Monday, November 5, 2018

Gospel Thoughts Today: Be the Invitation

I cannot quote Bible verses to save my life . . . just concepts I have learned through the Word of God. So how do we become the invitation to others in search of the Truth, at times stepping out of our comfort zones? All I can tell you is how I do it . . . by acts of kindness, honesty, forgiveness, patience, love, and humility. Now, I am imperfect by all means. I am only human. But with knowledge comes the ability to understand and strive for greater awareness. The closer my relationship with Jesus, the better my ability to evangelize. What does it all boil down to? God is Love. And remember, each of us was created in His Image. So, begin with love . . . baby steps on our way to eternity!

In today's Gospel (Luke 14:12-14), Jesus directs us on the path to eternity:

On a sabbath Jesus went to dine at the home of one of the leading Pharisees. He said to the host who invited him, "When you hold a lunch or a dinner, do not invite your friends or your brothers or sisters or your relatives or your wealthy neighbors, in case they may invite you back and you have repayment. Rather, when you hold a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind;  blessed indeed will you be because of their inability to repay you. For you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous."

In Anne a lay apostle's book Staying in Place, she instructs us how to be the invitation to God's Word:

"My friends, many would-be-evangelists wonder why their efforts at times fall flat. Many others watch them and wonder why their efforts ever succeed at all. If we are teaching a foreign language, we start with small words, commonly used. If we are teaching music, we start with a simple melody, which is appealing. On a piano we identify Middle C. When we talk about our faith, that is, preach the Good News, we should begin with that which will invite, console and soothe.

God would want this. We should not begin with advanced matters before people have been given that which would cause them to fall in love with the person of Jesus Christ. If we start with teaching that leads people to believe that they will be unsuccessful at following the rules, then we know that we are doing it wrong because God created us to succeed in love. And if people are willing to contemplate God at all, then they are succeeding.

What will dispose a person to receptivity to things spiritual?
This will be different for each person, in each culture and will be dependent on an individual’s wounds. Are we willing to contemplate people in the love of Christ and accept that Jesus is the Divine Physician? If not, then we must ask ourselves if we are fit to evangelize.

What do I mean?

Well, have we honestly wondered about the wounds of others? Have we put ourselves in their shoes? Have we contemplated why someone would commit certain sins or why someone would be so adamantly opposed to our faith? To any organized religion at all? Have we looked at ourselves honestly and asked ourselves why we committed our sins in the past? What wounds were we acting out? Do we then have something in common with other sinners? If we do not see it that way, meaning, our commonality as sinners with all people, then we better be careful and leave the evangelization to others."

Lay apostles, how can you be the invitation to living a life filled with God's Love? Or, are you waiting for an invitation to experience the graces of a life dedicated to Christ? Either way, take a step in the right direction today.

Thank you, Lord, for opening my eyes to the many opportunities in each day to spread your Love! Please prompt me when I have the chance to be the invitation!

God bless,

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