Monday, September 29, 2008

Living our Faith

There is a church in Lafayette, Colorado called Immaculate Conception we attend when my husband and I visit monthly.  For years the church operated out of a small building close to downtown (Lafayette is a VERY small town, one main street running through the center).  A new church has been erected about a mile away from the old building.  I enjoyed the services and Father Amundsen in the small church, but never really felt a connection to this parish.  The first time I attended mass in the new facility, I was immediately drawn to the passion and power the Lord had infused in my absence.  The sanctuary is beautiful and full of life.  But, most importantly, the people seem different.  Happier.  Maybe it's just me, but the Light of the Lord is present in smiles as we greet each other and offer peace. Maybe I wasn't paying attention before.  I didn't think I would ever find a church as wonderful as St. Cecilia's.  Immaculate Conception is my home away from home.  

In the sermon this weekend, the parable of the two sons whose father made a request of each was told.  One son replied "no" to his father and later decided to comply with the request. The other son said "yes" to his father's request and never complied.  Which son was worse?  

In living our faith, we must not only say we are Christians, but act like Christians in everything we do.  We need to say yes to Our Father and follow the path His Son has laid out for us.  We are only human and we will falter at times.  And when we do, the Lord is always there with a loving embrace to put us back on track again.

Thank you, Lord, for leading me back to the path when I tend to stray.

Bonnie S.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Good friends

Driving away with Starbucks in my rearview mirror, I couldn't help wonder how I got so lucky.  

Four of us met for coffee after our Lay Apostle prayer meeting today.  We laughed, discussed serious issues and, I believe, solved all the world problems in just a few hours!  Well, maybe on a local level, for now.  Our discussion was focused on a conflict that had arisen in our group.  First and foremost was navigating a path to resolving the issue as Jesus would want us to...with kindness and love.  If only everyone approached difficult situations with the compassion and insight displayed today...

Allocating time in their busy schedules to meet for coffee, these women have shared a piece of themselves with me over the last nine months and enriched my life more than they will ever know.  The beauty that exudes in abundance from each of them is blinding at times.  I feel privileged to be a part of this group.  

Thank you, Lord, for leading me to a place where my crosses become a little lighter.

Bonnie S.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Trusting in Him

An amazing thing happened to me a few weeks ago.  Now, get ready, I am going to reveal something about myself that not many know about.  After my first marriage ended in divorce, I ducked the issue of annulment for the last ten years.  I justified, in my own mind, that it WAS a valid marriage and didn't want my three daughters to be considered "illegitimate" in the eyes of the church.  I just couldn't do it.  Period.  The thought of not receiving communion for the length of time it takes for the annulment to come through was unbearable.  

But, as my relationship with Jesus becomes stronger, and the more trust I put in Him, the better things work out in the long run.  So, after the nudging of a woman I confided in from my prayer group, I decided it was time.  That Sunday I had to start doing the right thing in the eyes of my Catholic church.  And receiving communion without the annulment didn't feel right.  So, I let the others in my row pass as they made their way to the alter.   This was heartwrenching as communion has always been special to me.  After leaving church, I knew I made the right decision.  

I scheduled time with my priest to talk about a few things.  As he will be officiating at my daughter's wedding, I suppose he thought I wanted to talk about that.  I was so nervous to tell him about my situation, but a good friend calmed me down as I sat in the parking lot of the church.  I walked in Father's office and blurted out everything!  He sat there calmly listening and asked a few questions.  When I answered "no" to all three, he said "you don't need an annulment, you just need to file a 'lack of form' document."  WHAT????  He pulled out his book of Canon laws to make sure, and lo and behold, no annulment needed!  I began crying tears of joy and relief.  I can't tell you how heavy that cross was for ten years.  I think the news was a gift from Jesus that day.  No, I KNOW it was.  He is so good to me.  I must remember and give thanks daily for the strength he has bestowed upon me to make it through each and every challenge I face.  Trusting Him is becoming easier and easier the more I let Him handle things.  Trust comes in when accepting whatever happens as His will.  

Thank you, Lord, for showing me I CAN trust You in everything.  Your will be done.

Bonnie S.