Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Lent Day 22 - Law

Why did the word "law" jump out from the Gospel today? Hmmm . . . after the Comey hearing yesterday, it's hard to swallow the degree to which our country was compromised over the last 8 years. When our own FBI and NSA can't even tell the truth, it's no wonder the lawlessness has grown out of hand. It's been an education making sense of what is really taking place in DC (and the world)! But I have discovered a gold mine in truth . . . a radio show called YourVoice radio hosted by Bill Mitchell (@mitchellvii). Bill's "tweets" kept me off the edge prior to President Trump's election. His radio broadcast provided an incandescent positivity along with solid explanations as to what was actually happening (and not being covered by #FakeNews) in politics. Bill's show is comprised of extremely informed co-hosts and guests from all realms.  Real people, the #NewMedia. President Trump inherited quite a mess, but I have full confidence he is a big part of the answer. He has been chosen to restore the law in this country. As Christians, our calling is the same . . . to shine the Light of Christ to all those in darkness. Live the commandments to the best of our ability, knowing we are all imperfect and will falter at times. The "laws" of Christ are there to protect and guide us, just as the U.S. Constitution was written to safeguard every American. Obedience to the laws allows us to live the freedoms so many have died for, especially Our Savior, Jesus Christ!

In today's Gospel (Matthew 5:17-19), Jesus asks us to set a good example for others:

Jesus said to his disciples: "Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets. I have come not to abolish but to fulfill. Amen, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or the smallest part of a letter will pass from the law, until all things have taken place. Therefore, whoever breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do so will be called least in the Kingdom of heaven. But whoever obeys and teaches these commandments will be called greatest in the Kingdom of heaven."

I love Anne's quote below from Staying in Place . . . especially the implications when a law is not taken seriously:

"We cannot accuse others but excuse ourselves. We must allow for God to come through all, regardless of their condition, regardless of their wounds and fallen natures. Why is this important and why does it sound so basic? Well, it is basic. But the law of gravity is also basic, and the ramifications of that law are layered and sometimes end in tragedy when that law is ignored."

Lay apostles, today, let's focus on how we are following the laws . . . God's and our country. We must set an example of peaceful obedience, kindness replacing anger. In a world full of conflict, the laws of God and His Truth will always prevail!

Thank you, Lord, for people like Bill Mitchell who want to see prosperity and peace cultivated among Your Children.

God bless,

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