Monday, February 9, 2015

A Healing Touch

Blog post from 2013 on todays Gospel:

My niece Hayley's cheer team (from Colorado) made it to nationals this year. Jay and I attended her competition over the past weekend in Orlando at MGM Studios. Jay said he had never seen so much estrogen in one place! When the time came for Hayley's team to compete, we were second row to cheer them on. They did a great job with about 40 teams in total competing. At 9:30pm the teams chosen to compete in the finals were announced . . . my niece's team not being one of them. There had to be over a thousand cheerleaders spread out across the "Indiana Jones Stunt Spectacular" arena floor. Two-thirds were bawling and the other third screaming with excitement. When my sister approached her teary-eyed daughter, Hayley melted into her arms and sobbed. There is nothing like the healing touch of a mother sometimes, right? I tried to console her the best an aunt could when I gave her a big hug and whispered in her ear how proud I was of her making nationals. She weakly smiled and said thanks. Then Jay gave her a big hug, whispering something too. After we left, discussing the "agony of defeat," we discovered we said exactly the same thing, verbatim, to her. We just smiled and continued talking about all the blessings of the day as we made our way to the tram which would carry us to our car. 

 My niece (center looking at camera) in a sea of cheerleaders!

How cool is that over Disney?

 Waiting for the Beauty and the Beast show to start!

In the Gospel (Mark 6:53-56) from 11Feb2013, all it took was faith to be healed by Jesus:

After making the crossing to the other side of the sea, Jesus and his disciples came to land at Gennesaret and tied up there. As they were leaving the boat, people immediately recognized him. They scurried about the surrounding country and began to bring in the sick on mats to wherever they heard he was. Whatever villages or towns or countryside he entered, they laid the sick in the marketplaces and begged him that they might touch only the tassel on his cloak; and as many as touched it were healed.

In the Monthly Message of December 2011, Jesus shows us we all have the capability of a healing touch:

"I am hoping that you allow Me to bring you healing, daily. I am hoping that through you I can love and heal others whom you will encounter in your daily experience. I bring you so many gifts of knowing Me, both directly and indirectly. Sometimes, I bring these gifts directly into your soul. Sometimes I send these gifts to you through the soul of another. I am saying that sometimes you will be the recipient of My gifts and sometimes you will be the one delivering My gifts. We are so united, you and I. We are together now and when you are finished on earth you will understand how closely I worked with you. You will be so happy when you understand the extent to which I blessed others through you."

Lay apostles, think back on a time you received comfort.  Maybe it was a kind gesture from a stranger. Or encouragement when you felt defeated. And, think about a time you comforted someone. It felt good, right? Each of us has the ability to heal others. There are so many opportunities every second of every day. Take the time to provide a healing touch today.  We might not cure what ails them, but we must believe we can make a difference. After all, Christ lives within us. Listen to His promptings.

Thank you, Lord, for the ability to heal others with an embrace, a kiss or a kind word. Help me to be alert to those in need, not focusing on myself.

God bless,

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