Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Lingering Flavors

Jay and I boldly disagree on two things . . . spicy food and sushi. I love both, he won't get near either. Let's talk about spicy food. The hotter the better for me. Jay doesn't see the point of burning off all your tastebuds. Early on in our relationship, we went to spend some time with his good friend Mike (shout out to Mike who reads my blog!! Hey Mike!). We went to a Mango festival in Cape Coral. As we strolled along, seeing what each vendor had to offer, I saw something I couldn't pass up! A guy selling hot sauces. From the mildest of mild to some so hot, the names alone would scare off a few "salsa" lovers. Of course, I asked him to give me his hottest. I still remember the look of disbelief on Jay's face . . . priceless! And, boy, it was HOTTTTT! But oh so good! Didn't burn off my taste buds, and the lingering flavor only complimented the mango ice cream right around the corner!

In todays Gospel (Matthew 5:13-16), Jesus asks us to never lose sight of our love for Him:

Jesus said to his disciples: “You are the salt of the earth. But if salt loses its taste, with what can it be seasoned? It is no longer good for anything but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. You are the light of the world. A city set on a mountain cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and then put it under a bushel basket; it is set on a lampstand, where it gives light to all in the house. Just so, your light must shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your heavenly Father.”

In Anne a lay apostle's book Lessons in Love, she makes it clear . . . faith in Jesus will help you weather any storm:

"Dear apostles, the struggle will continue while we remain on earth. Periodic mystical storms show that we are holding our swords and doing battle. If we had departed this place, there would be no struggle. This is so important. If we had departed this place, we would be existing in another rhythm altogether. It is for this reason, the need for struggle, that we must work continually on the concepts of this place because if we work continually, we are less likely to be bounced out of the place of the divine will by our fallen natures during a storm. In other words, the daily work gives us strength with which to navigate the violence of the storm periods. We should not be afraid of mystical storms, though they rage on. We are protected by the bedrock, even if there are times when we land so hard on it that we are bruised. It does support us. Apostles in the divine will have an obligation to provide good examples to each other and to those outside of this place. Because we serve in our humanity, it is true that we will not always set the example that either we or Jesus desires but let us strive to consider always, in our words and actions, what kind of example we are giving to others."

Lay apostles, never give up fighting for Christ. Remember all you have learned about Him through the Bible and the Volumes. Don't fade away like a wallflower when challenged on your beliefs. Stand tall and know His love will linger until the day you meet Him Face to face!

Thank you, Lord, for the consistency of Your Love. I may lose my focus once in a while, but I always come back to You!

God bless,

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