The cross of my mother's mental illness didn't lighten with her passing. It just got replaced. I really thought I paid my dues and life would be easier after her death. But, didn't Jesus pay the ultimate dues when He died for us? For me, Bonnie, in 2010? He knew what I needed to survive in the long run . . . the love, support, and kindness of three incredible young women, my daughters. I have many weaknesses, I admit it. And I know He has given me a huge gift. My daughters are all healthy, in love, successful in their chosen careers, and lovers of Jesus Christ. If everything were to fall apart around me, I know the four of us will still be standing, holding on tight to each other. This is what makes carrying some pretty heavy crosses easier. When the weight of a cross is almost more than I can bare, I get a phone call, an email, or a note on my Facebook page from one of my girls. Jesus is always ready to lighten my load when I ask. I just need to remember to ask Him before I'm on my knees.
Thank you, Lord, for knowing me so well and loving me so much. I promise to consult You in everything, as long as you remind me!
God bless,