Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Another wedding!

December 19, 2009, my beautiful daughter Whitney married the love of her life, Kevin May. They have been together for six years and both finished grad school this past May, moving to Ft. Myers for employment. Which, I must say, is where I live! It has been such a joy to see the love they have for each other through thick and thin, especially over the last five months while living so close. I had the privilege of escorting my daughter down the aisle. The look on her face was enchanting. I could hardly take my eyes off her as we walked down the aisle to Ave Maria. When we began our walk to her future husband, I could see the look on his face from across the room. Sheer joy, excitement, and anticipation of marrying the woman he calls his MOO (my one and only!). As I kissed my daughter's cheek, telling her I loved her, my soon to be son-in-law came to take her hand. But before he escorted her off to a whole new life, he hugged me and said he loved me, and I him. I am thankful every day for the husbands God has sent for my two oldest daughters (of which both are named Kevin!). I couldn't have handpicked better men to love and cherish them. I pray every day for my youngest Taylor to have the same love as her sisters. And I think that young man has surfaced, both starting to fall in love. All I ask is a year off from weddings (my oldest got married last year!) and a college degree in her hand! But if he is the one, he is another man I would be proud to call my son-in-law! (Boy, I sure hope he doesn't read my blog! Taylor would shoot me!).

Thank you, Lord, for the beauty and love I see in my daughters' eyes and the eyes of the men they love. You are so good to me!

God bless,

Heavenly Healing

I can hardly believe Heavenly Healing is going to be a reality December 28th! The support I have received from DFOT, lay apostles and my family is humbling. One of the biggest blessings through all of this is my publisher, Jim Gilboy and CMJ Marian Publishers. Jim is one of the kindest, God-loving men I have ever met. I feel protected by him. How many authors can say that about their publisher? I know he has my best interest at heart. Thank you, Jim, for being placed directly in my life by Our Lord and Savior to publish this book of love and hope. Heavenly Healing can be pre-ordered on CMJ's website:

With love,

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


As much as I want to believe I can resist temptation through my faith and love of Jesus, I am only a weak human being. But Lucifer (a very devout Catholic man told me to never call him satan or the devil as Lucifer is his angelic name and he hates to hear it!) knows when we are vulnerable and seeks to distract us with temptation at any given moment. A few months ago, I found myself going down a path that would only lead to mortal sin. Although I kept praying the Rosary every day, going to daily Mass, and reading from the Volumes, my heart was being pulled in a different direction. Insecurities derived from my childhood were being fed a poisonous piece of chocolate cake. So, instead of praying for my own strength, I kept reminding Our Lord of how weak I was. I needed the mindset of others to change, be distracted away from me. I called in the assistance of my two favorite saints, St. Faustina and St. Therese of Lisieux. Slowly, circumstances began changing; attitudes were shifting; and relationships were morphing into positive friendships. I am in awe, to say the least, at the power of heaven's assistance in protecting us while climbing the mountain. They saved me from stumbling back to where I began, with my eyes blinded by the worldly view. Despite the few steps backward, I am charging full force up that mountain to heaven with the confidence knowing I have some pretty powerful Friends!

Thank you, Jesus, for allowing me to know the true power of prayer. You are so merciful.

God bless,

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Yes, prayers can be God's time, not ours!

Please forgive me for the lack of blogging last month as I was in the middle of having my prayers answered! My middle daughter Whitney and her fiance Kevin finished their Master's degrees and were looking for employment. With all my daughters grown, in college, and even married, it has been quite lonely without them. They are my life, my joy and most of all, a precious gift from God. Whitney and Kevin talked about moving back to Ft. Myers but would go where the jobs were. I had been going to Eucharistic Adoration once a week and praying for a job to open up for them here, close to home (God willing). To make a long story short, my future son-in-law got a job offer...guess where? Ft. Myers!! God is so good to me! They will temporarily be living with us until they purchase a home. This is going to be a fun ride!

Thank you, Lord, for listening to my prayers and giving me the patience to wait for them to be answered.

God bless,

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Proud to be a Catholic!

I am still on cloud nine...My youngest daughter Taylor (age 20) and I (along with my friend Karen and her son Tim) went to the Eucharistic Day of Renewal in Justice, IL this past weekend. Friday night we attended the Re-Charge event, the youth division of DFOT headed by Nora McCarthy. I couldn't have asked for more seeing my daughter enjoy hanging out with a group of young discerning men and women (who, by the way, I adore!). Keith, Patrick, Ryan, Tim, Karen Anne, Emma, Kathleen, and Janie are young people discerning for the priesthood and religious life. They are full of energy and make it cool to be Catholic.

I was asked to do the first reading at the Mass on Saturday. Now, I don't have a problem getting up in front of a huge crowd to speak when I know the subject VERY well. But, doing a reading with some words in the bible that are foreign, that's a whole other cup of tea! Genesis 18 was the reading. I'm not sure which Bible I was reading from, but words like "womanly periods dried up" and "sexual pleasure" were in this version!! And, it was so long!! I could feel my voice shaking, but kept my pace slow while reading. But, I survived and my daughter said I did a great job. Well, what else could she say?

