Monday, January 2, 2012

Letting go

Have you ever wanted something or someone so desperately you evade all the obvious warning sirens going off in your brain? I tend to quiet the cautionary alarms with thoughts of what could be. I cling to moments which created the desire, dismissing harmful side effects. Sooner or later, your fantasy of bliss begins to chip away pieces of your soul.

"We must accept, believe, and trust that Jesus supports the soul as it is being filled and stretched to a seemingly unbearable limit. And then, the Lord Himself, at His pleasure and in accordance with His holy plan, opens a valve and love begins to flow out to others, on and on, further and further into the world, creating the most delightful and inexplicable divine ripple effect." Anne, a lay apostle, Lessons in Love, page 91.

The lesson is, continue to love with all my heart. Bad things happen. I can either choose to let it bring me down or just let go and move on. I know Jesus is in control. It has taken me a while, but the sirens don't go off for very long anymore. I ask for what I want from Him, and if I don't get it, I know He is protecting me from a debilitating side effect.

Thank you, Lord, for being my cure for every ill. No one makes me feel better faster than You!

God bless,

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