Wednesday, October 9, 2013

It's That Simple

The Itsy-Bitsy-Spider/Ring-Around-the-Rosey/One-Two-Buckle-My-Shoe combo I use to sing Colton to sleep is beginning to lose its effectiveness. So I started singing the "Our Father" (our Church's version!) followed by ten Hail Mary's (my own melody!). Works like a charm. These prayers are so simple but say so much. I want Colton to know them well. 

In todays Gospel (Luke 11:1-4), Jesus tells us exactly what to pray . . . He couldn't be more direct:

Jesus was praying in a certain place, and when he had finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray just as John taught his disciples.” He said to them, “When you pray, say:

Father, hallowed be your name, your Kingdom come. Give us each day our daily bread and forgive us our sins for we ourselves forgive everyone in debt to us, and do not subject us to the final test.”

In Volume One, our Blessed Mother encourages us to pray, always:

"Pray more, even when you do not feel like praying. Pray always, even if it is just a simple sentence, a simple thought. We are slaves to your prayers, my dear little struggling souls. We hear a plea from you and we hasten to provide every assistance. Look closely for the answers to your prayers and you will find them. Never be fooled into thinking your prayers fall on deaf ears. We work quietly and sometimes our time is not like earthly time. But we hear your pleas and share in your concerns. Be certain that we have the answers. They are here for you and we will not leave you without guidance." 

Lay apostles, we all know the Our Father and Hail Mary like the back of our hands. So when you are too tired, too upset, too (you fill in the blank), say these simple prayers. Get in the habit. Then try praying the Rosary. Don't know how to pray a Rosary? Click here to learn how. Heaven is waiting to hear from you!

Thank you, Lord, for making such a simple prayer for me to pray . . . and to teach my grandson!

God bless,


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