Dear lay apostles,
Happy Easter to you and your family, and to your friends and all those near you. Christ is risen!
“Behold, I make all things new” Revelation 21:5
If you are like me, then you take immense joy in the entire Easter season, not just Lent or Holy Week, but those wonderful days after Easter Sunday when we are filled with the mercy of Christ.
But for many of our brothers and sisters, Christ’s message seems too good to be true. Many people do not understand how important they are to God and to His plan of Renewal. “The promise of hope certainly doesn’t pertain to me. How could it? Is Christ thinking of me today, yesterday, and even before I was born? Am I truly part of His plan?”
It is almost too good to be true isn’t it? But yes, each of us is part of God’s plan every single day. He never takes His eyes off of us and our need for healing and love. God always looks first to minister to us in our own brokenness. Then his hope is that we will become evangelizers, with Him and for Him, in a world that needs immense hope.
This is not only possible, but many of you are already doing this everyday. You make small and large sacrifices, you pray fervently, you try to change hearts and minds through your example and you try to be a better person one day at a time. You believe in your heart that you are an instrument of God’s grace and want to spread His message. Many of you work with us in spreading this apostolate and its graces. We are a team and we are making a difference.
Yesterday we received an email asking for books and booklets for prisoners in Ghana, as well as children’s books. Our prison ministry chose us, for certain, rather than us choosing it. And we in the apostolate have responded, whenever and wherever we could. Those that are at the end of their rope with incarceration, depression, anxiety, family and marital troubles or even worse need the graces that flow from the writings.
You can help us reach many more people, just like yourself, by getting the Volumes in people’s hands. For example, we currently have books in French to distribute. These need a home. Can you help us to place them? They were printed by donations and we would need shipping costs and a destination. This type of partnering effort has resulted in the spread of the apostolate worldwide.
But, as always, we need your help to accomplish this and the costs are ongoing. For example, once we get the works translated we put them online for free so that people in other languages can access the writings. We are currently reaching people on every continent and 32 countries. We want to significantly expand this outreach.
Will you consider donating to the Dollar a Day Campaignevery month? Your funds will be put to immediate use reaching people far and wide in prisons, churches, hospitals, homes and businesses – wherever there is a person in need, we want to be there.
Almost everyday we hear from people, who tell us how their life has changed after reading the Volumes; that they felt God was speaking directly to them personally and intimately. We need to reach more people and we need your help to accomplish this.
Please help us reach many more people in the coming months. One dollar per day ($30 per month), or whatever you can do, will make a tremendous impact!
Donate online to the Dollar a Day Campaign.
With every blessing,
Fr. Darragh Connolly
DFOT Chaplain