As expected, Anne's talk was, to say the least, inspiring. One point driven to the core was how much we hurt our beautiful Savior when we sin. Whether that be by addictions, pornography, even lying, He is with us in every moment. Something I need to remember when I am tempted by choices that will only benefit me, not the Heavenly Kingdom. But, I am only human and I sin. I am a sinner. There is only one perfect person that walked the face of this earth sinless. And He died for us so that our sins would be forgiven. Could you say you would die for someone so that their sins would be forgiven? People you don't even know?

Thank you, Jesus, for the sacrifice of Yourself, for me, Bonnie Shoemaker and everyone walking the face of this earth.

God bless,

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Oh, the people you will meet...

My life as a lay apostle has been fruitful. Not only has my faith life grown tremendously, but the friendships I've made through writing Heavenly Healing are blessings. This morning is a shining example of God's goodness. The first time I met Judy, it was to record her testimony for the book. She lives close, so I met her for morning Mass in her parish. Little did I know when I saw this ray of sunshine she would become one of my very dear friends. A friend with the ability to understand me on a level many don't. After Mass, we decided to drive to Dunkin Donuts, the closest place to grab a cup of coffee. The connection was immediate. We talked for over 3 hours, only stopping because Judy had an appointment she was already late for. In parting, we both felt like we had known each other for decades, saying I love you to each other as we hugged goodbye. Judy volunteers full-time, glorifying God in everything she touches. She runs the parish store, serves at the local soup kitchen, leads many prayer groups, and started the first Lay Apostle prayer group in Florida. She takes on anything the Lord asks of her. She has enriched my life and filled a place in my heart that only she can fill. I am forever grateful to Our Lord and Savior for one of the truest friendships I have ever had.

Thank you, Lord, for filling the holes in my heart with friends like Judy, giving me added strength to follow in Your footsteps.

God bless,

Friday, May 1, 2009

Completed manuscript!!

Just a quick note...MY MANUSCRIPT IS COMPLETED!!!!! Yeah! I handed it off to Jane at Direction for our Times as she heads to Ireland tomorrow. She and Anne will hopefully get a chance to edit and read it. I can't tell you how good it feels to have completed my first book! I just pray it is what Jesus wants from me. Thank you to all for the love and support, and testimonies! I am forever thankful!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

I must have done something good...

I love that song from The Sound of Music, don't you?  

But it rings true for me.  Some days I sit in amazement at the task the Lord has handed me in writing the testimony book for this apostolate.  He has entrusted me with the words of those who have been changed by Anne's messages from heaven.  I have traveled to meet lay apostles all over, Denver, Loveland, Dallas, Kailua, and in my own home state of Florida.   I have received beautiful testimonies from all over the world.  My love for Jesus and all of heaven grows stronger every day.  I have made so many new friends through this project.  Friends I will be in contact with forever.  They have all touched my heart and I am so thankful they let me into their lives.  

And, I finally have a title for the book:  Heavenly Healing.  Perfect, isn't it?  The title wasn't all my idea.  I knew I wanted the word "healing" but couldn't get it right.  So, I emailed Fr. Darragh (Anne's spiritual director) and asked for some Divine Intervention.  I asked for Anne to pray about it.  Then, a few days later, I received an email from Father with Anne's suggestion.  It was exactly what Jesus wanted it to be called.  It's perfect.

Thank you, Lord, for seeing past all my flaws and mistakes I've made.  I couldn't imagine working for anyone else!

Bonnie S.

P.S.  As I promised the Lord, I have quit Botox injections.  I'm going on 7 months now.  I keep praying for Him to make it a gradual transition!

Sunday, February 22, 2009


The Lord has a great sense of humor.  I wanted some clarity in my life.  Sitting in the small chapel of Holy Trinity Abbey in Balleyjamesduff, Ireland for New Years Eve mass, I told the Lord I was ready to see whatever He was ready to reveal to me.  Anything.  I could handle it.  Father Jarrod began mass and welcomed my husband Steve and I to the Abbey.  We had spent a few hours with Father earlier that day, eating lunch with him, Fr. Killian, and Brother Brian.  After receiving the Holy Eucharist, I returned to my pew, kneeling in prayer.  

Then, out of the blue, I hear loud and clear, "Stop the Botox."  Huh?  Where did that come from?  It was so random. I hate to admit to my vanity, but years ago a friend talked me into getting Botox in my forehead.  It took years off my aging face.  I was hooked.  Like an alcoholic needing a drink or an addict needing a fix, I faithfully got my injections every four to five months.  Now, Jesus was asking me to stop?  I began negotiating with Him - anything else, Lord, I will gladly do.  The thought of discontinuing something that made me feel better about myself was disturbing.  Maybe it wasn't Jesus talking, just my mind wandering.  Uh huh.  

The next evening we attended the monthly lay apostle prayer group at St. Anne's in Bailieboro.  This is Anne's parish and she was there to give her talk before praying the Luminous Mysteries.  I again began to pray about clarity.  Did You really want me to stop the Botox?  Then, I felt the Lord's presence.  Within my soul I heard, "it's not about what's on the outside.  It's about what's on the inside for my lay apostles."  Ok, Lord, I hear You.  How could I refuse the request?  

Thank you, Lord, for speaking to me with words (aka Botox!) specifically to make me hear You.  
Bonnie S.