Pray it forward with the Volumes…
Dear lay apostle,
We want to do an exercise with you. We will call it the positive memory exercise.
Take a moment now and remember a time when you held a Volume in your hands and, reading the messages from Heaven, felt the graces attached to those words flow into you. Most of us would say we felt God was speaking directly to us or that this message had been written just for us and for our exact situation at that time.
You felt loved, you felt a new clarity, a way forward, encouraged and changed somehow. Lay apostles, these Volumes and the accompanying graces are what we have each been asked to spread. How blessed we are that we get to do this!
“Will you answer My call? I am relying on my apostles on earth to spread My words and to allow My light and love to flow back into this world.”
— Jesus, November 1, 2005 Monthly Message
And so, it is our first priority to get the books of this apostolate into the hands of those who need them.
We are constantly amazed at the ideas lay apostles come up with for getting books into the hands of others –– a family member, a colleague, a friend, or even a stranger. And we are always thinking of ways we can make it easier to get the books into your hands too.
I cannot tell you how many times someone has described their life as before reading Climbing the Mountain and after reading Climbing the Mountain. For many of us life changed when we read about heaven and purgatory, less afraid, more excited about our faith and eager to help God spread this apostolate. So now we want to offer that same life changing grace to others.
For the next three weeks, we are offering an opportunity to participate in a special project that I’m sure you will want to take advantage of.
For $149.99 you will receive two complete sets of the Volumes, one for you and one for a friend, along with one copy each of Climbing the Mountain and Transforming Grace. The price includes shipping and handling!
What a great opportunity to spread the messages and expand the apostolate!
How it works:
1. Place your order here before April 28: Pray it Forward
2. Volunteer lay apostles will assemble to lovingly pack your order on May 1st.
3. Receive two sets of Volumes – keep a set and share a set!
4. Receive Climbing the Mountain & Transforming Grace – Keep one, share the other?
As you know since the Volumes were first printed the price remained $5 but given increased printing costs and other overhead expenses since 2003 we will be raising the price to $7 after May 1, 2017. So, this is a fantastic opportunity to get your set at the old price and share the messages with a friend or family member.
As our friend Eric says 'we will pray it forward'. What does that mean? We ask God in prayer who He wants to get these books. And that is how we ‘pray it forward’. And then all together as a group we pray for everybody's book recipient. We pray for a powerful outpouring of comforting and conversion graces. Take that which comforted you and use it to comfort others.
We look forward to receiving your orders over the next 3 weeks.
Without you, this ministry is not possible. Thank you.
Fr. Darragh Connolly, Chaplain
P.S. – Don't forget! The deadline for ordering your special pack of the Volumes and the two books is April 28. We will ship your order during the week of May 1st - May 5th.
Click here to order your pack now. This offer is only available through this link or by calling us at 708-496-9300
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