Thursday, November 27, 2008

A Time For Thanksgiving

I have been an "empty nester" for almost 2 years now.  I am adjusting to the quiet life and actually enjoy it at times.  This Thanksgiving two of my daughters are not able to come home to celebrate with us.  So, this year, it's just three of us.  Last night my youngest daughter arrived as she and her sisters normally do, honking the horn relentlessly until I come running out the door to greet them.  She jumped out of her car and headed right for my outstretched arms.  Oh, what a feeling!

We entertained ourselves most of the evening creating goofy pictures of the two of us on Mac Photo Booth.  I don't think I have laughed that hard for a long time.  I went to bed last night asking the Lord how I was worthy enough to be so blessed.  My youngest was so full of joy and light it was infectious.  She gave me the laughter I missed so much and I gave her the warmth and comfort of her mother's arms.  I have so much to be thankful for.  

Thank you, Lord, for the joy, laughter and love of my daughters.  May Your light shine within each of them forever.

Bonnie S.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


When the monthly message for November 1 arrived, my stomach tensed a bit.  I reread it again.  Then, my phone rang.  "Mom," said my oldest daughter in a panicked voice.  "Did you read the monthly message from Jesus?  Does this mean Obama will be elected?"  My gut instinct as I read it for the first time duplicated my daughter's.  She is employed full time and a grad student at The Institute of World Politics in Washington, D.C.  And, I might add, a very conservative Republican.  I tried to console her, explaining it could mean any kind of change, not specifically Obama's potential presidency.  My words pacified her for the time being.  

Election night proved more challenging.  Nothing I said eased her disappointment or mine.  The next morning I located the monthly message and began to read it to her as she inched her way in D.C. traffic.  I repeated this part several times to etch it in her brain, and mine:  

In seeking the good of all of God's children, I must allow changes to come which will 
impact all of God's children.  I do this to bring about the goodness and peace I refer to but the change will be gradual in terms of the benefits to come.  Trust Me in every-

I must admit the words that once caused panic now comfort me.  Jesus continues to tell us the same thing over and over, TRUST ME!  Now, more than ever, is the time to heed His advice.

Thank you, Lord, for continually reminding me to trust You.  Bless me with the graces to pass Your peace on to others.

Bonnie S.