My life as a lay apostle has been fruitful. Not only has my faith life grown tremendously, but the friendships I've made through writing Heavenly Healing are blessings. This morning is a shining example of God's goodness. The first time I met Judy, it was to record her testimony for the book. She lives close, so I met her for morning Mass in her parish. Little did I know when I saw this ray of sunshine she would become one of my very dear friends. A friend with the ability to understand me on a level many don't. After Mass, we decided to drive to Dunkin Donuts, the closest place to grab a cup of coffee. The connection was immediate. We talked for over 3 hours, only stopping because Judy had an appointment she was already late for. In parting, we both felt like we had known each other for decades, saying I love you to each other as we hugged goodbye. Judy volunteers full-time, glorifying God in everything she touches. She runs the parish store, serves at the local soup kitchen, leads many prayer groups, and started the first Lay Apostle prayer group in Florida. She takes on anything the Lord asks of her. She has enriched my life and filled a place in my heart that only she can fill. I am forever grateful to Our Lord and Savior for one of the truest friendships I have ever had.
Thank you, Lord, for filling the holes in my heart with friends like Judy, giving me added strength to follow in Your footsteps.
God bless,