are Christians which means we believe in the promises of Christ.  We must be courageous while we wait in exile here on earth.  Jesus speaks of the trouble the world will surely bestow upon us.  We are to expect it and not get derailed.  This is not an easy request but with His help, and His promises, we can continue climbing the mountain of holiness toward heaven. 

In the December 2009 Monthly Message, Jesus clarifies His promises:

“I promise you that I will be with you and that the outcomes occurring around you will be consistent with My will. I cannot promise you that in your humanity you will always rejoice in My will, especially when there is pain. But I can promise you that the greatest amount of mercy will be obtained through your commitment to remaining with Me, united in the life that is yours. All is well. I am with you.”

And, in the July 2007 Monthly Message:

"Think often on the promises I have made to you. I have said I will never leave you. I have said I will protect My interests in your soul. I have said I will pursue conversion of your loved ones. During this time, I want each apostle to consider these promises. Serve Me in steadiness, of course, but also, serve Me in peace. Dear apostles, you are connected to Me. You accept My love. You know that just as I cherish you, I cherish all others. My dear friends, please live these truths because others are looking to you for example. Please. Give an example of joyful trust. I need this from you so that I can draw hurting souls back to Me. I am with you. I will help you to do this."

As my mother fully believed in the promises of Christ, I too believe.  I see His promises coming to fruition at times right before my own eyes.  Rely on Him to do what He promises. Who else can you trust more than Jesus?

Thank you, Lord, for Your promises to me and all Your children.  Help me to continue to believe with all my heart and soul in those promises, never doubting Your Will.  

God bless,

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