Friday, January 6, 2012

Wasting time

Time is bittersweet. So much possibility in the future, and pieces of regret from the past. As my youngest daughter pulled out of the driveway after being home from college for almost two weeks, I was overwhelmed with how fast time flies. And, time lost with my girls due to my drive to be successful. During those years, I was focused on what I wanted to achieve. How I would give the girls a better life than I had. I didn't consult Jesus once. The noise in my head was so loud with my own desires, Jesus could barely get a word in edgewise. In the Heaven Speaks About Stress booklet, Jesus teaches us how to de-stress our lives by focusing on His desires for us, not multi-tasking with unnecessary thoughts and actions of our own:

"My children, why do you hurry so? Why do you feel you must move so quickly through your days? This is not the way I intended the children of God to live. You may tell Me that you have many things to do. I respond to you by saying that you are trying to do too much. You will not be holy if you move so quickly. I want My beloved apostles to move more slowly and thoughtfully through their days. I want you to make decisions on what I am asking you to do and what you are busying yourself with that is not from Me. I want your way of life to change and I am asking you to make this change now. In the next week, think about each activity and decide, with Me, if it is something I want you to do or something you want to do. My dearest apostles, I ask that you begin to remove activities that do not further My will."

I see my drive for success in each one of my daughters. The biggest difference between them and me at their age is an intimate relationship with Jesus because of this mission. This week, take some time to sit in silence with Jesus, especially if you are overwhelmed with multi-tasking. The more time you spend in silence, the easier it is to hear Him.

Thank you, Lord, for providing me with the tools and direction I need on a daily basis. I know how hard it is to quiet the noise in my head, so please continue to prompt me to slow down and listen to You!

God bless,

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