Thursday, January 31, 2013

Pilgrimage to Ireland from the UK

Just received this!

Pilgrimage to Ireland from the U.K
March 6th-8th 2013 

Please join us for a pilgrimage to Ireland! This is a unique opportunity to gather in prayer, visit various sites associated with the apostolate, and learn more about what it means to be a lay apostle of Jesus Christ the Returning King. 

The pilgrimage will include: 
  • Visit to Direction For Our Times Headquarters & a talk by Anne
  • Visit to Holy Trinity Abbey in Kilnacrott
  • An Evening of Eucharistic Renewal (1st Thursday Prayer Group)
  • Individual prayer with Anne, a lay apostle (if possible)

For full cost including bus, ferry travel plus accommodation please contact: Maire McGurdy at 0044 (0)785 672 7336 or 


Nakedness in public places really bothers me. I am not a "naked" person. For example, in spas. Years ago I was redeeming a gift certificate from a well known spa close to where I live. After a wonderful massage, I decided to hit the sauna and steam rooms. First I went into the sauna, where I was alone. It was wonderful and peaceful. Then, on to the steam room. The steam was thick but I found my way to the bench where I placed the extra towel I had tucked under my arm. I was alone at first, then the door opened. To my surprise, an elderly woman walked in completely naked!  And, sat bare-fanny on the bench across from me!  As the steam dissipated, I happened to open my eyes (they were shut tight at this point!) as the steam machine began spurting, ready to release another round of thick fog.  Noticing I was not "meditating" anymore, she took it upon herself to start a conversation. In any other situation, I am open to meeting new people. But where do you look when speaking to a naked person sitting across from you? Ugh. Sheer misery for me. After discovering I wasn't much of a conversationalist, she left the steam room. I was alone again. I started thinking about this elderly woman and the freedom she must feel exposing every flaw to the world, unaffected by what others could criticize. A new sense of confidence came over me and I untucked my towel and re-tucked it around my waist (I wasn't ready for full-blown nudity). I was feeling pretty good sitting in there alone, exposed. Just as I was feeling pretty proud of myself, the door opened. I quickly readjusted my towel and headed for the door. And what do you think I walked out to see? The elderly woman sitting naked in the hot tub! Thoughts of bacteria floating around made me shudder.  I figured I was done and headed for the privacy of a bathroom stall to get dressed!

In todays Gospel (Mark 4:21-25), Jesus wants us to be comfortable proclaiming His Name, which may include exposing our flaws for the world to see. Once exposed and internally accepted, nothing can draw us away from Him:

Jesus said to his disciples, “Is a lamp brought in to be placed under a bushel basket or under a bed, and not to be placed on a lampstand? For there is nothing hidden except to be made visible;  nothing is secret except to come to light. Anyone who has ears to hear ought to hear.” He also told them, “Take care what you hear. The measure with which you measure will be measured out to you, and still more will be given to you. To the one who has, more will be given; from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away.”

In Anne a lay apostle's book Serving in Clarity, she beautifully explains why we must be aware of our nakedness and not be afraid to admit it:

"There was a story about a vain emperor. In order to gain favor with him, some unscrupulous ones persuaded the leader to proceed naked. Being a foolish man, the emperor allowed himself to be influenced by the flattery of those around him. He proceeded through his kingdom naked. Because of his power, nobody had the courage or mercy to speak the truth, which was that the emperor was wearing no clothes. Instead, they allowed him to humiliate himself. A small child with clear vision finally spoke up and said, 'The emperor is wearing no clothes.'There is a similar phenomenon in this time. Truth is often not spoken. This habit of keeping back the truth has allowed God’s enemy terrific latitude in spreading sin and immorality. In the essay entitled Common Sense, written by Thomas Paine, we read that 'a long habit of not thinking a thing wrong, gives it a superficial appearance of being right, and raises at first a formidable outcry in defense of custom.' So pervasive is this phenomenon that there is a name for it. It is called political correctness. I will take license and translate this term. Let us consider political correctness as a decision not to speak a truth if that truth will offend the sensibilities of those whose favor we seek. In other words, it would not be politically correct to share our honest feelings if our honest feelings would put us in bad favor with others. To be clear, it is not a decision to hold back the truth in order to avoid hurting the feelings of another, but a decision to hold back the truth to prevent reprisals of some kind.  Hmm. How does this compare to the Kingdom of God? The Kingdom of God, in my experience, is all about truth. This truth is not negotiable and it does not change. Bad behavior is bad behavior and a bad behavior today does not become a good behavior tomorrow when we look at the spirit of the said behavior. How could it? Sin, a decision to separate oneself from God’s will, is known as sin in God’s Kingdom and none will spend time in heaven or purgatory trying to decide if a sin was a sin. If we search high and low in the next world, we will not find political correctness. What will we find? We will find truth, which is sometimes the opposite of political correctness. From the Christian point of view, which is the point of view Christians must operate from, it is merciful to speak the truth in

Lay apostles, what do you keep hidden from the world, or even from yourself? Are you afraid if you expose your flaws you won't be loved? Are you hesitant to correct a loved one for fear they won't love you in return? Are you judging someone who has bared their nakedness, trusting in you not to judge? We are all flawed. We are all beautiful in His Eyes. Have no fear in your nakedness, lay apostles. He is our protective barrier (in other words, our towel on the bench!).

Thank you, Lord, for helping me to expose my hidden truths and not be ashamed of them. They are my experiences and the path which led me to You. 

