Monday, June 7, 2010

Heavy crosses

The cross of my mother's mental illness didn't lighten with her passing. It just got replaced. I really thought I paid my dues and life would be easier after her death. But, didn't Jesus pay the ultimate dues when He died for us? For me, Bonnie, in 2010? He knew what I needed to survive in the long run . . . the love, support, and kindness of three incredible young women, my daughters. I have many weaknesses, I admit it. And I know He has given me a huge gift. My daughters are all healthy, in love, successful in their chosen careers, and lovers of Jesus Christ. If everything were to fall apart around me, I know the four of us will still be standing, holding on tight to each other. This is what makes carrying some pretty heavy crosses easier. When the weight of a cross is almost more than I can bare, I get a phone call, an email, or a note on my Facebook page from one of my girls. Jesus is always ready to lighten my load when I ask. I just need to remember to ask Him before I'm on my knees.

Thank you, Lord, for knowing me so well and loving me so much. I promise to consult You in everything, as long as you remind me!

God bless,

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Visit to Seattle lay apostle prayer group

My trip to Seattle last week included a “Meet and Greet” with the Everett, WA lay apostle prayer group. Richard, the group leader, invited my husband and I for a light meal and fellowship at his home. I had spoken to Richard several times on the phone, hearing his love for Christ and this apostolate radiate from his voice. It was no different in person. Prior to meeting with the group, I had been editing Heavenly Healing for the next printing with Jane Miller (DFOT). The section we were editing included the testimony of Yolanda T. from the state of Washington. I sent Yolanda an email asking how close she was to Seattle and invited her to join us at Richard’s. After several emails back and forth, we discovered that Yolanda attended the same church as Richard and had been wanting to join a lay apostle prayer group in her area. And, when I contacted Richard about Yolanda joining us, he knew exactly who she was and said she was one of his prayer warriors. Our Lord is at work here, uniting His lay apostles to climb the mountain together, picking up strength in each step we take.

“Consider a mountain. On that mountain is a path that has been marked out carefully for each of us by Jesus. Jesus is at the top. The world is at the bottom. If we get on that path and begin to climb, we will reach Jesus. We climb the mountain through our daily ‘yes’ to Jesus.” Climbing the Mountain, Page 5, Anne, a lay apostle

Thank you, Lord, for placing lay apostles in my life. With each person I meet, my love for You and Your mercy deepens more than I could have ever imagined.

God bless,

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

March for Life, Washington, DC 2010

There are two words that come to mind when I think about participating in the March for Life January 22, 2010 in Washington, D.C....humility and freedom. My oldest daughter Mallorie joined me in the march. She works and goes to grad school in D.C., close to the White House at The Institute of World Politics. With my fully stocked backpack (extra sweaters, a scarf, etc.), we headed for the metro, along with one of the interns, Pawel. The forecast was dreary...high in the 40's with a chance of rain. Not exactly the weather this Floridian wants to be exposed to. Determined not to be a whiner, and comfy with my Wellies on, I was ready to brave the elements.

As we approached the crowds, some young people were handing out signs to carry once the march had started. So, Pawel and I each took one. They were two sided. One side said, "Women Do Regret Abortion" and the other, "Men Regret Lost Fatherhood." Seeing so many young people was overwhelming. (I read recently there were over 400,000 people marching that day.) A large group of women carrying signs that read, "I Regret My Abortion" made a significant impact on me. The bravery to carry that sign, announcing to the world one of the worst choices you made in your life, was humbling. Yet, their faces beamed of Christ's love and forgiveness.
Mallorie had been asked to find a friend of the Institute, the Lepanto Foundation, who had traveled here from Rome, Italy to participate in the march. After searching through the massive crowds, we saw their banner and made our way over to them. A woman representing the Foundation, Virginia, greeted us with a big smile.

The march was very peaceful with some groups singing hymns and others chanting "Pro-Life." To be in the middle of it all is an experience I will never forget and will always make an effort to participate in every chance I get. (I just pray for the ability to withstand the cold!!). I felt I was among friends. And, I was so proud of Mallorie for her commitment to Christ and her faith. I just wish the media would have portrayed the march as it truly was - beaming with so many young people, old people, women, and men who care about saving lives.

Thank you, Lord, for giving me the opportunity to experience what true humility feels like. I am forever grateful.

God bless,

Monday, January 11, 2010

Publication of Heavenly Healing

I am truly humbled with graces the Lord has so mercifully given to me despite mistakes I've made in this journey called life. As I sit today, contemplating something introspective to write, I find myself reflecting on my past. Immediately my thoughts turn to caring for my parents as each departed this earth, going Home to where they belong. At the time, my own wants and desires were on the back burner. But, it was MY choice to delay or even give thought to what I needed or aspired to in life. All I honestly cared about were: surviving each day with my sanity in check; hoping my daughters understood the importance of honoring mother and father; making sure each parent felt loved and cared for; and thankful that my sister Diane agreed to deal with vomiting as long as I dealt with bowel movements! Remembering the hard times makes where I am now seem almost...miraculous. I think if I would have known four years ago what my life would be like now, as an author, I wouldn't be as appreciative or humble as I feel now. But all my "adventures" that led up to this moment make sense. I wouldn't be who I am today were it not for the profuse craziness over the last 47 years. And for every person and every experience in the past, present and future, I thank the Lord for His abundant blessings. If He asked, I would do it all over again.

Thank you, Lord, for seeing my potential and making me live up to it on a daily basis.

God bless,