Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Grace under fire

Have you ever been attacked verbally for no apparent reason other than to be used as a punching bag? It used to be very hard for me to keep my mouth shut when verbally assaulted. If someone got in my face, I would move one step closer. And, I wouldn't back down. I was so sensitive to any ounce of criticism, real or perceived. I grew up with a mentally ill mother, so I understand this personality type well. But, I'm different now. Jesus tells us to never fight evil with evil. Look past the bad behavior to the wounded little boy or girl behind the venomous words. The words are a defense mechanism, the only way to cope when you are spiraling out of control. The battle in spiritual warfare is raging now, my friends. Do not give in to temptation. Let us fight hate with love. Anger with peace.

One of my favorite messages from the mission is in Volume Nine from Jesus. I read this at a time when I was very wounded by a situation happening in my life. Reading this message was a crucial turning point in my faith journey. It's long, but so worth reading. And, exactly what I needed to hear tonight.

"In order to live fully, you must consider your universe, both what is seen and what is unseen. Often it is the unseen that moves souls, and souls who allow for heavenly influences and guardians live more fully and more securely. My children, with all of the divine assistance surrounding you, you truly lack for nothing. I would not ask you to complete the missions I have entrusted to you and not give you adequate support. The support is there. You simply have to utilize it. If you are working on a project for Me and feel you have encountered an obstacle, joyfully ask the angels in heaven to remove it. Be peaceful as you know that I will not hold you accountable for things that you cannot change. Work steadily, aware that you are surrounded by My friends, in the form of angels, but also saints. With the heavenly company you are keeping, you will learn to be at peace in everything. You will learn to take the heavenly view of every situation and every person. For example, perhaps you are placed in the presence of a soul for whom you feel repugnance. A worldly approach would be to escape this person’s presence as quickly as possible. Now, after considering the presence of the angels and saints, you might discuss the matter silently with them. They may inform you that this soul is in great pain, which he masks with an unpleasant or aggressive exterior. Perhaps his soul is in distress and longs for the heavenly union you enjoy. Perhaps he has been badly injured by those who were supposed to love him or maybe he is sick in body. Maybe, My friends, life has disappointed him and there was no Jesus to heal his wounds. Now, would you not consider that situation differently in light of these possibilities? Your angelic friends, including this man’s angel guardian, might explain this to you and urge you to treat him with exactly what his soul needs to creak open the smallest bit and allow Me inside. You know what I am capable of, given room in a soul. It becomes a very different situation, does it not? While you are on earth, you may not see what your prayers and love accomplished for this soul. But you will see it in heaven. You will see all of the fruits of your little acts of self-denial and love when you arrive here. My friends, how differently you will live, given a constant awareness of your heavenly companionship."

Thank you, Lord, for the graces You have provided me under fire. I have such peace and calm in my heart because of Your Words above.

God bless,

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