God bless,

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Detachment is Necessary

When I was 19 years old, I rolled my Datsun B210 hatchback on a mountain pass. I was attending Western State College in Gunnison, Colorado, headed home to Denver for Spring Break. In the accident, my nose met the steering wheel . . . hard. Broke my nose in a few places, got a few stitches in my shoulder, but I was alive. Needless to say, I didn't make it home, landing in the hospital overnight. A few days later I had a doctor's appointment to remove the packing in my nose. I could finally stop mouth-breathing, despite my nasal passages still being quite swollen. A roommate suggested I use nasal spray to decrease the swelling. Man, did it clear me right up!  And then 4 hours later, stuffed up again. A week later, I couldn't live without it. I panicked if my little white bottle with the red writing wasn't within 2 feet of me. I was addicted to nose spray. A year later, my dependency lingered. The thought of quitting did cross my mind, but then it would be time for a few sprays and I wasn't willing to suffer just yet. Maybe after my wedding, I thought. I'd be starting a new life and it would be a good time to quit.  The wedding came and went. I continued to make excuses why I wasn't ready to do it. Then, a month after the wedding, I was pregnant. My doctor told me I had to quit the nose spray . . . and I almost hyperventilated. Pregnant and not being able to breathe seemed unbearable. He thankfully prescribed decongestants for comfort during withdrawal. Detachment did not go well the first week.  As time went on, day by day, it got a little easier. At one month post-nasal-spray-addiction, I was healed. Over the last 30 years, whenever I've had a stuffy nose, I think of that little white bottle with red writing.  I'm thankful it helped me through a tough time, and I am thankful I successfully detached. 

Todays Gospel (Mark 3:31-35) is at first a little surprising coming out of the mouth of our Savior.  But after contemplation, I see the value of detachment:

The mother of Jesus and his brothers arrived at the house. Standing outside, they sent word to Jesus and called him. A crowd seated around him told him, “Your mother and your brothers and your sisters are outside asking for you.” But he said to them in reply, “Who are my mother and my brothers?” And looking around at those seated in the circle he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers. For whoever does the will of God  is my brother and sister and mother.”

In Volume One, Thoughts on Spirituality, Anne shares her experience of Jesus and His detachment during her Stations of the Cross:

"On the First Station today, Jesus pointed out that when He received the death sentence and was condemned to die, He felt a momentary feeling of panic and revulsion. It was His humanity protesting at the idea of its death. He said we need to separate ourselves from the world and practice detachment from worldly things, human respect, and at times even people. We must separate because if we become too attached to these things, we cannot serve Him with completeness, which is what we are striving to obtain, completeness in Christ and in service to Christ. That is our goal, and we must set our spiritual bar very high. If we practice this, and make it a habit, we will not be disappointed or drown under the inevitable situation where the world or its people withdraw their esteem or affection from us. At times, if you are in the service of Christ, you will be attacked. When your eyes are set on heavenly things and you are detached, you will suffer the initial feeling of revulsion at this, and perhaps panic, but soon your focus will realign itself, your will will make the correction, and the attack will not disturb your peace too much. I think the great saints remained recollected in times of attack. They abhorred too much affection and ran from adulation. They knew."

Lay apostles, do you heavily rely on someone or something to make your life better? What would happen if him/her/it was taken away from you? Would you fall apart or move on? Sometimes it seems too hard to let go of something you love or feel you can't live without. The thing is, we are never alone or without help. Jesus and all of heaven are always on standby waiting to jump in and assist where we need the help. As Jesus says above, we cannot serve Him when we rely on someone or something else.

Thank you, Lord, for teaching me detachment is necessary in order to serve You completely. 

God bless,

Monday, January 28, 2013

Say What You Mean, Mean What You Say

Recently, when my oldest daughter was visiting, we began reminiscing about teenage years.  Never a dull moment with three girls! Of course, with me being the fourth female in the house, it seemed every week one of us experiencing our "monthly" visit from . . . well, you know what I mean. Someone was always a little cantankerous. Foul language was not permitted (although it would slip out once in a while with a defiant look on their faces!). But the slips of foul language didn't upset me like the phrase "I hate you." Mallorie and I laughed as she remembered my reaction when she hurled those horrible words at me the first time. She said my face got red, and in a raised voice (although she would say I was screaming!) said "I never want to hear that come out of your mouth again! You do not hate me, you love me. I am your mother!" She said my reaction to "I hate you" was the most intense reaction compared to anything she ever got in trouble for.  I know she didn't hate me. And I wanted her (and her sisters) to know we were not the kind of family who used the "hate" word. After all, hate is from the evil one. He wants nothing more than to draw you away from the love of God. I can't remember if Mal only said it that first time or used it when she really wanted to make me angry, but I know we all love each other and are as close as a mother and her daughters can be.  Remember, say what you mean. And, mean what you say.

In todays Gospel (Mark 3:22-30), Jesus warns us to be careful what we say:

The scribes who had come from Jerusalem said of Jesus,  “He is possessed by Beelzebul,” and “By the prince of demons he drives out demons.”

Summoning them, he began to speak to them in parables,  “How can Satan drive out Satan? If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. And if a house is divided against itself,  that house will not be able to stand. And if Satan has risen up against himself and is divided,  he cannot stand;  that is the end of him. But no one can enter a strong man’s house to plunder his property  unless he first ties up the strong man. Then he can plunder his house.  Amen, I say to you, all sins and all blasphemies  that people utter will be forgiven them. But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit  will never have forgiveness,  but is guilty of an everlasting sin.” For they had said, “He has an unclean spirit.” 

