Sunday, February 22, 2009


The Lord has a great sense of humor.  I wanted some clarity in my life.  Sitting in the small chapel of Holy Trinity Abbey in Balleyjamesduff, Ireland for New Years Eve mass, I told the Lord I was ready to see whatever He was ready to reveal to me.  Anything.  I could handle it.  Father Jarrod began mass and welcomed my husband Steve and I to the Abbey.  We had spent a few hours with Father earlier that day, eating lunch with him, Fr. Killian, and Brother Brian.  After receiving the Holy Eucharist, I returned to my pew, kneeling in prayer.  

Then, out of the blue, I hear loud and clear, "Stop the Botox."  Huh?  Where did that come from?  It was so random. I hate to admit to my vanity, but years ago a friend talked me into getting Botox in my forehead.  It took years off my aging face.  I was hooked.  Like an alcoholic needing a drink or an addict needing a fix, I faithfully got my injections every four to five months.  Now, Jesus was asking me to stop?  I began negotiating with Him - anything else, Lord, I will gladly do.  The thought of discontinuing something that made me feel better about myself was disturbing.  Maybe it wasn't Jesus talking, just my mind wandering.  Uh huh.  

The next evening we attended the monthly lay apostle prayer group at St. Anne's in Bailieboro.  This is Anne's parish and she was there to give her talk before praying the Luminous Mysteries.  I again began to pray about clarity.  Did You really want me to stop the Botox?  Then, I felt the Lord's presence.  Within my soul I heard, "it's not about what's on the outside.  It's about what's on the inside for my lay apostles."  Ok, Lord, I hear You.  How could I refuse the request?  

Thank you, Lord, for speaking to me with words (aka Botox!) specifically to make me hear You.  
Bonnie S.