Wednesday, November 26, 2014

A letter from Fr. Darragh Connolly

Want to give a shout out to DFOT for mentioning my blog!!! Thanks for all the support!

Now, a letter from our own Fr. D:

Dear lay apostles,

How the Lord has blessed all of us abundantly! We continue to watch the many great things Christ is doing through this apostolate and through the generous response to Christ's call we are all making.

Yesterday you heard from Anne about all the wonderful developments taking place in our work. I am excited most especially by the work at the abbey and the development of the Adult Faith Formation program.

Through the years we have been supported in our work by your prayers, words of encouragement and financial generosity. We continue to rely on this support and it is about this I am writing to you.

As part of our fundraising efforts we are inviting you to work with us by donating $1 a day to continue making all the many projects Anne told you about possible. If you feel called to help with this campaign please click on the link below and fill in your details.

We were advised that if 1000 lay apostles could participate by giving one dollar a day, then we could continue work at our current level. Maybe you can give .50 cents or two dollars a day. Maybe you can give more or less, but if everybody helps, the work will continue. Each one of us is giving what we can. 

Please prayerfully consider whether you and your family can make this sacrifice to help us continue our work. Also, if you know others who have the means and have been blessed by this apostolate, please invite them to join this team.
We will continue to keep you informed about the ongoing developments in the apostolate and the many wonderful things taking place. At the end of this letter you will find an update from Justin about the abbey and from Ryan about the ongoing multimedia work.

God bless you always,
Fr. Darragh

Sign up today then watch our video on the bottom!

For other donation amount
options, click here. 

P. S. Below are some other examples of the endeavours of lay apostles.
• One generous lay apostle continuously spreads the messages by making them available in parishes and hospitals to give them for free.  He covers the costs of about twenty other lay apostles who are constantly giving out great quantities of the books and booklets for free in churches, prisons, hospitals, schools and street evangelization.  He has helped DFOT acquire video production equipment to make possible the production of The Mist of Mercy DVD and future DVDs like Climbing the Mountain. 
• One priest has given out thousands of Volume One's and Volume Two's to all the families in his parish during the Christmas season.   

• Another lay apostle has contacted prison chaplains in most of the federal, state and juvenile correctional facilities throughout all the United States to arrange sending Heaven Speaks booklets to the prisoners. 
• One lay apostle has faithfully made available copies of the CD audio recordings of Anne's monthly talks to be made available at the end of each of monthly prayer group meetings in Bailieborough, Ireland. 
• Another lay apostle felt called to help get the messages of the Volumes in audio format for CDs and downloadable MP3s.  He has helped provide for us the sound booth and equipment to make quality audio recordings of the Volumes.  All Volumes have now been recorded and are in the process of production.  Volume One Audio CD and Volume Two Audio CD are now available.
(above) Fr. Darragh Connolly with the Adult Faith Formation Participants

Update from Justin on the Abbey in Kilnacrott:

The property at the abbey consists of around 35 acres most of which is grass fields. Currently, there is one beautiful forest walk of mature broad leaf trees. In our desire to increase and promote the natural beauty we have come across a state grant that covers the implementation and upkeep of a forest. Our forest will consist, once again, of broad leaf trees including cherry, hazel, walnut and Norway maple. These trees, while beautiful in autumn, also will give us some produce to look forward to as nuts and berries; as well as maple syrup in the long run. The forest will come alive with deer, squirrels and birds. To increase pollination, honey bees are being established which is a win/ win for us. Establishing this forest with the honey bees is a serious commitment and we have trialed three hives and harvested our first honey crop this year!  It is exciting and we will happily keep you posted!

Update from Ryan on the Promotion of the Messages through Media:

The messages continue to go out on-line. We are thankful for lay apostles who share the messages with their friends and family through either handing out a book, sending a link to one of the volumes on-line, or even starting their own lay apostle blog (be sure to check out Bonnie's -click here ). We also get lay apostles on facebook who share images like the one below on their daily wall. People can click the image and then find out more about the messages on our website. 
There is every reason to share the mission both through physical hard copies of the messages and through free digital electronic distribution. Grace by the Case also continues to move along and we have had over 20,000 volumes go out in this special way. One woman puts her extra volumes in the 'free books' section of her library. Driving somewhere? We are also starting to release the volumes on CD and MP3. There are many ways to share the messages! 
After the messages are read, many lay apostles still want more! Thats  why we are also rolling out an amazing Adult Faith Formation Curriculum. Be sure to watch the latest video from our recent AFF weekend in Virginia...


watch the AFF video click above!
also please sign up for our dollar-a-day campaign

And Click below to see Bonnie's Blog


Direction For Our Times relies on donations to supplement the cost of publishing the messages. Currently, only 40% of the publishing cost is covered by the sale of the books. Thank you for your prayerful consideration. 


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