In the Monthly Message of July 2005, Jesus requests we lead our youth directly to Him by our actions and words:

"Today I cry out to young people. Young souls are the cherished jewels in the Kingdom of God on earth. The formation of these souls must be treated with reverence. Each individual in the Kingdom bears a responsibility to young souls, even if it is simply through setting an example of Christian living. Dear children of God, you are accountable for the impact of your actions and each sin carries an impact, however unnoticeable. Search your life and you will discover where I am asking you to assist young people. Many children live in families lacking a parent. Perhaps I am asking you to share your Christianity with those children in order to be a role model. Dear souls, in most cases, young people learn how to be adults by watching others. So your life, the model of your living out your walk with Me, has impact. Your life can be something which a child can measure sin against. Think of a holy person you knew while you were growing up. Now remember back to a time when you saw others committing acts that were unholy. Did you not recognize that these acts would not be acceptable to this holy person? Sometimes it is simply speech. There are certain people near whom you will be careful about what you say. I am asking you to become one of those people. I want others to take note of your presence and know that Jesus should not be insulted. I want others to understand that your Church should not be unjustly vilified in your presence. In short, I want others to know that when you are present, I am present. They will then use you as the standard against which they measure their actions. You must stand for Me."

Lay apostles, carefully choose your words around our young people. Every once in a while, something comes out of my mouth which I regret immediately.  And I am not a cursing person. I am working on eradicating it from my vocabulary. How about you?

Thank you, Lord, for teaching me to be careful with words. Help me to promote You with what I say, not evil's agenda. 

God bless,

Friday, January 25, 2013

Message From Fr. Darragh, Chaplain DFOT

Volume 5 letter from Fr. Darragh Connolly 

Dear lay apostles, 

Greetings in Jesus Christ the Returning King! 

We have all received so many blessings from Jesus through this apostolate. How generous the Lord is! It is a great joy for us at Direction for Our Times, to be given permission from our bishop to publish Volume 5.

We are preparing to go to print but could use your help to do so. Factually, the cost of printing Volume 5 will be $12, 200. We are grateful for all of the help we have received and rely partly on book sales and partly on donations, as you know, to cover our expenses and continue distributing books.

Despite challenging financial times, we have kept the book prices intentionally low so that we can continue to get them into the hands of many. We feel this is right because of the many testimonies that come to us from people who tell us that the Volumes and booklets describe their lives as being transformed. For every testimony of blessing we receive we know there are many more we don't hear about. 

Here is a testimony we received from a former prisoner: 

My story begins in solitary confinement in 2008. I found a copy of Heaven Speaks to Prisoners. It actually inspired me and led me to realize Christ too was a criminal. He broke the law several times in His life. One was a capitol offense. Many people have asked me what the worst part of prison is. I actually have five answers for that. Number one, witnessing a rape. Number two, watching a man die. Number three, feeling helpless no matter how much you are wronged. Number four, longing for freedom and realizing it will be years and years. And number five, solitary confinement (RHU, the hole...etc)

I actually wrote to Direction for Our Times and requested Volume One, Thoughts on Spirituality. Much to my surprise a hand written response came with the book. That one sentence, (if you need anything else let me know) changed so much. There is a moment during a person's change (rehabilitation) when there is a renewed faith in humanity. The note was signed 'Justin.' And I knew that God had gotten hold of Anne and a man named Justin and put them in my path. My spirit lifted. I had many dark thoughts in prison. Several, were during solitary confinement; we won't be discussing them here.

The darkness vanished when I got that single sentence on that single half sheet of paper. My faith in humanity had been restored. So I began to read. I noticed one thing, very quickly. Anne suffered a lot. I began to realize that I too suffer. So, I began to work in tandem with Anne. I never have written to Anne, spoken to Anne, or met Anne. But I feel connected to her deeply. Through my readings of her sufferings I learned to suffer with dignity and humility. I learned then to enjoy times of non- suffering. Then I finally learned how to apply those ebbs and flows into tandem. Especially with Anne. My hope was that, my happy(calmer) times were part of her worst and that vice versa- her being happy were because of my suffering. I thought, if I can suffer and make Anne better or happier in her life then I would gratefully go through it. I don't know if I was following what Anne wrote correctly, but I was learning a profound lesson non- the less.

During the time I was reading her books I was writing to Justin. We developed what I dubbed a 'pen-ship' calling myself "your friend in the pen." Justin encouraged me, gave me purpose, and although I love my family very deeply. Justin was a friend. A non-family person to write to. For years we wrote while my days in prison ticked by. 

In 2012 I was granted parole. I spent many hours in prayer thanking God. I went to a halfway house and immediately wrote my friend Justin. Justin was as excited as me. So on September 3rd, 2012 at 1:30pm EST I called Justin for the first time. We talked about a lot of things. I asked him how Anne was doing. He said fine. I think of Anne daily and read her writings often. The Direction for Our Times organization really should take a bow. They calmed me down, leveled me out and gave me purpose. Anne and Justin, I owe you both my freedom and my life. Thank you.

I will continue to thank you both, to my dying day. I finally got what I desired for so long. Freedom physically and freedom spiritually. Once again, thank you.

Your friend, nearly free,
Jason Stover

Jason received the prisoner booklet because a lay apostle somewhere was generous enough with their time and resources to place this booklet. We are very grateful to Jason for sharing his story and allowing us to share it with you. Through your generous support to date we have been able to keep a small staff so that we can maintain relationships such as Justin did with Jason. Please help us with our prison program. It needs significant funding since there is huge demand from prisons for our materials. More information will follow soon. 

As you are aware we have translated the writings of the apostolate into many languages. The translation process is often made possible through the generous time giving of a translator who feels inspired to work with us or through the financial generosity of someone who feels inspired to fund the translation. If you would like to contribute to the process of translating Volume 5 or any of the writings of the apostolate into your language please let us know.

Whilst we are organising to print Volume 5, we are also reprinting Volumes 1, 2, 3 and 10 and many of the Heaven Speaks booklets as well as planning the printing of Anne's writings on Heaven and Purgatory in separate small books. 

