Thursday, April 25, 2013

Balancing Act

Tightrope walkers and trapeze artists mesmerized me as a child. My parents loved to take us to the circus. I think my dad was just as excited as I was to watch the gracefulness of the women swinging to and fro on the trapeze, ready to let go mid-air trusting their partner to be there with a solid grip. More impressive were the brave tightrope walkers. This balancing act requires (not that I'm an expert, but I can imagine!) relentless practice, learning to block out distractions and most importantly, no fear of heights! One misstep could have dangerous consequences. I remember straining to see if their shoes were rigged with some kind of "rope guide" allowing them to effortlessly glide. I even imagined myself above the crowd, sliding my way across the rope to the safety of the platform in front of me. Alas, I knew this was not going to be my vocation in life as I could barely keep myself steady on the balance beam in gym class! Every once in a while, I still find myself trying the tightrope walk when passing a curb or a parking lot bumper. My balance hasn't improved much since my younger days. But I'm pretty fearless (ok, for those who know me, I'm not talking about bugs, snakes and frogs here!) and in my head I refuse to think I'm to old to perfect my tightrope walking dream . . . 

In todays Gospel (John 12:44-50) Jesus tells us when rejecting Him, we also reject God the Father:

Jesus cried out and said, “Whoever believes in me believes not only in me but also in the one who sent me, and whoever sees me sees the one who sent me. I came into the world as light, so that everyone who believes in me might not remain in darkness.  And if anyone hears my words and does not observe them, I do not condemn him, for I did not come to condemn the world but to save the world.  Whoever rejects me and does not accept my words has something to judge him: the word that I spoke, it will condemn him on the last day, because I did not speak on my own, but the Father who sent me commanded me what to say and speak.  And I know that his commandment is eternal life. So what I say, I say as the Father told me.”

In Volume Five, Jesus reassures us our souls will remain intact despite what the world tries to tell us:

"The darkness swirls around My little ones and many suffer in the greatest way from fear because they are targets of the enemy. Children, hear Me. Listen to Me. Man cannot touch your soul. Your soul is your property, of divine origin, and protected by Me. I wish to keep you at a heavenly level of existence during this time so that you will not nourish fears. I felt fear also. What did I do? I prayed. My fears then left Me and I was able to walk the path of your redemption. I assure you, when you need My help, My help will be yours. When you need extraordinary graces, you shall have them. Trust Me in all. Believe in My presence in your life and you will exult, despite the difficulties you encounter."

Lay apostles, we are targets of the enemy. Living our lives in unity with Christ makes us stick out like a sore thumb. Let's all do as Jesus did when faced with adversity . . . pray. The more I pray, the quicker fears cease to exist. What's bothering you today? Pick one thing. Pray about it. And let it go. 

Thank you, Lord, for the powerful effects of prayer in my life. Continue to remind me to come to You when I start going "there" losing my balance.

God bless,

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