Saturday, February 8, 2014

February Monthly Message

I just figured out I completely forgot to post the February Monthly Message! And such a beautiful, needed message:

From DFOT:

We continue our cycle of monthly messages for 2014 with the message from February 1, 2006 for our prayer groups and personal reflection. 

February 1, 2006 (2014)


Dearest apostle, I urge you to be little in your soul. Only in spiritual humility will you see the true state of your soul and so understand the work necessary for you to become holy. Holiness is your target. If a soul is holy, I can flow great graces through that soul into the world. Do not think about your own goals, little apostle, without checking them against My goals. In this time I require many apostles who strive to be humble. This is the opposite of what the world encourages. Do you see? Study this concept and you will see that great smallness is necessary in the Kingdom of God. Souls in heaven do not tear each other down, but build each other up. My saints in heaven seek ways to affirm the struggling souls on earth. They do not consider how to best put themselves forward, but rather how to best lift a soul toward holiness. You must be the same. I entreat you to listen to your Saviour. Strive for smallness in your service to the Kingdom. Be content to allow Me to have the glory. I will gaze into your soul and see the longing for holiness and I will make you holy, but I can only do this if you allow Me. My beloved ones, you will see in My life an example of constant patience with others. I was gentle on earth and I am still gentle. Because I am gentle, I am patient with you. You must be patient with others. You must be gentle with others. You must be forgiving of others, trusting My ability to work in the soul who allows Me freedom. If a soul is willing, I will help them. I have told you this. Trust My words and pray for each other, particularly those with whom you are called to walk during this time of transition. Dearest friends of heaven, believe Me when I tell you that all will be well. Your concern at this time should be to advance in holiness and you will only advance if you remain small. Be at peace in everything because My grace is more powerful than any bitter plans of the enemy. I am asking you to concentrate on your own movement to Me. For each apostle who gives Me their pride, I give the world My majesty, the majesty of Jesus Christ, your Returning King. 

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