May God continue to bless you and bring you closer to Him,

Fr. Darragh Connolly 

* If you feel called to help with prison ministry and outreach please contact Justin at 

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Anne's letter to lay apostles announcing Volume Five

After years of waiting for Anne's bishop to approve the printing of Volume Five (Eight is yet to be approved), the time has come. What blessings Jesus has in store for His lay apostles!

Anne's letter to lay apostles announcing Volume 5

Dear lay apostles, 

Happy greetings to you as we make our way into 2013. We at DFOT are eagerly anticipating many projects this year including the School of Holiness in Ireland, an increased presence on social media, expansion of our prison ministry and growth in the many existing works and outreaches in various countries. Additionally, we join many of you in plans for Eucharistic Days of Renewal. The written works are being used in a wide range of applications and we will do our best to help lay apostles spread God's words even further. 

In line with that goal, we bring Volume Five to publication. We do this now because we have received permission from Bishop O'Reilly to print and distribute this Volume. Volume Five will be available in early to mid February and I will be speaking about it initially at the First Thursday talk in February at St. Anne's Church in Bailieborough, County Cavan.

The richness of Volume Five is a blessing to each of us, just as all of the Volumes are blessings. The Volumes provide us with an invitation to examine what God is giving us as contemporary Catholics. The Lord has goals, my friends. We must receive this Volume as a spiritual gift and as another book of direction and instruction. Because the Volumes were recorded in sequence, we have found it helpful to re-read the section in Volume Four called 'Jesus the King' before reading Volume Five. We offer this as a suggestion. 

Lay apostles, we have all benefitted greatly from the graces and teachings God has given us. No doubt God is looking for a response from us in our prayer lives, vocations and our personal relationships with our parishes, dioceses and our beautiful Church.

I feel grateful that the Lord brings this book out at this time because it is one more task accomplished for heaven. It is my hope that each lay apostle will receive this book with enormous gratitude for the growth he or she has experienced in the time between when we picked up our first Volume to this time, now, when we pick up Volume Five.

With love from your sister in Christ, 

Anne, a lay apostle 
Cavan, Ireland 

                                                           From Volume Five 

May 25, 2004 Jesus
Jesus the Redeemer
"When souls criticise My Church and it's leaders, you must direct them to Me. They should never spread disunity among My followers. If they bring their concerns to Me in prayer I will give them the light to understand exactly what is happening and why it must be. I do not abandon My Church, I assure you, and those who constantly criticise its leaders are speaking with little faith because if I allowed leaders to dismantle what Peter began for Me, it would be the same as abandoning it to a flawed humanity. Be one who defends the Church. Let it be known that you will not tolerate My Church being ridiculed and vilified.... I will help you and show you how I want you to respond to attacks you witness. You must arm yourself in prayer and understand that this is a spiritual battle. I am with you and will remain with you."

May 28, 2004
Jesus the Redeemer
"Any person who makes an act of sorrow and contrition for his sins will know Me instantaneously and be the recipient of My Light and guidance. I am a God of mercy, first and foremost, but I am also a God of justice. My justice, tendered with mercy, will flow into your world. Be joyful, followers of heaven, for your prayer will be answered and your souls liberated."

May 17th, 2004
Jesus the Redeemer

"It is important that you, children of the earth, understand that you are not suffering alone. It is also important that you understand that you have many weapons at your disposal. One of the weapons that should be utilized is the intercession of the saints who have fought these fights before you. You see, dear children, there is nothing new in your world and these struggles you contend with have been contended with in the past..."

St. Andrew the Apostle

"Souls of the earth, I am your brother. I experienced great trials for the Church. Many of us here shed blood for the Church. What we are watching now is not pleasant in that this Church we sacrificed our lives for with such conviction, is barely defended. The attacks against God's Church are constant. This is always the way, of course, because the enemy roams. But never has there been such a time when the attacks strike into the very heart of God's Church with only the barest of replies, and sometimes, no reply at all. This is not moral courage, brothers and sisters. I am Andrew and I love you all most tenderly. I am very determined to assist you and God has given me permission. You must defend your Church. I will help you. Call out to me and ask me how you should respond to a given attack. I will answer you. I will secure the necessary courage from the throne of heaven and I will fight alongside you. When you falter, I will be there. I will call out to Jesus, immediately securing additional courage and wisdom for you. I, Andrew, will defend the Church of God with you during this time. Use me. You will not be sorry you secured my help."

If you would like to pre-order Vol. 5, please click the link below:

Thank you, Lord, for preparing us with the Volumes. Volume Five only draws us closer to You, and delivers Your messages with love and clarity.

God bless,

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Seven Months Ago Today

Seven months ago today I met the love of my life. If you had told me a year ago I'd fall in love, I would have laughed, shrugging it off while stating marriage was not in the cards for me. I would have said my checklist contained too many essential qualities for any man to possess. I had some tell me with a checklist like that, I would be alone for the rest of my life. As a single lay apostle, I was perfectly ok with that. I had my grandchildren to help raise, three daughters I adored and loved spending time with, and two sons-in-law who didn't realize (prior to the babies being born!) how much they would need me . . . I was satisfied with my life. After many hours in Adoration after my divorce, Jesus knew my checklist. I trusted Him completely. I knew if anyone was to come into my life, it would be via Divine Will.  Boy is Jesus quite the matchmaker! If only I would have let Him choose the first time. But then, I wouldn't have my girls and the families they are creating. My friend Karen pointed out something very early in my relationship with Jay . . . his initials are J.C.! I tease Jay that Jesus even initialed His gift to me . . . Jay always throws his hands over his head for fear of being struck by lightening! Even though I tease him, I truly feel this is a personal gift from Him, initials and all. Trust Jesus completely and He can make anything happen! He continues to show me, on a daily basis, the rewards of faith in Him. Graces galore, lay apostles! Happy 7 month anniversary JC! 

