Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Moments of Uncertainty
Monday, January 30, 2012
Spiritual Discipline
Sunday, January 29, 2012
A Wandering Mind
Friday, January 27, 2012
“Your holiness blossoms under the prudent and watchful care of the Divine Gardner. You may wish to advance more quickly. You may sigh at the labours necessary for advancing in holiness. I understand both of these things but I tell you today that you should not be discouraged. It is I, Jesus, after all, who contemplates your soul and determines the speed with which you need to progress to arrive at the perfect place at the correct time. If you were to move too quickly, you might miss this mark. If you were to stop labouring, you would not advance as far as I require. Be at peace in the place where you are spiritually and understand that I am ministering to you constantly there. Be also at peace that you must labour for holiness, moving constantly forward in virtue. I am with you. I take your willingness to serve and your willingness to become holier and truly I flow great things into your soul and into the world. I ask that each apostle find quiet during this time, allowing silence to prune the weeds that spring up in each day’s activity. We work together on your soul, as I have said, and I, Jesus, expect that there is work to be done. If I did not expect that your soul needed work, I would say that you had advanced far enough and I would take you to heaven.”
Let's all practice pruning our weeds in silence as Jesus suggests. For those who know me, silence is a virtue I am working steadily on and hope to achieve one day!
Thank you, Lord, for allowing the weeds to help me move forward in holiness. I will continue to work on my soul in expectation of the day no more work is needed and I am called home!
God bless,
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Shining the light within
A few years ago, one of my daughters gave her sisters and me a keychain saying, "Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven." Whether you like it or not, there are people looking for any sign to prove you are not what you say you are . . . that is, a Christian. There was only one perfect Man who walked the face of this earth, and He died for our sins. But the fact still remains, we are under constant scrutiny by our peers. I am in no way, shape or form, even close to perfect, but I am aware others are observing my behavior. How I react to a situation can either shine the light of Jesus within my heart drawing others closer to Christ, or I can react defensively and prideful, sending them in the opposite direction.
In Volume One, Thoughts on Spirituality, Jesus tell us:
“Be an example of peace to your brothers and sisters so that they, too, may desire union with Me. That is the challenge to My followers. If you have a peaceful countenance, you reflect Me, your Savior. Others see this and desire it. ‘What is it about that person?’ they ask. If you are a follower, your holiness will shine from within you and that is what they will identify. Be at peace. Fear is not from Me and does not draw you closer to Me. You must strive for confidence in your God. I will be with you, even until the end of time. Your sufferings will console you greatly later, when you join Me. You will never be sorry you suffered for your Jesus. I am bringing you along and soon you will no longer feel the weight of this cross.”
From today forward, let's try to be aware of how others perceive us in any given situation. Are we shining His Light from within or pushing them farther away from the One who loves unconditionally? There are going to be days where the temptation to react negatively overpowers us. On those days, remember you are not perfect. And, remember you can remedy your negative behavior and still bring His Light to others . . . apologize.
Thank you, Lord, for showing me the importance of apologizing when I have reacted defensively because of my own insecurities.
God bless,
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
"Now it must be said that one of the greatest graces Jesus allows is sudden conversion. These St. Paul-like experiences must be the delight of the saints in heaven. I believe Jesus does this when He needs service from the person NOW. He perhaps has tried to shift the soul gently but the soul is stubborn in his resisting the plan of our beautiful Jesus. This, my friends, I believe to be the most loving of actions. A soul bounced from his horse, metaphorically speaking, surely can have no doubt that his service is of urgent importance to the Kingdom and his resistance is doing damage to the Kingdom. Clearly, the humble soul rests in the latter thought. Even in situations like this, there is evidence of the Lord’s gentleness. Jesus surrounds the soul with grace, sending in help from both heavenly and earthly sources. The soul is guided very carefully afterwards into the service intended for him. I think that a soul experiencing the Lord’s correction abruptly will sometimes not feel that it happened gently in terms of the impact it has on his life. Here is why. When someone turns on the lights suddenly and a person sees the error or falseness in which he has been living, that person might be tempted to run for cover. My friends, this feeling of being exposed is inevitable. 2Everything that is now covered will be uncovered, and everything now hidden will be made clear. 3 For this reason, whatever you have said in the dark will be heard in the daylight, and what you have whispered in hidden places will be proclaimed on the housetops (Luke 12)."
