Positive people rank high in my book. Jay and I love the energy of someone who, quite obviously, is excited about their journey in life. This past weekend we attended a three-day conference called "Publish a Book and Grow Rich." We decided to attend to find out better ways to market my new book, Can You Text Me Directions? and spread the messages from this apostolate. What we went in for was not what we came out with. Yes, we have multiple new concepts on marketing, but Gerry Robert (author and international motivational speaker) blew us away. Not only is he an incredible teacher, but his energy and enthusiasm set us on fire. He gave us all the tools needed to succeed . . . and most importantly, encouragement to take the next step. How can you lose when someone is rooting for your success?
In todays Gospel (Mark 9:38-40), Jesus gives His apostles a different perspective:
In Volume Three, God the Father is our biggest cheerleader and gives us advice on success in His Eyes:
"For those souls who
are not following Me, but who understand that they must change, begin by
prayer. Pray the Lord’s Prayer, as given to you by My Son. Pray this prayer
often because through it you are acknowledging My dominion over this world.
You are giving Me the praise that justly belongs to Me. This, little soul, is an
act of humility and a good first step. Do this now and your God will stoop down to you and collect you. Do not be afraid. I am not to be feared at this
time. Pray this prayer and all will be well. Souls who are
working against Me, I speak to you now with the greatest of gravity. You know
who you are and you understand that you have pitted yourself against all that is Light. You must cease now. The time is quickly approaching when you will be compelled to abandon all hope. Read the words
of My Son in this series of revelations. He wants to rescue you. I have willed it."
Lay apostles, surround yourselves with positive people as much as possible. Let go of those toxic relationships causing you to feel bad about yourself . . . deflated. So many who feel lost, fearful or negative aren't hearing His Call to humility, joy, and love. How can you take a negative situation and make it a positive today? I am rooting for your success!
Thank you, Lord, for the positive people You have surrounded me with in my life. And, thank you for the perspective needed . . . in times negativity hits me in the face . . . to duck and move on!
God bless,
Lay apostles, surround yourselves with positive people as much as possible. Let go of those toxic relationships causing you to feel bad about yourself . . . deflated. So many who feel lost, fearful or negative aren't hearing His Call to humility, joy, and love. How can you take a negative situation and make it a positive today? I am rooting for your success!
Thank you, Lord, for the positive people You have surrounded me with in my life. And, thank you for the perspective needed . . . in times negativity hits me in the face . . . to duck and move on!
God bless,
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