Jay, me and grandson Connor (9 months old)

Todays Gospel (Mark 3:1-6) again proves Jesus can do anything if we believe:

Jesus entered the synagogue. There was a man there who had a withered hand. They watched Jesus closely to see if he would cure him on the sabbath so that they might accuse him. He said to the man with the withered hand, “Come up here before us.” Then he said to the Pharisees, “Is it lawful to do good on the sabbath rather than to do evil, to save life rather than to destroy it?” But they remained silent. Looking around at them with anger and grieved at their hardness of heart, Jesus said to the man, “Stretch out your hand.” He stretched it out and his hand was restored. The Pharisees went out and immediately took counsel with the Herodians against him to put him to death.

In Volume One, Jesus defines perfectly for me the love I have found with Jay:

"If you want to see examples of My love, children, before you make the decision to come back to Me, look to My chosen souls. See how they love each other and sacrifice for each other. You will not find constant harsh words and recriminations between them. You will see them bearing with each other in patience and tolerance. My chosen souls are doing their duty. That is another way to recognize them. They work in the world, they care for their family members, they tell the truth, and when they make mistakes they provide recompense. Look to the lives of My chosen souls for example. They often become bored and discouraged, like My children still wandering, but they persevere and the troublesome feelings pass. Their souls are strengthened by their triumph over these temptations. My chosen souls have troubles, just like others. But watch closely how they respond to their troubles. They help each other. They appeal to Me, their God, and they accept their crosses. You will find goodness in the eyes of My chosen souls. Do you want that to be yours? Come back to Me."

Lay apostles, are you loving as Jesus loves? Does the above quote define your relationships? Take the time to consider His Words. Become Christ-centered with every person you meet. You never know who He will send your way!

Thank you, Lord, for Jay and the love You blessed us with 7 months ago. I am in awe of the blessings happening right before my eyes . . . all because I let You have control! 

God bless,

Day of Prayer for the Unborn

(Note: I was not able to finish this post yesterday, so here it is today!)

Yesterday marked the 40th anniversary of Roe vs. Wade. A decision which has killed over 55 million babies to date . . . one of mine included. That was 32 years ago. I've thought about my child over the years . . . what she would look like, what career she would have chosen. But like so many women, I thought having a "choice" meant I would be in control of my life, my destiny. Instead of understanding God chose me to house that child within my body, I told Him I wasn't interested. Ultimately, God doesn't make mistakes. Every conception is meant to be. It's not bad luck. It's not shameful. It's life! Others may try to convince us (or it might be convincing ourselves) a child could ruin our lives. The truth is, they don't. Every parent knows the sleepless nights with a newborn eventually fade away. Lack of sleep isn't a life threatening disease. Running back and forth to dance classes, sporting events and doctor appointments will be cherished memories when your child is away at college. And the best part of raising and loving and disciplining God's little gifts to us? Grandchildren! I can't imagine life without these little boys.

In the Gospel from 22Jan2013 (Mark 2:22-28), Jesus tells us God is in control, not us:

As Jesus was passing through a field of grain on the sabbath, his disciples began to make a path while picking the heads of grain. At this the Pharisees said to him, “Look, why are they doing what is unlawful on the sabbath?” He said to them, “Have you never read what David did when he was in need and he and his companions were hungry? How he went into the house of God when Abiathar was high priest and ate the bread of offering that only the priests could lawfully eat, and shared it with his companions?” Then he said to them, “The sabbath was made for man, not man for the sabbath. That is why the Son of Man is lord even of the sabbath.”

In the booklet Heaven Speaks About Abortion, St. Mary Magdalene lovingly comforts those of us in pain:

"One of the signs that the Renewal is necessary is the number of abortions that are occurring. My dear sisters in Christ, this is an abomination. We cannot allow it to continue, neither you, nor I. We have to help our sisters to understand that there is a little life nestled in their womb, a life sent by God himself. To think any differently is to become a plaything of the devil. There must be no discussion about this point in the sense that you must never allow yourself to consider, even for a moment, that a pregnancy does not equal a life, a person, a divine plan. Do not back away from this fact, this irrefutable truth. I want to speak to women who have had abortions and allowed their children to be taken from them in this way. Dear woman, if you think you have committed a graver sin than I, you are wrong. Jesus loves me tenderly and I am a close friend to the Savior. And yet, I would repel you if you knew how I had lived a part of my life. We are all the same in that we are all sinners. Nobody in heaven looks at anyone else with anything but love and understanding. This is because we all understand that given the right set of earthly circumstances we could make grave mistakes, such as you did. Your circumstances contributed to your decision. I know this. Jesus knows this. All of heaven knows this. You must accept this, too. If you were in different circumstances, it is likely you would have made a different decision. But it is over and Jesus makes all things new. Let Him make your soul new and you will give Him far greater joy than you gave Him sorrow."

Lay apostles, if you are considering abortion, I beg you to rethink your decision. There is so much joy despite difficult circumstances. Choose life. You can get through anything. All it takes is love. And when love is present, God is present. If you've chosen abortion in the past, read the healing words from the booklet above. Click on the link to the right of this post. Ask for forgiveness and you will be forgiven. All you have to do is ask Him.

Thank you, Lord, for the healing you have bestowed upon me for the grave decision I made so many years ago. And thank you to Anne for her part of my healing. I am forever blessed.

