Monday, September 23, 2013

Be Grateful In Everything

My grandson Colton and I have our routine three days a week. He makes a beeline for his toys when he comes in the house. Plays for a bit, then we sit down and read his books. Then it's nap time, so we sing songs until he is asleep in my arms (pure heaven!). He wakes up usually an hour later and I feed him lunch. After lunch, it's out to the tree swing in the backyard for a few minutes. During swing time, I always ask Colt if I should put a flower on Mother Mary's head (it is right next to his swing). He usually points out which flower I should use. Last week, he wanted to do it himself. As I stood above him, I had to take a picture of this beautiful sight. Every day I spend with this baby boy, the Light of Christ becomes brighter and stronger. I am so grateful for every single grace He has provided me in this life. I am especially grateful for something I longed for since Mal and Whit each got married . . . grandbabies. Throw my fiance Jay in the mix and my life is exactly where it should be.

In todays Gospel (Luke 8:16-18), Jesus shines a light on being grateful for everything:

Jesus said to the crowd: “No one who lights a lamp conceals it with a vessel or sets it under a bed; rather, he places it on a lampstand so that those who enter may see the light. For there is nothing hidden that will not become visible, and nothing secret that will not be known and come to light. Take care, then, how you hear. To anyone who has, more will be given,
and from the one who has not, even what he seems to have will be taken away.”

In the March 2012 Monthly Message, Jesus reminds us He is the Way:

"Please, dear apostles, remain faithful to Me. Allow Me to direct your contribution and you will be blessed and consoled. Through your fidelity, others will also be blessed and consoled. When we are finished with your work on earth, you will come to Me in fullness and you will understand all that I accomplished through your willingness. I will not steer you into what is bad for you but into what is good for you. Continue on in trust and be grateful that I have chosen you to serve God's Renewal." 

Lay apostles, take time to write down your blessings in this life. Are there experiences from the past judged to be disastrous which now seem to have been a blessing in disguise? Think of how God has diverted your path during times of trouble and led you to something better. How about miraculous events you never imagined possible? If you think about it . . . really think about it . . . I know your list will be long. Mine is and I see His Hand in it directing me to this point in my life. 

Thank you, Lord, for all the blessings . . . compassion for those divorced, mentally ill, or sick in body. Patience for Your timing, not mine. For friends and family who have stuck by me through thick and thin. And most importantly, for the love of an amazing Catholic man, my daughters and step-daugher, my sons-in-law and grandsons.  

God bless,

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