Are you afraid to have the lights turned on abruptly? I used to be. I have made so many mistakes in my life, it's painful when they are revealed. But, like a bandaid being ripped off a wound, it only hurts for a few seconds. Once we accept we are only human and admit to our mistakes, it creates within us the desire to do better. To love more; to accept weakness in others and ourselves; and, make better decisions. Decisions for Christ, not for the world.
Thank you, Lord, for continually ripping the bandaids off of me. Please continue providing the graces I need to deal with the initial sting until all is revealed.
God bless,
Monday, January 23, 2012
March for Life
Friday, January 20, 2012
Give me strength, Lord . . . literally!
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Uncovering your truth
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
A time to be brave
"It is always the best decision to rely on the One who loves you perfectly and holds, in His heart, the perfect plan for your time on earth. Why would you let fear diminish your joy? Why would you let anxiety for yourself or others eradicate the joy that is available to you in the present moment? My dearest apostles, you live in the present, not the future. If the present is difficult, I am there. If the future becomes difficult, I will be there, too. You will not be abandoned and your loved ones will not be abandoned. Ultimately, the greater the trust in Me, the greater the joy in each moment. I want you to abandon fear. I want you to cast yourself into the providence that surrounds you. Fear is a snare for you or I would not treat it so seriously. Ask Me now for greater trust and I will give it to you. Ask Me now for greater joy and I will give that to you, also. It is important that others see in you an accurate reflection of the graces heaven makes available to apostles. Do not hide these graces away. Let these graces flow out from you to those around you. Share what is good, dear apostles, not what is bad. Share what comes from Me and you will help to draw others back into our family. I am telling you that I have greater graces available to you so make your Jesus happy and ask for these graces. You will be blessed with all that you need and joy will be yours. Be at peace. I will never abandon you."
Today my blog entry was written for a very dear friend who just received a cancer diagnosis. He is a brave man and I know the Lord is holding him lovingly in His arms right now, consoling any worries. I love you and promise to be just a phone call away, always!
Thank you, Lord, for placing this man in my life. I have learned so much from him, allowing me to draw closer to You.
God bless,
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Clinging to the past
Monday, January 16, 2012
Changing learned behavior
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Time for prayer
Insomnia set in years ago when I was in nursing school, which lead to a career of night shift schedules. Mornings just don't agree with me. When I began working out of a home office, my morning began with a cup of strong coffee to wake me up. Prayer time wasn't part of my routine. I prayed when it crossed my mind during the day. And always said a brief Our Father at night. Do you schedule time for prayer? No matter how busy Jesus was, he always made time for prayer. And He was a pretty busy man exorcising demons and healing people! Since I left my job end of November to write full-time, I have made prayer part of my daily routine. I still drag myself out of bed sometimes and make a cup of coffee, then take my coffee out to my back porch and begin with the Allegiance Prayer and the Morning Offering:
Allegiance Prayer
Dear God in Heaven, I pledge my allegiance to You. I give You my life, my work and my heart. In turn, give me the grace of obeying Your every direction to the fullest possible extent. Amen.
Morning Offering
Oh Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer You the prayers, works, joys and sufferings of this day for all the intentions of Your Sacred Heart, in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass throughout the world, in reparation for my sins, and for the intentions of the Holy Father. Amen
Then, as a Catholic, I pray the Rosary. My days seem to flow more smoothly since I began this routine. And, I find myself praying throughout the day, trying to stay focused on what Jesus needs me to accomplish for Him and His Glory. The following message from Volume Four gives reassurance our prayers are being put to good use.
“Every breath of praise, every sentence of praise, every song of praise you utter will surround you with an oxygen-like substance in heaven. You will breathe in all of your prayers and you will exult in every earthly acceptance of suffering or hardship. Your prayers and obedience give God glory, this is true. But your earthly prayers and obedience also give you glory in eternity.” Jesus the King
Thank you, Lord, for creating time in my day to focus on You and the plans You have for me. Please give me the graces to pray without ceasing.
God bless,
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Grace under fire
Monday, January 9, 2012
Moving beyond defeat
Friday, January 6, 2012
Wasting time
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Admitting mistakes
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Monday, January 2, 2012
Letting go
Sunday, January 1, 2012
The Grace to Love Completely
The January Monthly Message was on target, as usual!
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