God bless,

Monday, January 21, 2013

Letting Go of the Past

Every day is a new day . . . an opportunity to wipe the slate clean and begin again. The past two weeks have presented some challenges for Jay and me. Seems like the stronger and closer we get to each other and Christ, the attacks on both of us, together and separately, seem to appear when we least expect it. Some are surprising. Others not so much . . . even anticipated. Despite the disappointment when we are attacked, we get through it pretty quickly by talking it out and realizing hurt people hurt others. And then we have a choice to make . . . we can either prolong the hurt by revisiting the injury over and over or wipe the slate clean and begin anew. We choose to begin anew. We choose to forgive. We choose to let go of the past. And pray, pray, pray. 

In todays Gospel (Mark 2:18-22), Jesus explains He is the New Covenant (new cloth/new wine) and therefore it isn't necessary to be restricted by Old Covenant (Mosaic Law) rules such as fasting while He is on this earth:

The disciples of John and of the Pharisees were accustomed to fast. People came to Jesus and objected, “Why do the disciples of John and the disciples of the Pharisees fast,  but your disciples do not fast?” Jesus answered them, “Can the wedding guests fast while the bridegroom is with them? As long as they have the bridegroom with them they cannot fast. But the days will come when the bridegroom is taken away from them, and then they will fast on that day. No one sews a piece of unshrunken cloth on an old cloak. If he does, its fullness pulls away, the new from the old, and the tear gets worse. Likewise, no one pours new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise, the wine will burst the skins, and both the wine and the skins are ruined. Rather, new wine is poured into fresh wineskins.”

In Anne a lay apostle's book Lessons in Love, she gives good advice on how to let go of things which weigh us down:

"In order to truly enter into the heart of Jesus, we must serve Him in the way He needs us to serve. This is another way of saying that we must reduce our commitment to self-will and replace it with commitment to divine will. Often we pay lip service to this but do not really abandon our own plan. Jesus says that the door is narrow. I think that means that we cannot get through it if we are carrying too much of our own stuff. If we are laden down, we are bulky and we simply cannot squeeze through. What makes us bulky? I believe that things like attachment to the opinions of others, addictions, materialism, pride, greed, anger, holding on to hurts . . . carrying things like these add weight and girth to us. I believe that we all spend time standing outside the door knowing that we are called to enter but remaining unwilling to let go of some things. Many of us, I think, are squeezing through a little at a time, making wonderful progress by gradually letting go of the things that prevent complete entry into the Lord’s Sacred Heart. A pertinent part of that passage is the Lord’s encouraging us to make every effort. This tells us that Jesus expects us to cooperate with this process of holiness by relinquishing the things that weigh us down and recommitting daily to the duties of our vocations. We must ask the Lord to help us on each day to let go of our fears and attachments so that we can slip through this door and move into the light of the Divine Will."

Lay apostles, whether someone offended you years or even hours ago, let it go. The past is the past. Forgiving someone doesn't mean you continue to be their punching bag. Forgive and move on. Eliminate toxic people from your lives, but continue to pray for them. The difficulty in the elimination process occurs when it involves family members or friends. This is where boundaries come in. Learn from the past what behavior you will accept in the future. You will then be free to let go of your hurts and continue to focus on God's Will, receiving the joy He will bring into your life by doing so.

Thank you, Lord, for teaching Jay and me to let go of hurts and offenses quickly focusing on the joy You bring into our lives. 

God bless,

Friday, January 18, 2013

School of Holiness 2013

Just received this communication from Direction for Our Times today!! If you are a young adult or know one who would like to attend, contact information is at the end of the message. It will be one of the most memorable three weeks of your life!

Announcing the 2013 School of Holiness 

We just finished up some preliminary meetings so here comes School of Holiness 2013, June 1st- 22nd. I am happy to share with you information regarding it, and seek your assistance once again. As most of you know we had a very successful SOH last year because we were so blessed by help from all of you in the form of monetary donations and food assistance, volunteering, and special thanks to Gary Holloway who gave us 30 beds and other furniture; we are in much better shape for this summer!

The teamwork last year was humbling and we could not have done it without you; together we are getting so much done for Jesus and especially for young people!!

The School of Holiness (SOH) is held in Cavan, Ireland during the first three weeks of June. This past summer 2012 was our first time holding the SOH and it was a great success! Students who participated came from Egypt, India, USA and Ireland! These students came from all different backgrounds and different rites of the Catholic Church including Roman Catholic, Coptic Catholic, Latin rite and others. So as you can imagine this was truly a Catholic (i.e. Universal) experience.

As Anne says, each of us, simply by being lay apostles, is participating in the School of Holiness. Each day we are learning and growing in the teachings of Jesus in Scripture, in the lives of the saints, and in many ways through our trials, failures, reconciliation and perseverance towards holiness.

Since each of us is already in the School of Holiness, this School of Holiness is simply the physical manifestation of our apostolate. During this three week period we had different guest speaks come in and speak to us about the many different 'Living Streams of the Church'. This included topics such as Apologetics, the Lives of the Saints, Grace and Virtue, Marian Spirituality,Theology of the Body and many teachings from the Apostolate.

Our guest speakers included a bishop, lay people, doctors, CFR friars, TOR sisters, diocesan priests, psychotherapists and others. So we were exposed to a depth of knowledge and speakers from varied backgrounds. That was appropriate because each of our participants came from diverse backgrounds, geographically but also from diverse perceptions, understanding, and knowledge of the Catholic Church. Everyone
was learning, about each other, about the Catholic Church and her doctrine and beliefs and, I would say most especially, everyone learned about themselves. This interior knowledge was the most important thing because I believe that self-knowledge allows us to grow so much and it is true that 'God fully reveals man to himself.' So as we know ourselves, our talents and gifts, we can better use these gifts for the greater glory of God - (Ad Majorem Dei Glorium).

