Monday, September 30, 2013

'Grace by the Case' Update and Video

Just got my case!! 

Greetings lay apostles, 

Today we update you on the fantastic support we have received from all of the lay apostles out there helping spread the Volumes. 57 cases have already been ordered and are in the process of being shipped all over the world. We have had lay apostles order cases from Europe, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, and all over the USA. We still have 93 cases remaining so consider ordering one for you or your prayer group today. Or even better, you may offer to assist a prayer group out there who is willing to share the Volumes in their area, but would like additional help in defraying the costs. 

We are also sharing the first video in a great short video series on Volume Two where Anne, a lay apostle talks with Justin about some of the concepts in Volume Two. In the video today they introduce the project and give some good insight on the assistance Jesus gives us when we commit to forgiveness.

'Grace by the Case' offers lay apostles and prayer groups an opportunity to share the Volumes at a significantly reduced cost. This works by Direction for Our Times going to print a large amount of one Volume. The added benefit is that together we push the Volumes out in a concentrated and focused effort, relying on Heaven to help us make the apostolate grow! 

Order today by clicking the the link below...

$120 Dollars + (s/h)

Watch Anne, a lay apostle and Justin talk about one of the messages from Volume Two and the importance of forgiveness: Grace by the Case Update

Sunday, September 29, 2013

DFOT Upcoming Ireland and UK Events

Eucharistic Day of Renewal Saturday 5th of October

The Church of St. John the Evangelist 
Dublin 16 
Time: 11am-4.00pm 

Schedule of Events: 
Welcome & Mass 
Preview Screening of Mist of Mercy Documentary
Anne's 1st Talk 
Anne's 2nd Talk 
Holy Hour   

Eucharistic Day of Renewal 26th of October

Location Details coming soon!
Coundon, Co. Durham 
Time: 10am-4pm

Schedule of Events:  
Welcome & Mass  
Preview Screening of Mist of Mercy Documentary
Anne's 1st Talk  
Anne's 2nd Talk  
Holy Hour  

Monthly Lay Apostle Prayer Group Thursday 3rd of October

St. Anne’s Church
Co. Cavan
Time: 8pm-9pm 

Schedule of Events:
Holy Hour and Anne’s Talk

Confession Available

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

What Is Your Strength?

Jay and I participated in a "Strengths" course at our church last year. Jay enjoyed it . . . a lot! For me, well, not exactly my cup of tea. Let me explain. Those who know me are aware I am not a shy person . . . to say the least! I tend to become a little animated when I talk about something in which I feel passionate. Our group (about 6 couples and 5 singles) was a bit on the not-so-animated-quiet-unless-forced-to-talk side. It took everything in me to not be the one talking or answering the leader's questions when everyone stared mutely. Grant it, there were others participating. And they are all good people I know or have seen at Mass. But not the most interactive crowd. The reason I bring all of this up is one of my strengths was WOO (win others over). Oh, and Positivity (Jay was a little perplexed when I got this strength and he didn't!). Because I am a WOO, it is quite difficult when I introduce the Volumes to people and they smile politely or take a book and who knows where it ends up. But one thing this rescue mission has done for me over the years since I first saw Anne a lay apostle speak is to always be the invitation to Jesus. And, walk away knowing everything is in His capable hands when the receiving party is not jumping for joy they have been handed a life-changing book. Quite frankly, I'm thrilled Jesus wants the job of conversion! I wouldn't get much accomplished if it were up to me! So I am trying to calm down the WOO in me. But I am thankful for it as it drives me to spread the Good News through my writing and connections. Jay and I were talking this morning about how wonderful the world would be if EVERYONE was a lay apostle . . .  

In todays Gospel (Luke 9:1-6), Jesus offers us His advice of planting the seed and walking away:

Jesus summoned the Twelve and gave them power and authority over all demons and to cure diseases, and he sent them to proclaim the Kingdom of God and to heal the sick. He said to them, “Take nothing for the journey, neither walking stick, nor sack, nor food, nor money, and let no one take a second tunic. Whatever house you enter, stay there and leave from there. And as for those who do not welcome you, when you leave that town, shake the dust from your feet in testimony against them.” Then they set out and went from village to village proclaiming the good news and curing diseases everywhere.

