Monday, December 1, 2014

Advent 2014 - Are You Paying Attention?

How prepared are you to meet your Maker? Are you scared? Fearful of dying? Feel unworthy at this point in your life? Or, complacent because you have plenty of time left to pay attention to the Word of God? Well, my friends . . . today could be our last day on this earth. And there is no better time to begin preparing than now. 

Sundays Gospel (Mark 13:13-37) . . . straight from the Lips of Our Savior:

Jesus said to his disciples: “Be watchful! Be alert! You do not know when the time will come. It is like a man traveling abroad. He leaves home and places his servants in charge, each with his own work, and orders the gatekeeper to be on the watch. Watch, therefore; you do not know when the Lord of the house is coming, whether in the evening, or at midnight, or at cockcrow, or in the morning. May he not come suddenly and find you sleeping. What I say to you, I say to all: ‘Watch!’”

In Volume Five, Jesus asks us to be accountable:

"There are many who claim to be My followers. Some follow My lead, but others do not. They follow their own will, but do so behind a guise of obedience. The reason this obedience is a guise and not a genuine obedience is because they have rejected My Church in that they feel they have a greater wisdom than the soul whom I chose to represent Me. Children of God, you are accountable."

Lay apostles, some may be asking, "Where and how do I start preparing?" For some, it will be watching a spiritual movie such as "Heaven is for Real." For others who are ready to take the next step, begin reading Volume One (free for download here) or any one of the Volumes or Heaven Speaks booklets at this link. What about spending a little time in Adoration? Attending daily Mass? Whatever you do, do something. Be prepared by paying attention!

Thank you, Lord, for giving me Your Words in the Gospel and in the Volumes. I am still a work in progress, but so much more prepared today than yesterday!

God bless,

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