This is the process of holiness each of us is partaking in as we say our allegiance prayer and strive to serve heaven each moment through our smiles, laughter, work, talents and sufferings.

The School of Holiness is open to young adults. Most students are in their twenties but a few were still in their late teens. Our campus is safe, supervised and staffed.

Field trips Include:

We are again in need of financial assistance specifically for those students who can not afford the tuition for the 3 weeks. We will be posting their photos and information about each student who is seeking sponsorship. We also encourage anyone seeking financial help to contact their parish and relatives to assist them as well.

If you know someone who is interested in attending the School of Holiness 2013,
Please contact Justin Sofio in the USA office at 708-496-9300,

Call our office for cost details: 
  1. Corpus Christi Eucharistic Procession in Bailibourough
  2. Clonmacnoise, an ancient Irish monastery, JP2 visited in 1979
  3. Crogh Patrick Mountain- beautiful mountain on west side of Ireland near Clue Bay. Great hike!
  4. Down Patrick: Resting place of St. Patrick
  5. Surfing in Rossnowlagh on the beautiful coast of Ireland.
3weeks includes food, lodging and airport bus transfers plus field trips.

If you are in Ireland and can help with any of the following needed items that is appreciated:
  1. 20-30 Umbrellas
  2. 5- 10 Bicycles
  3. Water container/Dispenser with filter (large Black Berkey)
  4. Need food donated
  5. Passenger van (may as well ask, right?)
  6. 2x Washers and Dryers.
  7. Chinese lanterns

Likeminded People

Jay knows just about everyone. And everyone loves him. Along with all the love comes many invites to dinner or events just about every weekend. Recently, we were invited to dinner by a man who Jay has known for quite some time. The few interactions I have had with this man have been benign. He's not a bad person. But it seems he is only interested in talking about himself or interacting with Jay on the few times we have been together. I'm fine with that, but not someone I want to see on a continual basis. He is not a Christian (I am), says he doesn't like young children (I have my two beautiful grandsons!), and talks about tarot-card-reading kinds of things (something I avoid entirely). So, back to the invitation. When Jay forwarded the email invite to dinner, asking if I wanted to go, I didn't respond. I wanted to discuss it with him after work. And we did. Jay is the best listener. He listens to what I say, contemplates it, and delivers his take on it. We have so many wonderful Christian friends. We barely have time to nurture those friendships due to our schedules. We decided to spend our time with likeminded people. People who love Christ and who support our relationship with Christ and each other. It just makes sense. This is the time to focus on the job at hand. We have a lot of work to do lay apostles. Pray for those whose focus is on the world. Demonstrate good works. And surround yourself with people who will gladly give you a hand up on the climb to holiness.

The first reading from 17Jan2013 (Hebrews 3:7-14) encourages us to stay focused on Christ daily lest we stray from His Sacred Heart:

The Holy Spirit says: Oh, that today you would hear his voice, “Harden not your hearts as at the rebellion in the day of testing in the desert, where your ancestors tested and tried me and saw my works for forty years. Because of this I was provoked with that generation and I said, ‘They have always been of erring heart, and they do not know my ways.’ As I swore in my wrath, ‘They shall not enter into my rest.’” Take care, brothers and sisters, that none of you may have an evil and unfaithful heart, so as to forsake the living God. Encourage yourselves daily while it is still “today,” so that none of you may grow hardened by the deceit of sin. We have become partners of Christ if only we hold the beginning of the reality firm until the end.

In Anne a lay apostle's book Serving in Clarity, she offers good advice if we find ourselves questioning intentions of others:

"If one openly disobeys a Church teaching, one is in essence saying that one wants the responsibility of leadership, which God has not given. One is, through disobedience, wresting authority. I believe that God puts Church leaders in positions of responsibility with the hope that they will obey the Church authority, helping them to grow in personal holiness and furthering unity in the Church. We must accept that we may not understand everything about each directive we are called to follow. We may not have all of the facts. God treats some things on a ‘need to know’ basis. One could observe that individuals will only disobey when they feel the Church authority in their life is getting it wrong. Most of the time, perhaps, they will obey. But where does this end? And if this is the case, then nobody is in charge, least of all God. I fear that those who cut and paste in the area of obedience to the Magisterium will find themselves in a position where their peace is destroyed and their effectiveness, from heaven’s perspective, is diminished. God can’t count on them. They might obey, they might not. This disposition threatens His plan. Decisions against the Church give Satan ammunition to use against us in our movement to personal holiness, which is our base mission here on earth regardless of who we are. The enemy uses this ammunition, our uncertainty and consequent vulnerability, to teach us about arrogance and to distract us from holiness. If we make a decision against the authority of the Church, we will have to spend a lot of time justifying it. We will possibly lie awake in bed at night arguing with nobody in order to prove to ourselves that we are right. We may come to know outrage, which fuels arrogance. Yes, we will exhaust ourselves trying to convince ourselves that we are right or, at the very least, justified in our disobedience. Be alert. Satan will send people to support and encourage us in disobedience. We can always find someone who agrees with us. We must not seek the companionship of those who pull from unity with the Church. We must seek instead the counsel of those who encourage unity."

Lay apostles, take a look at the people you choose to surround yourself with. Are they likeminded? Do they promote Christian values? Or do they constantly complain about the Church? Are they leading you to a closer relationship with your spouse or significant other? Or are they dragging you out to a bar after work for one quick drink? Remember, it is a choice. So, choose your family. Choose Christ.

Thank you, Lord, for making it evident Jay and I must remain focused on You and not the world. And, thank you for giving me a partner who understands the importance of likemindedness!

