Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Grace to Love Completely

Happy New Year!!! I can hardly believe it's 2012. Seems like just yesterday my oldest daughter told me I was going to be a grandma for the first time and now my grandson is going to be here in a little over 3 months!
Reflecting back on 2011, it was a year of loss, disappointment, bad decisions, good choices, love, peace and lessons learned. But isn't life always like that? Situations can be devastating, even disastrous to my ego, my soul, my physical being. Just when I'm about to wallow is self-pity, Jesus steps in to pull me out of the muck. He picks me up, dusts me off, and redirects me back to following His path, not mine. If I continually stay focused on Jesus, my choices become His choices, which ultimately lead me to greater holiness.

 The January Monthly Message was on target, as usual!
January 1, 2012


"May the peace of heaven continually surround each of my beloved apostles. My friends, there are times when the peace of heaven must pursue you, because, despite its best efforts, you elude peace. My peace then follows you, waiting for you to pause long enough to accept it. When you bring yourself into My presence, then My peace can absorb you and saturate you so that where you go, it can follow. If you are alert to Me, you will see that others are blessed by Me through you. Dear apostles, please accept that this is happening and be reverent about what I am seeking to do. Are you with Me in this effort of renewal? Do you seriously consider that I am determined to bring light to others through you? If you will accept this more fully, I can work more freely. If you move too quickly through your days, convinced that you are not achieving as many actions and tasks as you would like, then you may be missing what is obvious to heaven, that is, that you are surrounded by grace and protected by light. When you rest into this reality, you will see how effectively I am serving the world through you. Truly, I am loving people and comforting them through your soul because each day, Heaven moves into the world through the souls of those who are willing to serve. Allow Me please, to continue, and allow Me please, to sustain you personally. It is not My plan that you become dispirited and hopeless. It is My plan that if you suffer, you suffer peacefully, confident about My presence in your cross. I want you to work calmly, confident of My effectiveness in your work. You must be brave enough to love completely, confident of the benefit the world feels because of your decision to serve Me in whatever place you have found yourself on each day. Rejoice, dear apostles. Look forward with Me to greater holiness. I will protect My plan for you, but you must make a decision to accept heaven's peace."

Thank you, Lord, for pursuing me with Your Peace! Please continue to supply me with the graces needed to be brave and love completely!

God bless,

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