Wednesday, February 15, 2012

What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger

I am a huge Kelly Clarkson fan.  No matter what your state of mind, good or bad, she has a song to compassionately console you, get you pumped up, or even make you cry.  My daughters and I call it a Kelly Clarkson Day when all we want to hear is her belting out our emotions.  It just feels good.

The past 5 days have been rough since my daughter's car accident.  Dealing with surgeons, insurance, my daughter's school, lawyers, etc., just about sent me over the edge.  I certainly don't have the stamina I did in my earlier years.  After all the chaos was over and my daughter snug in her bed after surgery, it was time for me to head back home, a 2 hour drive.  It was a Kelly Clarkson Day.  So I plugged her in and the first song in the shuffle was, "What Doesn't Kill You (makes you stronger)."  Perfect song to pump me up.  But where does our strength really come from?  Not a song, of course, but faith in Jesus.  When our crosses become too heavy, all we need to do is ask Him to lighten them or shift the weight elsewhere.  In Volume Ten, Jesus relieves any pressure we may feel:

“Your fears, your hesitance, have no bearing on how you will perform for Me. Do not worry about your ability when it comes to completing your duty. Do not worry about your lack of strength. It will come from Me. It will flow deeply and completely from Me. Your willingness to serve is all that is required.”

After listening to that song, I immediately switched over to the Rosary, my real strength.  The chaos didn't kill me, and Jesus made me stronger.

Thank you, Lord, for helping me with some heavy crosses at times.  I could not survive without You.  

God bless,

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