Thursday, September 27, 2018

Gospel Thought Today: Don't Be Confused

Love and respect. Kindness and compassion. Faith, hope and charity. Words every person, let alone every Christian, should exude. I think some people are becoming confused, or maybe it's just plain ol' fear of not fitting in when standing up for Christ. Could it be some of our youth (or millennials as they are now called!) in this country didn't have role models practicing Christian values? What kind of examples were set or are being set for our children and grandchildren? Who is to blame for this lack of faith blatantly blasted at us on all the liberal news stations? The answer is, we only have ourselves to blame. Yes, we are influenced by our childhood. Yes, our parents unknowingly (and in some cases knowingly) contributed to how we think and assess situations, ourselves and others. But once we become adults, there are no more excuses. We can make the necessary changes needed in our lives by the choices we make every day. Let's begin today by showing no fear when protecting Our Lord's sacred name. As a matter of fact, we must stop being silent when our sweet Jesus is slandered or mocked. He is a God of mercy . . . clear up any confusion or fear within first. Pick up a Volume and get to know Him. Open the Bible to learn about His short life on this earth. Love Him as He loves us.

Today's Gospel (Luke 9:7-9) shows Herod very confused about who Jesus is . . .

Herod the tetrarch heard about all that was happening, and he was greatly perplexed because some were saying, "John has been raised from the dead"; others were saying, "Elijah has appeared"; still others, "One of the ancient prophets has arisen." But Herod said, "John I beheaded. Who then is this about whom I hear such things?" And he kept trying to see him.

In Volume Three, Our Lady teaches us to seek the good, not be confused, and trust in her Son:

"My dear souls, dedicated to Jesus, I wish to teach you more about goodness. Goodness comes from God. All goodness is rooted in heaven and blooms on earth. Your world is filled with a false goodness, that is really malice, disguised. Your world speaks of choice and lauds the choice of the individual. Well, this is fine, if a soul is choosing God. But to choose against the natural order, set down by God, is to bring the wrath of God down upon the world. These people are not working for goodness and their motives are not good. Do not feel compelled to pay homage to the modern concept of good any longer. Instead, ask the Holy Spirit to help you identify true goodness, the kind that is rooted in heaven, and the Spirit will direct you to examples. This same spirit of truth, will uncover the dark motives and malice of those who talk about good and work for bad. Now, do not be confused or concerned. When you see these individuals spouting their lies, you have felt confusion and suspicion. It is that suspicion I wish to direct your attention to. Pay attention to those feelings and trust a little bit more in your holy instincts. Look at the fruits of various campaigns. Does a certain approach bear good fruit? And by that I mean does it bring souls into a unity with each other and with the Creator? You are not secular, dear ones. Please do not try to be."

Lay apostles, don't let lies and venomous words confuse, causing doubt in God. Rely on your holy instincts as Our Lady states above. Don't react, pray for the offenders. And just remember, What Would Jesus Do?

Thank you, Lord, for patience and compassion for those spouting evil and hate. Please continue to provide me with Your shield of hope and forgiveness.

God bless,

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