It's about that time of year again . . . dusting off the blinds which probably haven't been dusted in years. Despite the fact I see the dust every day when I open the blinds, I still put off this tedious chore for another day. It builds and builds until I can't ignore it any more. And my windows are a whole other story! I have so many of them! Looking through smudged glass eventually clouds my view of the beauty in my own backyard. Guess what I'll be doing this weekend!
Lent is a time for spring cleaning our souls. We are all sinners. But our God has great mercy and love for all His children. In today's Responsorial Psalm (Ps 51:12-13) we say, "A heart contrite and humbled, O God, you will not spurn." Lines 12-13 say, “A clean heart create for me, God; renew within me a steadfast spirit. Do not drive me from before your face, nor take from me your holy spirit.” So, God can be a big softy when it comes to His children asking for forgiveness and repenting from their sins. He only wants what is best for us as any father would want for his children. As much as we may resist, His unconditional love will eventually lead us back to Him.
In Volume Two, Jesus speaks of "spring cleaning" our souls:
“I have come to cleanse souls. Much as a mother cleans her house, My child, I am cleaning and organizing your soul. If you have been away from Me, We must be busy. Events in your life, from your past, must be looked at now in a different way. This is an important task, and that is why I am spending time on it with you. Events can leave marks on your heart when you are not praying. Hence, My goal. To clean these marks and leave a heart that gives and receives love freely. When you pray, My child, I help you to sift through the experiences occurring in your life.”
I have a lot of cleaning to do. I am so very thankful Jesus is lending me a hand!
Thank you, Lord, for guiding me in the cleansing of my soul. Please help me get rid of every little speck of dirt so when I see You face to face, my soul is clean.
God bless,
Lent is a time for spring cleaning our souls. We are all sinners. But our God has great mercy and love for all His children. In today's Responsorial Psalm (Ps 51:12-13) we say, "A heart contrite and humbled, O God, you will not spurn." Lines 12-13 say, “A clean heart create for me, God; renew within me a steadfast spirit. Do not drive me from before your face, nor take from me your holy spirit.” So, God can be a big softy when it comes to His children asking for forgiveness and repenting from their sins. He only wants what is best for us as any father would want for his children. As much as we may resist, His unconditional love will eventually lead us back to Him.
In Volume Two, Jesus speaks of "spring cleaning" our souls:
“I have come to cleanse souls. Much as a mother cleans her house, My child, I am cleaning and organizing your soul. If you have been away from Me, We must be busy. Events in your life, from your past, must be looked at now in a different way. This is an important task, and that is why I am spending time on it with you. Events can leave marks on your heart when you are not praying. Hence, My goal. To clean these marks and leave a heart that gives and receives love freely. When you pray, My child, I help you to sift through the experiences occurring in your life.”
I have a lot of cleaning to do. I am so very thankful Jesus is lending me a hand!
Thank you, Lord, for guiding me in the cleansing of my soul. Please help me get rid of every little speck of dirt so when I see You face to face, my soul is clean.
God bless,