Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Children of Mexico International

Good morning lay apostles! Today is Ash Wednesday and what better time to contemplate how to use the gifts God has blessed you with than to contribute time/money/prayers to a beautiful mission I learned about when writing my first book, Heavenly Healing. Margarita Fajardo gave her testimony for my book and her story was inspirational. She is one of the most humble servants of Christ I have been given the blessing of knowing. Here is a quick overview of her mission from their website:

The Children of Mexico International Story

On one of her many trips to Guadalajara, Mexico, California native and seasoned speech pathologist, Margarita Fajardo, had a life-altering experience when she visited an orphanage and met a young girl named Conchita. Conchita, born with cerebral palsy, was abandoned at the city dump.

Fortunately, a garbage collector found her and she was then given a home along with 19 other disabled children and young adults at a home called “Bienaventurados de Jesus.” The following year Margarita returned, bringing with her more therapists and equipment to help improve the lives of all the children thereby enhancing their communication skills. Thus, Children of Mexico International was created.

If you are interested in helping Margarita and her team, you can reach her at Tel: (650) 784 6092 or email:

Click on this link to download the Application to join this beautiful mission here:

God bless,

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