In Volume One, Jesus reminds us where our strength lies:

"Focus your strength and energy on serving Me in your day. Before you speak, ask yourself if what you are going to say is of value. Before you offer an opinion, be certain you have given this thought consideration. Do not lead others astray, as I am warning you not to be led astray. Silence is necessary now, as we have said. Useless conversations add to the constant din of noise that leaves the spirit no peace. You will not understand what I need from you, dear children, unless you are quiet and thoughtful. Also, this quietness encourages My Spirit to rest within you, and you will feel that presence. You will then speak with authority and correctness. And you will begin to offer opinions and counsel that have value and direction, instead of merely adding to the noise of this present world. Be at peace now, in all of your troubles. I want My children to move through their days with confidence, even if they are carrying crosses for Me. The heavier the cross, dear ones, the closer I will be. Do not fear. You will not be left in the wilderness. I call My own to Me and My own know Me." 

Lay apostles, we are called to be representatives of His Light on earth. What are your strengths and how are you using them? If you are blessed with wealth, are you using your money to spread the Volumes/the Good News/feed the poor? Or, is it a bigger house, fancier car, and designer clothes you strive for? Whatever your strengths, use them all for His Glory. When you do, watch the graces pour in. We have multiple opportunities every day to let others see Christ in us. How are you going to use your strengths today to make someone see Jesus in your eyes with a kind smile or words of love and encouragement? 

Thank you, Lord, for the strengths You have given me. Please help me to use them in the best possible way, for Your Glory, not mine.

God bless,


Tuesday, September 24, 2013

A Mother's Endurance

Teenagers . . . a time you never imagined when holding your precious newborn. A time for hiding the fact you are out in public with your mother. One incident will forever stand out in my mind . . . a Friday night at the local movie theater. My middle daughter Whitney had to have been around 14 or 15 years old. Walking from the parking lot to the crosswalk leading to the theater, she stopped me short. "Mom, OMG! You are not my mom, but my sister Amber home visiting from college." I just looked at her. "What?" I asked (with no attitude whatsoever!).  She had spotted some people from school (she had just started her freshman year of high school) and was horrified should she be spotted with her . . . groan . . . mother!! Always up for a bit of charades, I jumped right into character as her new friends approached! I can't remember if her friends bought it or not, but "Amber" comes up every once in a while. Now that Whitney has a son, I try to prepare her for those teenage years. Her response is usually, "it will be different with Colton. He knows Jesus and Mary from day one and will not be a typical teenager." Uh-huh, I think to myself. You just wait my sweet baby girl. I pray I live long enough to see my girls with teenagers of their own!

Todays Gospel (Luke 8:19-21) made me wonder if Mary knew Jesus' response when told of her presence. But then we remember the great faith and endurance our Blessed Mother had to possess as the Mother of God:

The mother of Jesus and his brothers came to him but were unable to join him because of the crowd. He was told, “Your mother and your brothers are standing outside and they wish to see you.” He said to them in reply, “My mother and my brothers are those who hear the word of God and act on it.”

In Anne a lay apostle's book Climbing the Mountain, she teaches us the power of endurance:

"But you and I can suffer with Jesus. In fact, we can do something even more remarkable. We can take the suffering for which we have no control over anyway and we can transform it, through our patient and obedient acceptance and endurance, into a supernatural release of grace for our salvation, for someone else’s salvation, and now in preparation for Jesus’ new, dynamic coming into our time, in whatever form that takes."

Lay apostles, it takes a lot of faith, love, patience and endurance to go the distance for Jesus. The end goal is heaven for all eternity. If we stay focused on that goal, our reactions/actions become more Christlike. As parents, we are in it for the long haul. The more humility and endurance we show our children, the better they will be as parents. So if they choose to call you their "sister home from college," smile and remember how you felt about your parents at that age . . . 

Thank you, Lord, for the endurance You blessed me with as a parent of three girls. And for the laughs all the trials and tribulations of their younger years give us now at family gatherings!

God bless,


Monday, September 23, 2013

Be Grateful In Everything

My grandson Colton and I have our routine three days a week. He makes a beeline for his toys when he comes in the house. Plays for a bit, then we sit down and read his books. Then it's nap time, so we sing songs until he is asleep in my arms (pure heaven!). He wakes up usually an hour later and I feed him lunch. After lunch, it's out to the tree swing in the backyard for a few minutes. During swing time, I always ask Colt if I should put a flower on Mother Mary's head (it is right next to his swing). He usually points out which flower I should use. Last week, he wanted to do it himself. As I stood above him, I had to take a picture of this beautiful sight. Every day I spend with this baby boy, the Light of Christ becomes brighter and stronger. I am so grateful for every single grace He has provided me in this life. I am especially grateful for something I longed for since Mal and Whit each got married . . . grandbabies. Throw my fiance Jay in the mix and my life is exactly where it should be.

