Monday, November 4, 2013

Eucharistic Day of Renewal in Florida!!

Calling all Florida (or anyone who can get here!) lay apostles!!! We have Anne a lay apostle and Father Darragh Connolly speaking in Melbourne, Florida next week, November 15th! We are so excited and thankful to lay apostle Frances Behrens for getting the Diocese of Orlando's approval in record time! Here is the event information:

Eucharistic Day of Renewal in Florida

The next Eucharistic Day of Renewal is scheduled in Melbourne, Florida. Here are the details... 

Friday - November 15th 2013 
All Faiths Center Chapel on the F.I.T Campus
150 W. University Blvd.
Time: 12 Noon - 4 Pm


For more information call Fran at 1 (321) 426-9905

Hope to see you there!

God bless,

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