Thursday, January 5, 2012

Admitting mistakes

Boy do I hate it when I screw up! Especially when making the mistake and realizing, in the moment, the potential consequences of my actions. Lies are told to protect yourself from ridicule by those potentially hurt by your temporary weakness. The last thing you want is for anyone to know you are fallible. But, we all are. We all screw up. Sometimes minutely, sometimes on a grander scale. We see our weakness as something to be ashamed of, to hide from the world. Jesus wants us to live in humility for Him. To take the ridicule and angst the world can throw at us . . . all for Him and His Passion (Agony in the Garden, Scourging at the Pillar, Crowning of Thorns, Carrying the Cross, and the Crucifixion). In Anne a lay apostle's book Whispers from the Cross, she describes how Jesus wants us to accept our weakness and be brave in admitting our mistakes.

"Admissions of mistakes are imperative for each of us, that is, unless we never make mistakes. In the same way, false admissions and false self-examination is as distasteful as everything false and is as putrid as all deceit. There is nothing more off-putting than one who claims to be self-examining when in fact he is simply putting on a show of self-examining. It is not good to witness someone who lays a claim to small mistakes to distract from sinister emotions and large acts of malice. Such falseness is an attempt to hold up a mask of humility which conceals writhing and angry pride. The word haughty comes to mind. With this we will always see rage. The one who tries to tear the mask aside will face an outpouring of hatred that is chilling but God protects."

I am ready to tear the mask aside and face anything the world wants to throw at me. Let's all strive for transparency and honestly admit our mistakes. God will protect us through it all.

Thank you, Lord, for providing the grace of bravery in admission of my blunders when they occur (I will need ALOT of bravery, Lord!). You are guarding me from harm, and I know I can survive anything.

God bless,

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