Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Gospel Thought Today: Signs, Signs, Everywhere a Sign

I really don't need signs anymore. But I do require a gentle "shove" in the right direction every once in a while. Jesus knows me well. He knows when I ask for help with decision-making, I need His answer to slap me in the face. If it doesn't, I vacillate back and forth trying to figure out if my thoughts are His will or my own. Ultimately, the answer lies in this . . . will my decision further His Kingdom? Or, will it make me feel better, stronger, or more loved? Pray the Litany of Humility. The answer will be crystal clear.

In today's Gospel (Luke 21:5-11), Jesus answers the "signs" question:

While some people were speaking about how the temple was adorned with costly stones and votive offerings, Jesus said, "All that you see here the days will come when there will not be left a stone upon another stone that will not be thrown down."

Then they asked him, "Teacher, when will this happen? And what sign will there be when all these things are about to happen?" He answered, "See that you not be deceived, for many will come in my name, saying, 'I am he,' and 'The time has come.' Do not follow them! When you hear of wars and insurrections, do not be terrified; for such things must happen first, but it will not immediately be the end." Then he said to them, "Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be powerful earthquakes, famines, and plagues from place to place; and awesome sights and mighty signs will come from the sky."

In Volume Three, God the Father asks us to search for signs of His Love:

"My children of the world, look for Me. Look for the signs in your world that I am present. Some would have you believe that I am no longer actively directing the outcome of this time. Children, can you believe that I would lovingly lead My children for centuries, since the beginning of the world, and then leave? Would I really turn away from My precious creatures? This idea is fooling many souls today. They proceed in their lives as though I do not exist and as though there will be no reckoning for decisions against Me, against others, and at times even against nature, as I created nature. I see all. I will judge every action. I will reward every decision made by one soul for the benefit of another. In the same way, I will challenge every decision made by one soul to the detriment of another. Children, all is being recorded. You will account for your life. I am merciful. I am merciful to a degree that will astound you. But you must allow Me to be merciful. You must accept My mercy. You cannot scorn My mercy, child. Allow Me to exercise My mercy in your life. “How must we do that, Father?” you ask. I will tell you. You must say this to Me: 'God, my Father in heaven, You are all mercy. You love me and see my every sin. God, I call on You now as the merciful Father. Forgive my every sin. Wash away the stains on my soul so that I may once again rest in complete innocence. I trust You, Father in heaven. I rely on You. I thank you. Amen.'”

Lay apostles, are you waiting for signs the end is near? Or, are you searching for signs of God's presence in our world? Live life in preparation for His second coming, not in fear of it. If you are prepared, there are no surprises. Only the joy of living for eternity with our Savior, Jesus Christ!

Thank you, Lord, for showing me the importance of living for You while on this earth. Please keep me focused on Your signs of beauty and love so graciously provided to endure this time in exile from You.

God bless,

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