In todays Gospel (Luke 8:16-18), Jesus shines a light on being grateful for everything:

Jesus said to the crowd: “No one who lights a lamp conceals it with a vessel or sets it under a bed; rather, he places it on a lampstand so that those who enter may see the light. For there is nothing hidden that will not become visible, and nothing secret that will not be known and come to light. Take care, then, how you hear. To anyone who has, more will be given,
and from the one who has not, even what he seems to have will be taken away.”

In the March 2012 Monthly Message, Jesus reminds us He is the Way:

"Please, dear apostles, remain faithful to Me. Allow Me to direct your contribution and you will be blessed and consoled. Through your fidelity, others will also be blessed and consoled. When we are finished with your work on earth, you will come to Me in fullness and you will understand all that I accomplished through your willingness. I will not steer you into what is bad for you but into what is good for you. Continue on in trust and be grateful that I have chosen you to serve God's Renewal." 

Lay apostles, take time to write down your blessings in this life. Are there experiences from the past judged to be disastrous which now seem to have been a blessing in disguise? Think of how God has diverted your path during times of trouble and led you to something better. How about miraculous events you never imagined possible? If you think about it . . . really think about it . . . I know your list will be long. Mine is and I see His Hand in it directing me to this point in my life. 

Thank you, Lord, for all the blessings . . . compassion for those divorced, mentally ill, or sick in body. Patience for Your timing, not mine. For friends and family who have stuck by me through thick and thin. And most importantly, for the love of an amazing Catholic man, my daughters and step-daugher, my sons-in-law and grandsons.  

God bless,

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Listen . . . the Pope is speaking!

Guest blogger: love of my life, Jay!

Over the last couple of months, I’ve had conversations with non-Catholic buddies and I’m shocked at how many of them are closely listening to and watching this Pope.

Mike, a good Jewish friend of mine, has followed Pope Francis from day one . . . and loves not only what he is saying, but how his actions are consistent with those words.

I have a Methodist friend, Bobby, who reads whatever he can on this Pope. He said that in the past, his view of many Catholics encountered has been that many of them seem more elitist, cold, and judgmental than other Christian faiths. He said this Pope is the first Pope, as far as he could see, was leading and living Christ’s total message by example. He is quick to point out that for years other Popes may have communicated that message directly to the Catholic membership, but this Pope seems to be communicating and welcoming to all people around the world back to a union with Christ.

Recently,  a Christian minister in the Rotary Club to which I belong shared that he loves seeing Pope Francis reaching out not only to people of all faiths, inviting them back to a real and intimate relationship with Jesus Christ, but noted that he especially seems to be calling Catholics who have fallen away or been rejected back to the church.  He went on to share that he did a survey and 40% of the membership in his Methodist church today were previously Catholics.  Not 5% . . . not 10% . . . but 40%! He said he loved having them but knew in his heart many were still continuing Catholic tradition while in his church. He said what was sad is there was so much hurt that had been done over the years by humans in the local Catholic Church leaderships and was quick to point out that he did not believe it was due to Catholic tradition or Christ’s Command. He said he believes that this Pope is calling those Catholics home and the Pope’s words and actions are a great start. This minister said he wants to see this group of hurting people healed and believes many will return to the Catholic tradition if truly accepted back. He stated that the success of the Catholic Church will be determined by how well the local church leaderships live and emulate this message.  Just like any other church or organization, he cautioned that there will be many “sacred cows," power struggles, and human egos deeply entrenched with their own goals and desires and will need to be overcome.

Jesus did not discriminate. Jesus did not judge those coming to listen to His message. Jesus was not an elitist. Jesus lived and backed His message of forgiveness by His actions. Our Faith is entering a new season with huge potential to bring many souls back to Jesus. Jesus mentored what it looked like to be an invitation when He encountered Mathew in today’s Gospel (Matthew 9:9-13):

As Jesus passed by, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the customs post. He said to him, “Follow me.” And he got up and followed him. While he was at table in his house, many tax collectors and sinners came and sat with Jesus and his disciples. The Pharisees saw this and said to his disciples, “Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?” He heard this and said, “Those who are well do not need a physician, but the sick do. Go and learn the meaning of the words, I desire mercy, not sacrifice. I did not come to call the righteous but sinners.”