God bless,

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Fear's Captive Hold

Last weekend Jay and his daughter were talking about how much fun they had lobster diving years ago. They then proceeded to try to convince me I'd love it too. Anyone who knows me well knows I am not, nor will I ever be, a scuba diver, a shark hunter, or a great fishing expert. I did conquer my fear of sharks years ago in a shark cage off the coast of Hawaii. Then, feeling I could snorkel without fear, found myself side by side with a snowflake moray eel amongst some beautiful coral. I think that was the last time I snorkeled. The thought of diving to catch lobster, holding my breath while burrowing deeper in the water, while trying not to get pinched by the lobster's claws, let alone what else is swimming around . . . well, you get the point. What am I so afraid of? What's the worst thing that could happen?  I'd get pinched by a claw? A shark comes and bites an appendage off? I drown? I say I don't fear death and I mean that. I am ready for the second coming of Our Lord if it should occur in my lifetime. I look forward to finally going back to my heavenly home one day. I will accept any outcome I experience as His Will. So . . . guess I just convinced myself to go lobster diving!  Time to brush away fear's captive hold on me.

The First Reading today (Hebrews 2:14-18) explains why we should free ourselves of fear:

Since the children share in blood and Flesh, Jesus likewise shared in them, that through death he might destroy the one who has the power of death, that is, the Devil, and free those who through fear of death had been subject to slavery all their life. Surely he did not help angels but rather the descendants of Abraham; therefore, he had to become like his brothers and sisters in every way,  that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest before God to expiate the sins of the people. Because he himself was tested through what he suffered, he is able to help those who are being tested.

In the booklet Heaven Speaks About Depression, St. Dymphna gently explains why there is no need for fear on earth:

"Do not be afraid. There is nothing that should make you be afraid. Jesus will care for your needs and you will care for His. Fear is paralyzing many on earth at this time. This brings us back to the need for the heavenly eyes. If you look at your situation and view it as heaven views it, you will understand that there is nothing on the earth that should make you fearful. You will serve for a time and then you will die in your body. This is the way it has always been. This is heaven’s plan."

Lay apostles, what is it that you fear? Loneliness? Embarrassment? Death? As St. Dymphna states above, view everything through heavenly eyes. Somehow, fearfulness seems a little immature when you think of heaven's view. So, strap on those flippers, secure your mask and snorkel, and dive in. Jesus is by your side.

Thank you, Lord, for pushing me out of my comfort zone in so many ways. In every situation I have encountered and those I will in the future, having You by my side gives me the confidence and strength to conquer any fear!

God bless,

Fame Can Get You Killed

Celebrities have it rough. The pressure from society for non-celebrities is tough enough. But to have every move photographed or videotaped would be exhausting . . . and anger-inducing. So many have turned to drugs and/or alcohol in order to calm themselves and escape. Some to the point of death . . . John Belushi, Chris Farley, Whitney Houston, and Michael Jackson, to name a few. You know what I wonder when I see these talented people literally killing themselves with abuse of substances? I wonder if God was a part of their life . . . and if things would have turned out differently if they did everything for His Glory. Famous people have the opportunity to impact so many, leading their followers to God. Instead, many demonstrate behaviors leading in the opposite direction. Think about the pressure Jesus was under. Talk about becoming famous! Yet despite the chaos, He continued on with His mission, knowing it would culminate in His Death. A death He didn't choose for Himself. A choice His "fans" made. Do you see the irony? 

The Gospel from 15Jan2013 (Mark 1:21-28) demonstrates how fast the news of good works can spread. And they killed Him because . . .  ? 

Jesus came to Capernaum with his followers, and on the sabbath he entered the synagogue and taught. The people were astonished at his teaching, for he taught them as one having authority and not as the scribes. In their synagogue was a man with an unclean spirit; he cried out, “What have you to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are–the Holy One of God!”  Jesus rebuked him and said, “Quiet! Come out of him!” The unclean spirit convulsed him and with a loud cry came out of him. All were amazed and asked one another, “What is this? A new teaching with authority. He commands even the unclean spirits and they obey him.” His fame spread everywhere throughout the whole region of Galilee.

In Anne a lay apostle's book Climbing the Mountain, the quote she shares from Father Raneiro Cantalamessa basically sums up the problem with our society:

"For almost twenty centuries, Christians have been awaiting the return of the Savior King. Even His own apostles thought they would live to see His return as He had promised. While we pray for His return as an article of faith, “Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again,” we no longer truly anticipate Jesus’ return in our hearts, but consider it an event both remote and uncertain in time. Father Raneiro Cantalamessa, preacher to the Pontifical Household, in his homily on the Feast of Christ the King, said: 'A general atmosphere of impunity is established in today’s society, in which there are competitions to break the law, to corrupt and allow ourselves to be corrupted, with the justification that ‘everyone does it.’ Is not this, in a certain  sense, the situation in which we all live? One after the other, the commandments of God are calmly broken, including the ones that say, ‘Thou shall not kill,’ ‘Thou shall not steal,’ ‘Thou shall not commit adultery,’ with the pretext that ‘everyone does it,’ that culture, progress and even human law now allow it. But God has never thought of abolishing the commandments or the Gospel, and this general feeling of security is no more than a fatal deception.'"

Lay apostles, who do you admire? They may be incredibly talented people within their field, but how do they conduct themselves in reality? Are they choosing drugs and alcohol or Christ? Are they using their fame to further His Kingdom or are they making it cool to live a Godless life? I used to give my oldest daughter a hard time about certain actors she refused to spend a dime on at the movie theater because of their liberal political views. I'm thinking she is on to something . . .

Thank you, Lord, for continually showing me unless I'm doing everything for Your Glory, it is not worth doing. 

God bless,