Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Ash Wednesday - it's time for change

Our Lenten observance begins today with Ash Wednesday, a day of fasting and prayer for Catholics.  Chatting with one of my daughters last night, she asked what I was giving up for Lent.  Typically my answer is chocolate or coffee along with some virtue I need to work on.  But Lent isn't about giving up something for 40 days and then running to the store after Easter Mass to gobble up every bit of chocolate you can get your hands on.  It's about changing our hearts by growing closer to Jesus.  The 40 days of Lent help us focus on personal discipline in general.  Don't focus on what to give up.  Let's do the reverse!  What can we do better?  Pray more?  Adopt a healthier lifestyle?  More almsgiving?  Volunteering for those in need?  The sky is the limit!  Slow down and take a look around you.  Let's think positively by bettering ourselves, creating permanent changes in our hearts. What am I choosing to do this Lent?  First, I want to work on solitude.  I am giving up mindless TV watching and choosing to read more, pray more, and write more.  Second, I am going to try my hardest to fast on Wednesdays and Fridays.  Fasting is NOT easy for me, but I am determined.  Please pray for me!

In the November 2005 Monthly Message from Jesus, He shows us that by making even a small change, we can move mountains:

“But when a soul on earth, acting from faith, makes even the smallest act of love or fidelity to Me, I am given great glory and the family of God is given power. Yes, each time a soul on earth steps out for God in any way, the Kingdom grows. Do not put a limit on the importance of each little act and each little prayer. If you rose each day and pledged your allegiance to heaven with an honest desire to serve, and then went out and committed sins all day, you would still be considered a friend to the Savior. Now I know you will not do this because when you pledge your allegiance to Me, you are then wrapped in great graces. These graces assist you in each moment and illuminate My will for you so that you can more easily make heavenly decisions. But I am making a point so that you will understand that if you try to please Me in even the smallest way, you will change the world.”

My dear fellow lay apostles, each and every one of you are in my prayers.  Let's work on small changes, not complete personal reinvention in 40 days.  Keep it simple.  Let's make Jesus and all of heaven smile as they watch us attempt to change our hearts for Him.  

Thank you, Lord, for making change easier for me.  Knowing my small acts please you, I promise to continue climbing the mountain.

God bless,

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