In the booklet Heaven Speaks to Victims of Clerical Abuse, St. John the Apostle illustrates these points further:

"Heaven is filled with repentant sinners so if you repent, you will fit right in with us in that way, also. None of us judges. We leave that for Jesus. You do the same. Confess your sins and step away from the patterns that are hurting you. Come back to Jesus now in all trust. You are welcomed and cherished. Only good things will result in a decision for your God. Close your eyes and know that the forgiving eyes of Jesus Christ rest upon you. There is nothing to fear. He understands everything." 

Lay apostles, what is being asked of us is clear and simple. Jesus is asking us to use any and all of our talents to invite people back to Him. When? The time is now!

He shares in the messages that the end of time is fast approaching. The world is not stamped with an expiration date and none of us come with one either. No one knows how much time we have left or how much time the world has . . . but we do know Jesus is asking us to act boldly . . . now!

Lord, thank you for giving me the great blessing of your ceaseless love. Thank you for the choice to say “yes” to your invitation. Thank you for the ability for second, third, and fourth chances. Thank you for giving us the love you choose to give us and not what we necessarily deserve. Help us to be the invitation locally . . . in our families . . . in our churches . . . in our communities . . . of people coming back to live a joyous life with You!

In gratitude and humility,

Friday, September 20, 2013

Been Away

Hello fellow lay apostles! First, I have been away from writing my blog posts for about a month (give or take a few videos of Anne I posted). I have been quite busy completing my new book Can You Text Me Directions?, watching my 1 year old grandson 3 days a week and working for Crandall Commercial Group as Director of Social Marketing and Brand Communications (Great title, huh?) two days a week. To say the least, I have missed writing about the Gospels every day and how my brain relates to them. 

I will be back at writing my blog full time beginning Monday. For now, here is a sneak peak at my new book cover, created by my amazingly talented, gifted, beautiful daughter and photographer Taylor Lewis:

This book, full of testimonies from young people all over the world touched by Anne a lay apostle and this rescue mission, was such a blessing to be a part of. 

Have a wonderful, safe, blessed weekend. You are all in my prayers!

God bless,

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The Rescue Mission - the First Ten Years

I have only been a lay apostle for 7 of the 10 years, but that day in 2006 I saw Anne speak and learned about this mission, Jesus rushed in and took hold of my heart. Thank you, Anne, for your love and dedication to Jesus, all of heaven, and to all lay apostles in the world. Without your "yes," I don't know if my life would be where it is today . . . peaceful living in His Glory! 

Learn about Anne and this mission by clicking on the picture below! God bless and enjoy!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

September Monthly Message

We continue our cycle of monthly messages with September 2005 for our prayer groups and personal reflection.

September 1, 2005


"God’s little children know great suffering on earth, it is true. There will always be those who are suffering. Extend the greatest love and assistance to those who carry the cross because you will carry it one day and you will then benefit from the help of others. Dear brothers and sisters, all is well. I can say that all is well because I view all from the perspective of heaven. Can I ask you to share that view with Me? I will give you this view, if you are willing to accept it. From heaven I see that souls cry out to Me. They ask for a relief from darkness. I am sending relief, My dear faithful ones. I am sending great conversion graces. There are times when a child is having trouble and the child cannot see how to solve a problem or remove himself from a situation. The parent sees more clearly, of course, and often understands what the child  requires to recover. What parent is unfamiliar with the protesting cry of the child who wants to do it his own way, despite the danger of the child’s intended path? The parent must then step in and avert the child’s course, showing the child the better and safer way. Such protests a parent must endure. But a good parent perseveres in the course that will benefit the child in the long run. I am the parent in this time. I am looking at the world and I have decided that it is time to pierce the darkness with My light. I have told this to My beloved apostles. Please trust Me. Please support Me. Please do as I ask and examine your role in the Renewal each morning, when you offer Me your day. I will then continue to flow My light through you into the world. Dearest friends, I am your Savior. I do not abandon you. Do you understand that heaven is your intended destination? Do not object when others come to heaven. It is for this they were born on the earth. I understand earthly grief. You know that I understand because I experienced great human grieving on earth. I will comfort you. I will sustain you. You have been asked to spread My heavenly calm. All is well. You know this because I am telling you this. You are one who believes your God. Spread My calm, My grace, My joy. Will you support your Jesus in everything? It is this I am asking of you. Rest joyfully in your soul with Me. I will give you exactly what is needed for your world and you will be a holy carrier of My grace. I am with you. Rejoice.

Thank you, Lord, for words which refresh and renew my trust and determination to climb the mountain toward You.

God bless,